Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Aug 1975, p. 5

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As I sit here typing outthIis column1, suspect I1niay be making history in that 1 amn typlng my column n n this bright sunny day from the offices of the Whitby,Gazette. The Gazette was founded in. 1854*so you can 'see they have considerably mnore histýryý than, thý Whitby Fîee Press., The Gazette. offices rarnble ovdi four floors. In, a bulding which, is a stone's. throw froru the liarbour and the main bridge spanniiig both' siçIeg of the harbour. Týhe press which prints the Gazette dates back to the early W.W.II years but sîil works very well and uses what we terni in tüèe trade as"hot type". SAs for Whitby,. it is a charmlng seaside resort town which mnany years ago was known for its fishing but its main industry now is tourists and today they are here in full force. The beautiful beaches are rapidly filling even at this early hour in the morning and soon witl be littered with thousands of deck chairs andi Britishers happy to escape the heat wave whichi has settled over England for over a week now with good chances that it won't disappear for some time yet. Getting in and 'out of Whitby means driving up and down some rather staggering his and my rented car is strained to make it aitlimes but 1 have nol yet seen any- body stalled. As 1 journey up these hUIs I haveto wonder whal wàuld happen if Whitby ever got the snow and ice Whitby, Cinada gets. As a seaside resort Whitby is bristling with- shops selling souvenirs made locally anid the plastic mnade-in- Japan type. But there is a great dernand for boîli types as well as the fresh fish- which are caugt and sold daily. 9 504 was Yesterday's, erition of the Gazette cornmented on how poorly paid the fishermren are for their catches and yet how experisive it is to. buy that sanie fIsh only a few feet away in the stores. Ail you farmers take note.... your problemsseem universal. Through the window as 1 type I can clearly hear the sound of squawking seagulis who are constantly d'ârting, and swooping, ever looking for a meal of anything- .they can get. Their preser' ice has stained the roof tops white and the odd tourist eyen gets a littie of their "attention" on occasion,_ They cLn be seen squatting on top of chimineys, and even stooping into garbage cans to root outany kind of a meal they nflay be lucky enough to find. 1't's ki'nd of humourous that cans are placed ail over town to keep the litter down and along corne the seagulis looking for a meal and in doing so they llterally throw theý garbage back out of the cans'onto the street f:or the endIes5 line of cars to blow away' into cornçrs, and nooks where thie street. cleaners must dig them out, deposit, them in the canis and the whole process starts over again. ,Yesterday I jntrodùced myseif-,to Mr. William'Stater, Editçr of th&NNVýhitby -Gazette, and we ha4 a good talk about the differences and similarities of both papers and. both comrnunities. I1 was then taken on. a tour of the building and1 was, surprised to discover the paper employs 14 fi,11 ti-- staff in the building and almost anqther 16 out of the building. We even had a littie talk about how he allows his staff to go. on holidays withouit making' them write while they're away and Immediately after, he said, ",WelI, as long as you're here why not slip into the reporter's room and use one of the typewriters and dash us., off a few lines for the paper!" So you see editors are similar on both sides of the ocean. 1 1 very much doubt if a reporter frorn one Whitby paper ever sat in the office of the other and wrote columns for both so 1 consider it an honour ta be able ta do so. During iny tour of the paper 1 found ail the staff very helpful in answering ail rny questions as to how they went through the proccss of getting out the paper and I discovered tuatin hiei area of delivering the news every week on time there really isn't too rnuch difference cither. The harbour at Whitby is always full of boats, some sitting lopsided on the miud flats whien the tide is out and others on long leads which allow thcrn to rernain afloat when the tide is either in or out. Overlooking the Auto mishap kilis Whi*tbyite xamn acalrofdth and then transferred to Tor- Mary Street East, Whlitby Mr. MacMaster wvas taken onto General Hospital where kdied in -a one car acci- to Uxbridge Cottage Hospital lie wvas pronounced dead. dent near Greenbarîk last Tuesday. According to the Ontario Police, Mr. MacMaster was driving alone on Highway 12 and at high speed at about 5:45 p.ni. %hen he lost control of his 1974 Mercury Montego. After skidding onto the shoulder, the car veered across thc highiway. rollcd twicc and endcd up inl the .Inflation The neighborh*ood druggist was filling a prescription. He handed the customer a bottle with a dozen pilîs in it, and says: "That'll be $450" Mean- while the phone rings. Our neighborhood pharmicist turns to answer and the customer puts $50 on the counter and walks out. "Hey! That's fot enough," yells the druggist. Too lte. What the heck, $.40 profit is better than nothing. RSTAURAN LdeosCnjiorand Ilireiishesl 1PAINT q i WALLPAPERqq Upto050% OFF WALLPAPERS IN STOCK 20% OFF PITTSBURGH PAINTS 103 BROCK ST. SOUTH 668-1104 "AT 4 CORNERS" WHITBY FREE PjESS,WEDNPESOIAY, AUGUST 20,1975. PAGE 5 harbour as If on guard are the renriains of the Whitby Abbey and the Parlsh Church which dates back to the Il ti century and is actually older than the Abbey and ln rnuch better shape.* At p resçnt, restoration work Is golng on to save the church from the ravages of the wind and the sait air it b rlfgs but today under these beautiful. Canadian type s'unny skies the cruel sea and harsh winds,,which t1'm sure blow strongly over Whitby in the wintei months, are barèly thought of and the whoie scene here in Whitby, England is truly one whlch would enhance any postcard or calendar and one which I'm sure you would enjoy. -See you again soon frorn Whitby. GOING TO THE PLOUGIIING MATCH? V~st ur building for free draws MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin. 655-4991 ____ *@ tkesyou right to the EX. AIR CONDITIONED BUS-TRAIN SERVICE GO Buses Ieaving every hour, connecting with GO Trains at Pickering Station. HOURLY SERVICE FIRST BUS Oshawa Downtown Terminal Oshawa GO Terminal 401 & Simcoe Whitby GO Terminal 401 & Brock Ajax Shopping Centre One hour earlier, Saturdays & Labour Day One hour later on Sundays 8:2 0 a. m. 8:2 7 a. m. 8:3 4 a. m. 8:42 a. m. Arriving Exhibition hourly from 9:48 a.m. RETURN TRIPS Ieaving Exhibition Station hourly until 12 midnight. Whitby, Ajax via 401 & Baseline Connecting with GO Train aI Pickering. Gray Coach or GO Buses Leave Whitby Agency 106 Colborn&5t. Whitby GO Terminal Ajax Shopping Centre 1--! NOI fO8 ,ràc VSIU[U A.M. A.M.* A.M. -*A. M. 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 8:34 9:34 10:34 11:34 8:42 9:42 10:42 11:42 Arriving Exhibition 9:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 RETURN TRIPS: Daily service eièaving Exhibition Station every hour 4:00 p.m. to 12:01 a.m. NOTE: 6:00 p.m. Service not operating Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. NOTE: 8:00 p.m. Service not operating on Sundays. For further information cali GO Transit Oshawa Ajax 683-2000 723-2241 683-4281 Whitby 668-3746 Operated by CN, Gray Coach Lines and Travelways for the Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority

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