Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1975, p. 15

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WHITBY FRFE PRESS. WEDNESDA Y, JULY 30, 1975, PAGE 15 Report f rom the Legisiature BULL NEWMAN M.P.P., ONTARIO SOUTH RIDING The decision iut the Director, Eiîvironnmenlal Approvais Brandli, Ministry ut'thie Environnment, concerniligthie pro- posed waste disposaI sites in Pickering - wh ichi have beconie known as Brock Nordi and Brock Soth sites - was today conveyed to Metropolitan Toronto. After extensive review dic Brock, Nordi Site was nul approved as a sanitary landfll site. Provisional approval of die Brock South Site lias beer, granted where landfilling is restricted tu the western portion of die site and only in those areas wliere linings are not required. Approval of the Brock South Site is contingent upon Metropolitan Toronto prôviding die Director of Environ- mental Approvals progress reports every ilîrenîonths which are to include details on ground water, gas mnonitor- ing data and leachate collection. Further restrictions on tic approval were added when the Director ordered that tic disposai of industrial liquid waste; process organic waste; or septic tank pumpings would flot be permitted. As M.P.P. for Ontario Southî, and as Ontario's Enîviron- ment Minister, 1 amn satisfied that every precaution will be taken to ensure Uic safe operation of Uic Brock South Site. 1 expeet that die effective provisions attachied lu this approval will resuit in a minimum disconîfort and inconveniîence.to the residents of this area. During the course of ic discussions surrounding Uthc application for these sites 1 have been in touch wîth a nuni- ber of constituents who have expressed opposition lu approval being granted. 1 share their concern as well as the concern of others living in close proximity to sanitary landfiil sites elsewlîere. These concerfis are understood by all of uis. As Minister of Uhc Environmient, 1 have initiated a fifteen-year, 5006 million dollar prograni whiich wiIl even lu- ally reduce and almost elinîinale the need for sanitary land- MIî sites. This prograrn lhas becît dcscribed as the leading initiative in the arca of solid waste disposal not only ini Ontario, but îhroughout thc world. Unfortunately as 1 statcd in announcing tlîis prograrn, sanitary landffll sites will be rcquircd until the reclarnation . ciities are in place. L)uring thie wek uof July 21I 27, I11)75, ullicers0on t rai-" l'ie patrol at. Whilby Detacli- nment inivesl igated 47 mu tur vehlicle collisions. The major- ity (if iliese collisions were HOTELS Whitby: J.H. Frenchi and Compan3 will be inî town the week of August 4. The th ree guys and a gai will be playiîîg conmmer- ciai rock for the patrons. Central: 'Orientai Express' (no relation lu Uiceniovie) shal delight Ilîcir audiences with a variety of musical styles. Lancaster: If you enjoy good country mîusic you inighit îry Bob llamnîond and Back Country Thie trio is up from the U.S. tu enlerlaini. Genosha: A special treal is ini store as Wednesday cornes lu towri. Thîe tour irian group whlich is currcnîly enjoying rclatively goud success shaîl be in lu play Uîeirlîits for theirhonme- town f riends.1 BUILDING SUPPLIES 244 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, ONTÀRIO PH ON E 668-9391 CARNI UVL SPECIALSI LATEX PAINT INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Ga. .AVE $2eOO each CARPET LUMBER 1 Colour only level Ioop tweed 2X 4 X8 89 cents each Reg. $7.95 yd. 2X 2 X8 49 cents each 1 X 2X8 32 cents each $ 19 SAKRETE READY-MIX CONCRETE ý$2. 1980 lb. bag (save 20 centsi JUST ADD WVATER 244 B".ck$te, S.Whitby PATIO SLABS 45ç~ sq. t do a Patio 12 X 12 FOR ONLY $6480 668*9391 on lite weckeîîd. On the past weekend, 19 inotur vehiicle collisions were investigaled involving 37 veiceles. This was the resuilt to' a numiber uf' miultiple vehicle collisions un THEATRES Odeon: Tommy' will wind up this week so all you 'Who' fans better catch it while if's stili liere. "White Line Fever' wil be in to replace it. Jan- Micheal Vincent and Kaye Lenz wil do their best ho please in this fast paced thrill- er. Plaza: You guessed il friends! 'Jaws' is sîill in lown. These teethy cratures always travel by îhemselves; howevcr, this nmovie is definitely not about boan shlarks! Oshawa Centre: 'Walking Tail' and 'The Return of the Pink Pantiier' are silîl around for you who enjoy a good cry or a good laugh. Regent: Gene Hackrnan of 'French Cunnection' famne is starring in 'Night Moves'. A JAI O.P.P.Rport U-FIX IT GARAGE 161 VALLEY ROAD (reor), AJAX, ONTARIO TELEPHONE .683-0-t655 Best Qualaty Tools & Equipment FREE Pro fessional Advice Do Tour Own MOTOR JOBS BRAKE JOBS SHOCKS SPRINGS BODY WORK WELDING GRINDING Clean Heated Space 10 Bays $ 2.50 hr. Hours: MON. to FR1. 9:00 a.m. to ll:OOp.rn. SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. ta 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. to 6:OOp.m. 1lIwy. 4M1 uriiîg peaK Irai lic Conidi tions. During the week, olTicors liandled (liet'ollowiiig occuir- rences ut a general' police natuire: uone break and entcr; six inor theits in the Port Perry area; one assault; and lwo cases of maliclous dam- age lu private property. Nine impaired drivers. were arrested and two charges of being drunk in a public place were laid in the Port Perry area. OCCURRENCES 0F NOTE During the 'week, there was a break, enter and theft at the Christopher Gray resi- dence at R.R. no. 4, Port Perry, Ontario. A quantity 0f tools and window frames valued at $330 were taken. A search warrant was executed at an Oshawa residence and $60 of the stolen goods were recuvered and a suspect located. hIe investigation by Prov. Const. Ed Laats is continuing.___ What's happening TED'S FISH & CHIPS M Restaurant "The Halibut Nousel" il11 Byron Street South, Whitby 668-4301 Fish & ChipsTake Out fish (2 pieces) and chips shrimps, steak on a kaiser hamburger on a bun* sandwiches Prof inished PaneIIing 4 X 8 Sheets $40'19 We Pain# Your W bol e Car For $2000 (Customer doos sanding - masking- pays for paint & materials.) W MATERIALS & PARTS AVAILABLE CUSTOM & METAL FLAKE REFINISHINO AVAILABLE * COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE AVAILABLE M_________ At .3:10 am on July 25 Constable Murray Gordon ot Whiltby, Dctachmcint investi- gatcd a vehicele on Qucen St. in Port Pcrry. A quantity of plant substance bclicved to bc marijuana- was seized by the officer. Chargcd withi possession of a narcotie is Wilfrcd Stephens, age 19, of 271 Bigelow St., Port Perry, On.ario. Court has been set foi Ajax on August 2 1. TrwoTort Perry area men have been chiarged with obstructing Police in the execution of their duty, as a resuit- of a motor vehicle collision on March lst of this year. The conflict arose as to who was actually driving the vehicle* at the timne of the collision. Charged under Sect. 128 of the Can. Criminal Code is Wayne Edward Keehn, age 32, of 28 Caleb St., Port Perry, Ontario and Randy MacCloud, age 19, of R.R. 1 Blackstock, Ontario Court has been set for August 8, 1975. .................... .... ......... . ..... . ...... .......... ic

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