PAGE 20,WEDNESDAYOJULY 23,1976,WHITBY FREE PRESS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Lioensing District No. -7 TAKE NOTICEý that ANTONINO ALBIS of the TOWN, of WHITBY in the REGI 1ON of DURHAMý wilI make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario'to be held at the ROYAL 'CANA DIAN -LEGI1ON, 217 MURRAY STREET in.,the CITY of PETERBOROUGH in-the COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH onFRIDAY the FIFTEENTH, day of AUGUST, 1975,,at the hour, of 3:00 o'cîock in the afternoon for the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE, FOR THE SALE AND. CONSUMPTION 0OF LIQUOR WHERE FOODISAVAILABLE. for the folîowing prem 1ises: Carretto Restaurant Town Plaza 601 Dundas Street West Unit Il In the Town of Vhitby, Ontario. Any person who is resident in the Iicensing dis- trict may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shal be filed with MR. I. J. SHIRLEY the Acting deputy registrar of the ioensing district, whose address is 55 LAKE- SHORE BOULEVARD EAST, TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5E 1A4 at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Whitby this 2lst day of JuIy, 1975. ANTONINO ALBIS Applicant 106 Byron Street, Whitby, Ontario. NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT 0 ' CENTRE is proud, to invite you to see their new luneof TELEVISIONS &STEREOS Magnavox 2dagonlal vîdeomnatic Color Glonsole Elegant Breakfront Stereo wth FM/AM Radio, Phono, 8-Track Beautifuit 10 se. beautifuit b hear - this outstandîng Magnavox aven haî,,in addition to leatures abova, a buitt-ifl Matrix 4-Channel Sound Decodar. our choice ol thre auathentiic style. SAVE $$$ This datuse consola allers you outstanding furnilure styling plus advanced leaturasý 100%i solîd-stata, Vîdaomalîc On-Button Tunng, plus a Super-Bright Matrix Piclure Tuba. Your Choice oflisa stylas. SAVE$$ Magnavox 19"i diagonal Videomatic Color Tv This distinctive table modal haes uperlor slyling and aupanlor Magnavox Perlormance wlth Videonîatic and the Precialon nr-Ujne Tutbe Systam. Three styles aveilable. Remote Contrat et extra colt. SAVE $$$ Corne'in & browse & have a coffee FREE DRAW ON THE MAGNIFICENT ELECTRONIC '<, ý;MEOF"ODYSSEY" NO PURCHASE NECESSARY GAE F FITS ANY19 in. to26 in. DRAW TO TAKE PLACE ON SEPTEM BER 5,1975 NORMAN'S. ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 1218 Simcoe St. N. Osh. 579-2411, "'ÀW. Service What We SSII', Re. ep.OlympcDa Several youngsters participating in the Whitby Recreation Department's "Little Olympicsi Day" leave thie starting line during the sa'ck racé at Centen- niaI Park. The determined yçoungstersfrom Elizabeth Cresoent Park Micheal Vanderheyden, Arlene Wielinga, Evelyn Wielinga, Henry Wielinga, Bernard Pegutter and Paul Szakacsi. are, from Ieft, Brian Siessor, Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess RU128 r 11ALiE FEATURE$ YOID EP EXOEPT TDE NU PUCE 1. Padded steering wheel. 2.Electronjc tachometer. 3. Radial tires. 4. Front-wheel drive. - 5. Room for 4 aduîts. 6. Independent suspension. 7 . Rakand-pînion steering. 8. Power-assisted, front-disc brakes. 9.4-speed synchromesh transmission. 10. Rear window defroster. It*s whare the automobtie t going Merlin Auto Iti. 256 Srenf al1 St. Oshaita CANADIAN WOMAN 137 Brock St. Se#, Whitby SUMM-ER SALE i WEEKONLY July,24 ml July 31 25 % off ticket price on.ail merchandise SHORTS HA LTERS SWIMSU ITS GOWNS DRESSES SLACKS W. carry sizes 5 - 24 V Many go for big money at Whitby go-kart race, More than 200 competi- tors froffi Canada and the United State s willbe seeklng $5,000 Worth of prize money at a giant go-kart race durlng the Whitby County Town Carnivai. The top drivers'in North America. from Florida, Cail- fornila, Kentudcy and Tennes- see as well as points closer to 'Whitby, wOI be in town to compete at the Farn-fly Kart-, ways, on Hwy. 12 nlorth of Taunton RoadýAugust 2. The- preliminaries will be- gin at 1l a.m., with the final >championship race with 50 competitors taking place'at 3 p.m. lhe preliniinaries will be six t entha of a mile in length and the final race AIl be a full, two iles, says the track's owner Dick Clarke. The first piewl be $2,000 and 4,000 to 5,000 spectators are expected. Bikeriders compete In' 25-mile YMCA race Bicycle riders 'are again invited to corne out to -the County Town Carnival this year and participate In the competitions offered by the YMCA, Sunday, August 3. The feature event of the day is a 25-mile bicycle race for the Whitby Tire Trophy starting at 9 the Henry Buildali parking lot (formnerly A & P Store) on Brock Street'North. Classes are for 13 years and under, 14 to 16, and 17 and over. Starting at' 1 p.m. there will be obstacle races for children five to 13, and carniage and trike decoration contests fà ý- four years and under. There will be separate divisions for boys and girls. Ail person iterested- in entering these events are asked to call the YMCA at> 668-6868 to register 'early, or.drop in at the Centennial Building and pick up-entry forms. Parade The parade will start at 10- a.m. Sharp from thei Florence M. Heard School, AugusL 2, and follow Pine St. to Dundas; Dundas Street to Henry and Henry Street to Iroquois Park., Marsh alling should be completeu by 9:30 a.m. About 200 to 300 entry form.s have been distrihuted. by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby. Anyone wanting forms or further information on the parade should cali Will îDavidson at 579-2921 or Lorne Reid at 668-9324. Au 1~