MAE S, WEDMESGAY, AUGusTr 13. 1515. WlIBY FREE PRES Br~kin, ~ Bylins Weil it înight ýbe too warmn for some people, and there- fore a good excuse to just sit around and try to keep cool. But for the parishioners of St. Thomas' Church on Winches-. ter it has been a time to get ready for the Fafl. A real parish effor thas been made, and the results are that the parish hiall decorations are now completed and that it is now ready for Sunday School starting in the Fail. This was, 1 believe, one of the late Frank Gardiner's projeets.... and one could cail it a tribute to a man who gave somruch of his time to others. To comnplete the decorations the A.C.W. have purchased new curtains that have a 'tree of life' design on them. Great going ail you take a break! .It would seem that we haven't ail left town this week. And if you are stil around on Saturday and Sunday, l6th and l7th of August, you may like to go along to a Garage Sale. Not too far -away..just up Way Street at number 118. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both have the chance to pick up a bargain or two. Furniture and other BROOKLINÀ household articles wlll be the order of the day, so take yourselfalong andsce what you can flnd..don't forget the early bird gets the best choice! And ail you two to six year olds...give Mom a '-cak and trot off to the Brooklin United Churchl on Tviisclay August, l4th at 2 p.n. From then until 3 pa.. ,ccvtIle a puppet show with songs and games ... andtid 1-- ri sponsored by the Brooklln Play Camp Staff. More fun t'or ail ou r young people corning Upi. iiS s sa week long event startlng Monday, Aiîguist 18 to hdy August 22nd. There are two'sessions... 9:30 - 1l1:30 a.m.. for the four to 12 year olds; and 7:30- 9:30 p.m. f'or the teens..13 years and up. It's the Daily Vacationi Bible School which wiIl be held at Meadowcrest Baptist Chutrch. It's free and it's fun. There will, as well as Bible sirfdes and study, be crafts, games, singing, swimming. hiakiig, woodwork, and a barbeque. And on the Friday eveffing, at 7:30 p.m., the whole family is invited aloing to isten to the singing and see the puppet show and to view the crafts that their offspring have produced during thc week. Don't let's hear any moans'next week that 'there's nlothing to do'. Anyone around here' attend the Mount Zion School?! If so you may be interested to know that the school is celebrating its centenary this year, and on Saturday August 16 there is to be a reunion of teachers, pupils, friends and famlies at the school. There is to be a welconie ,iiccch at 3 p.m. followed by a bake sale at 3:30 p.mi. Ai~3 xn there will be a picnic siipper (bring your owni food and chairs) and at 8:30 p.m. there is to be a varie'-y progiainnc. ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Mopi. Lf.- Sweet Pîckled COTTAGE ROUI Cryovac - $ 3 Per Lb. $$ 4 Volu. otlsfactil Yeu Soa Twice wîtti Tri,,i end Price! ROASTS 6th 6& 7t1, Rlbs ,PRIME RIB $ 1.49 Tender, Juicy Perfect for ehe Bar B Quel RIB STEAKS $1.i69 DEST BUVI - FOIL WRAP STUART HOUSE * Yrumud DEEP BROWNED MOM rmdLIBSYS i ACES BEANSM _____49Tin. 39c *UhuOIlIrhW ft ICOFFEE Margarine f aN -Lb. s1.09 Tb49 SWuM SWAN SUPRM>E SRAND f o TISUEGARBAGE tek 25 Foot Roi E9C PgATUII -W N lm Fi. 0:. L J CANADA VINEGAR 99C PEATUlI - eaNu" @aNo GREEN PEAS FLOL r.s 3i89c VU*TUI - $Y'A&x - luS x 8-ML FACIAL TISSUES 55< TANG LEMNADE '1.09 9UAUI - eSmom m LIBBY'S BEETSoior 274 raVuMI - OMU echPb POST ALPHA BITS b3 SPAGHETTI SAUCE 39c (AT FOOD STORE HOuiJM OPEN six DATS A WEEK 8:3 o..-6 p.m. EXCEPITHURS-& FR1- ,UMIÇIL9@.m.. A LA SIA Red & Wht. Hendie. OnIy Goverument Inspetd MAAPLE LIAF mf MId «id BIEF LIVER 'rend«,~ 9 HAM STEAKS MANL UF SMOKED - 10 Heat amd Bem-..1 C0 -W STEAKEITE SCHNEIDER'S 5 1-Lb. Plcg..c MUNI SIZZLERS Schn.der'a SCHNEIDER'S SNACK ROLLS o reauv ., cwckm Am 10.0.. Pb@. 69C Wel 1 guess that Is it for now. Threc more weeks and the schools reoperi!. Keep the news coming in anid enjoy the rest of the holidays. Take care arnd see you next week.. ...-number once again, 655-3750. Wide eligib le TORONTO range of -cultural tional pr * ects el ceeds of the Wir were announcec Culture and Minister Robert 1Mr.- Welch sai and community being invited ta jects ranging fr( chase of band in arranging histori He said that, ly $9 million i! available immeÉ both Wintarioa lottcry proceeds and activities w re(luire any sulD tai investment1 irange of projec 1ts ~for lottery funds A wide or tacilities. al ad rerea- Mr. Welch told the annual -ligible fo r conference of the Association he filrst pro- of Municipalities of Ontario itaro Lotery that the province expects at 1 etal Lotey least $20 million frcom the IReceanb Wintario Lottery this year. ecreaio Draws have been held every Wich: .vidal second week since May and id idîviuals the net proceeds are intended groups- are for sports, fitness, culture suggest pro- and recreation *programns and 7M the pur- faciities. istruments to Projects eligible for assis- ical displays. tance under tie programi approximnate- announced include tours by sbeing made artists and performing groups ýdiately froni within Ontario and funds and Olympic for musical instruments and s for projects major sports equipment.' vhich do flot Grants will be made only stantial capi- for a portion of the cost for buildings and will be considered on a "one, shot" basis wthn commitment for further provincial funds. He said municipal recrea- tion departmients will be eligible for grants to buy supplies and equipment to start new arts and crafts pro- grams and libraries will have additional funds to buy additional material, including foreign languages and books dt'signed for use by blind and handicapped people. Grants Up to $5,000 will be available on a matching basis for events connected with municipal anniversary or centennial celebrations and municipalities, business and industry wl be encour- aged to develop fitness pro- gram s. The minister said the grants are in addition to those now provided by the ministry fo r community centres, cultural faciities, libraries, community infor- mation centres and visual and performing artists and groups. Bihl Newman, the MPP foi Ontario South feels that "thiç c'pportunity should flot be missed by those of you in the community who may be contemplating projeets which might viery well be eligible for funding from the lottery proceeds". "I would be happy to take any request for funds through this Ontario govern- ment program to the Minister on your behaif", Mr. New- man added. ENGAGEMENT Mr. & Mrs. Edward McKim, Hallett Avenue, Whitby, are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Denise Lea to Peter Lawrence Spellenf son of Mr. & Mrs.* Thomas F. Spellen, Whitby. The wedlding will take place Saturday. September 20 at 5:00 at st. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Editor'e Quote Book Editors Quote Book To be happy, one must have a good stomach and a bad heurt. Bernard De .rDmLi VERY AT- t.Aug 16- BROWN'1S FOODMAS >TER DOTU- 5 I Pm ~l 9- amflUflDPuL- OR, a- Peme ftUeO.,speerni la Fi. 0:.Jar PURE JAMS 59.c KRAFTKOOGLE66' PURE JMS 59 Tunmi - D»0 AND O"T1 --u=**~== SUPREME KIBBLE 5-L en 79C GRNEJINCE2498<9C SHIRRIFF POTATOES 69c PMEN U $2-l6 , 7 * rFENTUNI - lnUIpr14oz. a w'w rzusiq0 SANDWICH SPREAD 77c F15116&CHIPS89c ~IVORY SOAP 4tupé65'c 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Aug14 Se