Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1975, p. 5

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Rernenber how shockingly 1 ran down Canadians anîd Yanks last week for [ho way we have butcherod 1the Englishi language? Thîis weok 1 have the tomneriiy [o restrict imy insults to Canadians for the terrible roputation wve have. Not only do we murder the Englisli language but when we Canadians gel on the telephone wc are the gabbiest ini [lie whole world. Don't look at mie liai way, would 1 lie about a thing like this?It's truc! We have [ho repulauion of' being [tho gabbiest phono callers in the world and that deserves some sort of dubiouis recognitionî in the Guiniess book of records. The old joke about the woman wlio wenî bo answer the phono and about 15 mlinutes later returned to the living room to be asked by lier hutsband who il was and replyiîîg, "4Oh, 1 don't know. It was a wrong numiiber!" is so ituc it's ridiculous. Some of this could be [ho result of a survey once donc that recccrinmended offices make more phono calîs 10 transact tlîeir business becauise the average letter cosîs close 4 India's tourist triangle of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur bas long been a popular tourist attraction. At top left is Delhi's Qutb Minar, but in the 131h century; ai top right Is Jalpur's Palace -of thue Wlnds; and at bottom is world famous Taj Mahal, located in Agra. Th e eternal triangle India's tourist draw D ELHI, India -The expres- sion "eternai triangle" bas long been used 10 denote a love affair arnong three people. The country of India, how- ever, has an eternal triangle which neyer ends. And it also involves a love affair - but of a different nature. This affair involves visitors 10 India and their fascination with what is commonly referred 10 as the Delbi-Agra-Jaipur tri- angle. These three cubies are the most popular in India wiih North Americans. Situated in the northem part of the coun- try, the -cities form a triangle on the rnap. Although not ad- visablo because of [ho myriad of sights, they can be seen in just a few days because of the short distances involved. Delhi, Agra and Jaipur are zonnected both by rail and air, and each offers hotels and liber tourisi facilities second o none. The recently opened lark's Amber hotel in Jaipur ind the proposed Holiday Inn f Agra are just twO Çvamples Pf the deluxe accommodjation .vailable. Delhi is Jndia's capital, and iffers [tie visitor an inîeresting 1 ontrast between the old and ew pari of the city. In actual ici, no fewer than eight differ- t nthcies have been built on the r site of what, is inow Delhi. There are over a thousand monu- ments, including the Qutb Minar, a 234-foot tower built in tho 131h ceniury which many experts consider the world's mosi perfect specimen of tower architecture. Agra is the home of the world famnous Taj Mahal, built by [the Moghul emperor Shah- jahan as a monument of love 10 bis wife in the l7th century. Il is ranked as a sublime experi- once. However, the average traveller who tends [o spend only a few hours in Agra jusi looking ai the Taj us making a mistake. The golden age of the Moghuls lasted more than a century in [lus rogion, and il deserves more iban a short stop at the Taj Mahal 10 be fully appreciated. Of ils buildings. In addition 10 being a delicately beautiful City, Jaipur 15 one of the best planned cihies in India and the world. One highlight of any visit 10 Jaipur is the "Palace of the Winds", constructed s0 that ladies Of the court could ob- serve the sîreet below withouî being seen by those oulside. Anoîher highlight is an e- pliant ride up a sieep grade to the palace at Amber, seven miles c'uiside the City. to $3 by the fimie you (Igure out t he cOst ofthie stamýllp, paper and erîvelope and the boss's and seccrctiry's Uie combined. I t could ýalso'be the resuli (of' 11he ,dvertisitig by Ma Bell about hiow checap i is to use the phone and we should cali our relatives in Singapore just [o say "hi". In fact this advertismng seemns [o work so welI thîat many borcd people will tic one on, pick up [the phone anid eal anybody just to get a little cormpany. If life becornes unbearable and you need hielp from up lucre you can pick up the phono and call dial-a-prayer and get [ho spiritual guidance you need. The resuits are n't guaranteed of course s0 assuming you weren't that tickled 'vith the advice you got you cai always opt out [o end ital but belore youi do you shouid pick up tho phono and mnake one more cali. 0f course you call a distress centre and the clîarming voico on [tie other end tries [o talk you out of the deed and spend some time talking witiîthli ope that all the problerns can be worked out. lt may not happen in one or two sessions or evon ciglît or 10 s0 of course you must niake rnany more phone calls. Late on a Saturday night wMien you're with the gang and you gel hungry wliat do you do? 0f course 1 don't have to tell you [o pick up the phone and order a pizza, or ch ineso food, or a liaif dozen submarines or a bucket of chicken frorn [he "colonel". And if that isn't extensive enough you niake a call and rent the ontire collection of silverware, tables, dishes and glasses and a custom nîcal fit for a kinîg lu be paid for with a queeni's ransom. Do you know on Bay Street in Toronto there are people who buy and seli milIlions of dollars worth of stocks every day over the phono and seldomi doos money even cxciange hands and all e while the guy on thc phone is raking in enougli bread 10 pay off al] our niortgages. To accompiish this deed our spoculator suts ai a large desk armed with a Is a moped a motorcycle? Is a nîopod a bicycle or is it a junior motorcyclo? The answer makes h 111e difference [o the motorist wlîo finds [hlie ho ust share f[ho road witli tiiese motor assisted vehicles. Il is one more thing to look for -- together with motorcyclos, bicycles ollier motorists and pedostrians. True, the mnoped inay be difficult to sec. It is smialler than cillier a bicycle or a motorcycle. But with all [ho rocent press coverago gîven [lis type of vehicle, motor- ists by now sliould be familiar witith te nîoped slhiouet te. T11e Ontario Safeîy League reminds you that moped drivers are givon tho sanie privoleges as moborists and are subject to [ho same 'miues of [ho road'. Watch for [he moped and troat il like any otier vehicle - give it room. Watch for mopeds, bicycles and motorcycles wlien making both right and Ieft turns. At intersections, remnember that a moped is a slow-aceelerating vehicle -u some models must be S pedaled before tliey gain s speed and migh t also prove ad TOOTH DECAY Risk of tooth decay may depend on how often, not how much, sugar is eaten daily. Ibis a due [o the in- creased aeidity of dental plaque little wobbly at this point. Be particularly caroful of the mnoped driver whon train and' sireelcar tracks are present. Negotiaîing tracks is a hazar- dous operation with [hese vehicles - don't crowd [hemn. And when parking on a street double check for bicycles, nmopeds and motorcycles before opening your door. Research into nmotor 'cycle accidents indicates tiat miost crashies involving an auto- inobile. [ho driver of [hoe automobile is at fault. In nîlost instances, the car 15 nmaking a left iurn in front of dho motorcycle wien [ho collision occurs. Cars passing moborcycles and cutting in too quickly is [ho second miost frequent contributing cause. The sanie danger is present with [ho înoped and [ho Ontario Safety League stresses tlie need for motor- ists [o check for aIl two- wheeled vohicles before mak- ing a left or right turn. The moped driver is witli us, sharing [the roads. Ho and mlie, in tho main, are rospon- sible individuals. They noed tho co-oporation of [the each time sugar is eaten. The acidity. which can dissolve tooth enamel, remains high foi about twenty minutes. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W75-26 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT IROQUOIS PARK SWIMMING POOL - PLANTING Sealed tenders wilI be reoeived by Mr. R. A. Clarin gbold, Deputy Treasurer, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby u ntil 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 6, 1975, for the supply and planting of trees and shrubs at Iroquois Park Swimming Pool. Specifications and tender forms are available at the Municipal Office, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. Telephone 668-5803, extension 58. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily acoepted. R.A. CLARINGBOLD, DEPUTY TREASURER, TOWN 0F WHITBY. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY30 1975. PAGE 5 battery ol' phonos and the Iast thing In the world he wants is l'or old Ma Bell to go on strikc. If aIl this scems a ltle hard to swallow then you can imagine how 1 feit about two months ago when i was at a convention and during the coursc of avents 1Ihad to make, a [rp o the powder room - or whatever the maie equivalent i.As 1 was standing there attending to matters 1 was surprised, [o say [the least, to discover that right besid e the you-know-wliat was a telephone with a cord long enough [o stretch cven into [lie shower. As surprised as i was after a littile thouglit 1 began to see that somebody else obviously had the same probiems that 1 have h ad in that it seems every time I have [o make a trip and jusi get settled somebody rings me on the phone. lt's uncanny how they know the minute 1 sit down and once 1 even checked under the seat to sec if there was a hidden switch or something that told people whcn I was ihere. However, 1 just would not feel comfortable about having a telephone installed in there. First of ail you could get a few drunken friends in there making long distance phone cails to the presidont or the Prime Minister but the worst aspect about having a phono in the john would be if 1 was in there and-somnebody called and said, "Hi, there Jim old boy, wliat are you doing anyway?" What could i say? Yes we Canadians sure have a thing about telephonos. I JO, AT' Whitby Sailing Sehool The best $95 Courses stili available through October. Private instructions also available P.0. Box 515 663-4371Whitlw, J -~ ---7 THE LIQUOR [LICENCE ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Lioensing District No. 7 TAKE NOTICE that ANTONINO ALBIS of the TOWN of WHITBY in the REGION of DURHAM will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET in the CITY of PETERBOROUGH in the COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH on FRIDAY the FIFTEENTH day of AUGUST, 1975, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE, FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION 0F LIQUOR WHERE FOOD ISAVAILABLE. for the following premises: Carretto Restaurant Towrn Plaza 601 Dundas Street West Unit Il In the Town of Vhitby, Ontario. Any person who is resident in the lioensing dis- trict may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shaîl be filed with MR. I. J. SHIRLEY the Acting deputy registrar of the Iioensing district, whose address is 55 LAKE- SHORE BOULEVARD. EAST, TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5E 1ÏA4 at Ieast ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Whitby this 2lst day of JuIy, 1975. ANTONINO ALBIS Applicant 106 Byron Street, Whitby, Ontarlo. l', for less Whithv 1 j P.O. Box 515 668m4371

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