* ~ -'4, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE DNESDAYJULY 30 1915. PAGE 7 Macs Vs. Town Softbal Players anîd execu jve 11ieli bers ùf lie vAliil by MvcDonizlds Seniior 'A' hockey 10.1111 vihl square oftf agajîlst Town l iicsanid enipioyecs ' in aJ clariiy softbal galie 0on Monday. 'hle Town tean vihl ini- clude' Mayor Des Newnia,î. Cotiîicillor Gerry Emuin,. Dir- ecctor of Recreation Waynec DeVeati, Deputy Treasturer AI Clariiigbold aild five nîcii- bers oft'hle Witby Fire Departiment iiicltiding Cliief Ed-Crouchi., Memibers of the Brookiin Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc- iation wornen's auixliaiy wilI make up the unîpiring staff. A silver collection lwill be taken at the gaine and the nioney uaised will bc turned over to Muscular Dystropliy vichi lias been the pet chiar- ity o ffti re departmietnts fliroughioti the world f'or many years. Thle ganie wiII be played on the south diamiond at Centennial Park beginning at 2 p.îu. Swim tessons registration Tomorrow is the final day of registration for the Whitby Recreation Departnient's August swim tessons. Openings are available iii the Beginners, Junior, Inter- mediate R.L.S.A., and Senior categories at Kinsoien Pool. Re§stration for the Momn and Me, Shrirnp, Beginner, Survival, Senior, Bronze, Adult Aquabics and Aduhl Stroke Improvement levelsi at Iroquois Park Pool is also being taken. i Registrations for peoplel wanting to take lessons ati either site will be taken at thel Iroquois Park Swimming Pool1 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. tomor-1 row. For more inform-ation,1 contact the Whitby Recrea- tion Department at 668-5803 Saturday The biggest and most attractive downtown mal Whitby has 'ever seen is the downtown merchant's aim for County Town Carnival this year. Brock Street from Dun-. das to Coiborne Street wilJ be closed to trafflic during the afternoon of Saturday August 2, when the down- town will take on the theme of "Old McDonald's Farm". Starting at noon, Charisma the Magician wiIl be perform- ing for the children followed at 12:30 10 1 p.m. by an organ recital courtesy of the Thornas House of Music, and a bîook and ladder demon- scration hy the Whilhy Firc J)cp)aruien I lrom 1 p.rî. lo 1 : 15 P.111. AIt1lP5 p.nî. the Whiilby Lihrury wili prescihi a puppel Jîow whili iwl hc repe.tilet on 'Auge 5týhwe Il oen Our 3rd TD Branchhmi Whiby Corne (o .Our open House John May is the manager of Whitby's newest TD brandi at Dundas and Frances and he brings you over 13 years banking experience. Experience that has taught him that the best way to meetf banking needs is to be avail- able for any special bank- ing advice. Corne in and talk to John and his staff during their Open 2 House and help them A of this newest TD branch. We hope it will be the first of many conver- sations. Open House is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 5th and Wednesday,' Aug. 6th at 601 Dundas Street W. at Frances St. Our banking hours are Mon. to Wed. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,-Thurs. 10 a.m. to 5 p. m. and Fn. 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. If you need TORONTO DOMINýION the bank where people make the difference at 2:15 p.m. AI 1:30 p.m. there wiII be a children's pet show, com- piete with prizes, and at 2:30 p.m. there wiII be a fashion sho<w by the local clothing nierchants. -r<»n .3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.nî. there wiII hc 20 gamnes of Il'(ur Corner lBingo, 10 garllus lor cifsh ai 10 l'or prizes, with lue acting as caller.. n" f - Sotilii wel unze nusand u couponis wilI bc prin ted to bc cxchangcd lor hingo cards. Coupons are avaihable from downtown mercliants upon purchase of' a minimîum of $5 worth of mcrcîatndise prior louIlle mail1 day, dtrîig th1e sïocwalk Sale, sgarfliîg July 3 1. 'l'lie niali vill conclude wili au sports and rccreatioîî display by the Whlby recrea- (ion dcpartrnent froîn 4:30 .1() 5:30 p.m. Attractions at the mall will include a por trait pain (or lu) do character sketches, a wax carver, ai fish pond l'or flic childrc,î, ant iai eilldret's arl Show frl'uil Ile \'M('A Day C.11111). 'Ple picit n tes iniitliot'al Show Will he pê'sied litIllHe Baink of' IVoni Ical wiiîow (lie wvek prio>u h' Ile skId wal~îk sarle and rnsidluis ait. asked Il) caisi haulhols. hm Ile' The, sh w ili have 'à C-11111 hiié leïiîîe.' 1 IN ri ides a rou lut Ille dowuilowuî ;re.i w iili e ollr-- ed. andid ict e arc plans tiuder wav oî a possible inii- mii'uî.uIl'aun ie sel t Up. Alui eîelisive prograiît of aci ivi lies k plaîuîîîed, in Col- -.ii-urs, %wluiclu i11 lt)<berle sales. 1 '