Legionailes'andBig Macs ousted It was a dreary week for the Witby Big Macs and the Legionaires as bodi clubs came to the end of the road, in the 1975 basebaîl season. The Big Macs, W hitbyý hiopefuls in the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association Bantam series made it to the finals only to be elirninated by Peterborough, while the' Legionaires were knocked out of further contention by Trenton in theïr quest of E.O.B.A. Peewee honours. For the Big Macs ît's ail over and the boys can start to think about skate sharpening for the hockey season whichi is comning on fast. For the Legionaires the season is not quite over as they are entered in the C.N.E. Toronto Star tourney and got off to a good dropping Oakville 5-1. After ousting Peterbor- ough to gain a berth in the E.O.B.A. Peewee finals against Trenton, the Legion- aires seemed headed in the right direction when they edged the easterners 6-5 in the opening con test of the* series played at Peel Park, a garne that went into -the eighth inning when Whitby won it on a single by Steve Gallagher who singled to get on base, stole second, rnoved to third on a passed bail and then scored on an error. Hits were scarce for the Legion- aires in the garne and it was an omen of things to corne. Mike Welling picked-up the win for Whitby, the Legionaire -lefty yielding eight hiits. The scene shiifted to Tren- ton for the second gaine and tie Legionaires appeared as if they nmight take the ganmé and the series'whien they managed to carry a 2-O lead into 'the sixth. Rick Dunphy, the Legionaires left-hander, was working on another no-hit performance when the roof fell in. Trenton came up with three runs in the bottom of the sixth to take the lead, win the game and square up the series. The Legionaires could only manage four singles off Smith in this sec- ond game with Greg Rich, Rick Dunphy, Muiray McCorkell and Grant Leitch' the only Whitby batters to hit safely. The series final was back ini Whitby. Whitby won the toss to determine the site of the odd game, but even the friendly confines of Peel Park didn't help diie Legion.aires as they bowed out with a 6-1 loss and Trenton becarne E.O.B.A. Peewee "B" Chanip- ions. Thle Whitby Big Macs had their hopes for the E.O.B.A. Bantam title dashed when they dropped two straight to Peterborough after taking the first game of the series. Coming off a successful set against Bowmanville in the semi-finals, the Big Macs appeared to have the momen- tum to carry them to another triumph when they won die the opener against Peterbor- oughi at Peel Park 5.1. Thc Big Macs found the going toughier when thc action rcsunmed two nights later at Peterborough's River- side Park. This tirne around, the Big Macs waited until the fifth to get on the board butE the Petes were already therel withi a three run lead andi when Whitby made it 3-1 in the top of the fifth, Peterbor-1 ough answered by picking up three more runs to go out in front 6- 1. The Big Macs were able to garner only eight hits off the Peterborough pitching and, coupled with their ina- bility to put their hits togeth- er,' resulted in Whitby leaving *eight men on the in first three innings. In the third the Big Macs had the bases loaded 'with none out but failed to produce a run and this means trouble. John Heaslip led the club at the plate withi two singles, while Mike Gallagher, Mark Tutton, Greg Tushinghaîn and Pete Foran each had a safety. Larry Chiizen started on the motind for Whitby, with Mark MacDonald coming on in the fourth in relief. Whien the scene shifted back to Peel Park ofl Thurs- day for the third and decid- ing ganie of the series, things picked up where they had left off two nights earlier with the Whitby bats again not producing when needed. Twice the Big Macs hiad men on second and thiird but Wee ROLAATON"405 .e . 0F WHICH AIL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE ANO TO GOVERN TMEMSELVES ACCORINGLY ANO IN omzwfý OBEDIENCE TO MER MAJESTYS WRIT 0F ELECTION, DIRECTE0 TO ME FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F Ontarîc$ IA OLLI EMANOEO AND GRANTEO FOR THE PURPOSE 0F ELECiTING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 0F ONTARIO, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 0F THE FOLLOWING: ADVANCE PO LLING FOR PENSONS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN F0111510 SUBDVISION ON THE REGULAR F0111510 DAY WILL BE HELO, AT LOCATIONS TO sE PuBLISHEO LATER, ON FRIDAY, SA TVURDA Y a nd MONDA YI SEPTEMBER 12 SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER 15 9 A.M TO 8 P.M E.D.T. 12 NOON To 9 P.M. E.D.T. REGULAR POLLING TO BE T H U R S D A Y SEPTEMBER 18, 1975 9 A.M. E.D.T. TO 8 P.M. E.D.T. NOMINATION 0F CANDIDATES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 197 5 PROXY' - 5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. -5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. -5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. failed to produce a run and the result was a 4-0 loss which gave Peterborough the E.O.B.A. Bantam B crown and ended tiie season for the' MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 8, il AM. - 4 P.M. TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 9. il A.M. - 4 P.M. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 9 P.M., E.D.T. BEAL.N FOICHNGE O ADD1IThbLIION OTELI OF VOTER] 7F GIVEI' WHITBY AUGUST 24. 1975 MS ET UNRL HETIUFNtNC OFFICER WHITBY FREE PRÉSS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1975, PAGE il Big Macs. The Whitby club wl. th a double and Fred' seerned to have peaked in the Petryshyn and Pete Foran Bowrnanvillc sertes and from each with a, single. John then on ht seenied to be down- Heaslip, Fred Petryshyn and hill as, along with their inef- Mark MacDonald ail toiled on fective bats,, they made somne the mound for the Big Macs costly miscues in the field, in an attempt to turn things and when you aren't p roduc- around but it just wasn't to ing runs you can't a fford to be, and the curtain came give any away. Whitby hit- down for the '75 edition of ters were Mark MacDonald the Big Macs. 0 LIMITED QUANTITY ON ALL ITEMS August 27 - September 2, 1975. Laurential 1200 L.M. Coiored Markers Pouch of 12 1.e79 HiIroy 200 Sheet Refi *79 Duo Tang Covers Each 010 Knee-ioh Nylon Stockings 3 pair 1100 Laurentian 1200P Coiored Penis Pouch of112 1*29 500 Sheet Refi 1099 p.ROPA i Propa P.H. 6 oz. 1.29 Bic S 59 Stickpens with 2 Free Pens in Pk. *47 Hilroy Note & Lecture Pad Each 019 New Arrid XX deodorant - Keeps you 50%/ Drier 9 oz. .1.17 Plaid Zip Top Pencil Pouch and 3 Venus Pencis 088 BOCOKAS1NEN Moyer Special Assignment Book e15 Head and Shoulders Shampoo Family Size 1023 4 Bayer Aspirin 100's *73 CrsUTohmme 0 ml. Plus, 50%/ Bonus *97 ChoiceofniMon's & Ladies TIMEX WATCHES at 15% off Suggestedilst Prîces 233 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, 3 P. M., E. D. T RE VISION 0F LIST1OF VOTERS:.THE ADDITION 0F OAIIE0 PENSONS MISSEO AT ENUMERATION, THE ADDITION OF MeVr r.MI nAr 1 VOTE PS AND THE CERTIFICATION OF PROXY CERTIFICATES. - SEPTEMBER 5. il AM. - 4 P.M. SATURDAY - SEPTEMUER 6. il A.M. - 4 P.M. - 5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 10. i1 A.M. - 4 P.M. - 5 P.M. - 9 P.M. E.D.T. ICIAL COUNT: THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST F051 EACH CANDIDATE TAKEN PROM ýTHE STATEMENT 0F THE POLI AS FREFAREL, AT EACH POLLING PLACE, WILL lAKE PLACE AT MONDAY, SEPTEM8ER 22, 1975 -10 A.M.. E.D.T. 233_BROCK STREET SOUTH. WHITBY __ ýJ tJNIER MAY ANI> AT GOD SAVE THE QUE EN DEAOL IN[ F OR PIIOXY CE Fi f IF ICA TION BY THE RE TURNING OF F l(A Fi INOTE FINAL DATE )