PAOÈ 14. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16,' 283 CHEVY MOTOR - WlthI automatie transmission, asklng $100. Cail 668-7553 or 723-I 5366. 1 65 -RAMBLER MOTOR - godcondition $75. Cal! 668- 6750. SýUSPENSION HITCH -- OnU. axIle (Mini) and, torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cal 728-80)56. BICYCLE -- Boys high tise 3-speed with banana seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, also boys 3-s p ed racer in good condition $40. Cal! 668- 6083 ater 7 £.mn. - FAN - 20 in. $12; Humidifier $18.; large colcman cooler $8. Cal 668-67,79. SOFA'& CHAIR- Weil made traditional 90 inch sofa and tub chair, blue and green in colour, in good condition $250. Cail 668-ý 13 9 0.,mp 19b8 PONtIAC -Stratochief autornaic, good,,mochanical and running condition, $425 uncerti- fied. CaIl 668-7644. En WEDDING ÇOWN - Brocade, velvet, matching full Iength cape with hood, malibu -trim, size 10, -~$13S, white FOX FUR cape $75, Caîl 655-3Q09 after 6 p.m. Emp CAMERA - Mirnder Sensor- ex, 3Smm S.L.R. ýwith Taro, the lense meterig systemn, Miranda auto 28mni wide angle lense, Mit- anda auto 5Omm lense, Soligor T4 105mm lense, Solfigor T4 300 mm lense (aUIçnses with hood) Braon F280 Electrbnic flash with bracket and charger, 2 Plos ex ten- sion tube, 9 asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro bellows attach- ment, cable release and eye cup, separate leather case for camera plus a Benser leather Minolta 16 mm Minature CAMERA with, Rokker 22mm lense in case $30, POLAROIUD No. 330 camera with flash attachment, includes film and bulbs, like new $55, Blessing Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case as new, cost $550, sel! for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.m. Emp. PUMP - 'A h.p. deep well jet, and tank like new S$125 or best offer, 7 basement windows 21 X 371/2, $6 each, picture window storm 58 X 64 $30, window size could be slightly aitered. Cal 723-8220. 1975, WHITBY FREE PRIESS Forecast Period:- Juiy 20 to July 26 ARIES It's that old thing about good fortune Mar. 21-Apr. 19 traveling along strange avenues, Aryway, a reversai will take on a surprlslng twist and work out to your Ibenefit. TAURUS Do your best t'O Paint this week's events Apr. 20-May 20 with'a broad brush of optimnismn, Actually, you'l1 face a series of setbacks, especially, with the opposite sex, GEMINI You've heard of a mouse trap? Anyway, it May 21-June 20 seemns as though an associate, connected with your job, task or project, is trying to put your nose on the cheese., MOONCHILD It seems as 'though you'l bkinder onto June 21-JuIy 22 secrets that must flot be shared with anyone. What is more, -somneone in authority wlll boost your confidence. LEO 'Getting, alorig with a routine associate' July 23-ýAug. 22 cou 'Id be a problemn, this week. Remember, we're neyer treacherous, according to our. own ight. Think about it' VIRGC> By imperceptible degrees, thîngs wIllI go Aug. 23-Sept. 22 your way. In other words, you'll do a bet- ter than you think job. So, don't air a grievance. LIBRA Long terrn plans or investrnents should Sept. 23Oct. 22 show signs of paying off, during this cosrnic cycle. lt's not the time to "shift homses in m id strean. " SCORPIO Many memnbers of your slgn will foi-m a Oct. 23-Nov. 21 firrm and productive friendship, at this tîme. Getting along with people, in general, is in the scheme of things., SAGITTARIUS You'l'bhé i the mood t.o tell someone off or Nov. 22-Dec. 21 write a "'poison pen" letter. Aiso, curb the -urge to use the "needle" on your associates. CAPRICORN Most memnbers of your'sign unattached, Dec. 22-Jan. 19 cari look- for a refreshing meeting with a mebeof the opposite sex. Other Capricorns, will seek cooperation and teamwork. AQUARJUS Strange alliances and intrigues, show in Jan. 20-Feb. 18 your chart. There&s an outside possibility that you might becomne involved in a -get rich" schemne.1 PISCES This week, as your spirit sor... .so will Feb. 19-M'ar. 20' your urge to spend. It rnight seem like stock 'advice, nevertheless, keep- your budget under control.- 1 -120' Open 7 days a week Afape ie led RESTAURANT BROCk ST, N. WITBY - TEL.: 1-9461 Delicîous Canadian ond Italian Dishos OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMEN T NEW LOCATION 333 KING ST. W- 728-1671- WE FEATURE FINE PRODUCTS BY CHRYSIER Out of town reservations ealu Zenith 1-800-261-6055 ANTIQUJ urniture, efiising, Saturday- ment. ES. COLLECTIBLES MEMORAB-ILIA «fTHE ROEBUCK)P 8 Roebuck Street, Brooklin (overlooking Grassrs Park) china, glass, bookcs for collectors. Rqpus, chairs recaned etc.- Open Tuesday through evenings and Sundays by chance or appoint- __________ , jaisO DRYER $70 each. Cal! 6 67 MUSTANG - 289 fastbacl auto & power steering, new Good- year radials, excellent condition plus 22 mpg, will certify $1,400 firm, REFRIGERATOR 10 eu. ft. Inglis in new condition, war- ranty $150, WASHER Westing- 68- J BROOKLIN Prioe redluoed: Older majestic storey 3/2 frame situated on a, double lot. This house is in nice condition and has great potential. With a little imagination this could be your dream home in the village. Taxes only $360.00. WHITBY Older storey 12 situated on valuable lot 66' X 132" zoned R5. This house has been reduoed .in prioe fromn $49,500.00 to $48,000.00. Vendor wilhold lst mortgage at reasonable interest rate. Hurry on this one. Marguerite Kulik Jim Wilson 2 storey frarne and stucco eight room house. 4-pieoe and 2-piece battiroom. Sewing room, car- port at rear, double garage, built in oven and stove. House is a pleasure to show. Situated on a lot 54' X 209' with swimming pool. Asking $52,900.00. 668-7+77 121 U800M ST. Nm REALTOR TORONTO UNE - 282.004 FARMS, LAND ETCO We have farms, land and lots. for sale. Attention: Investers and land developers, don't delay, cal today 668-7777, Toronto Uine 282-1004. Patty Simpkiss Daug 'Scotty' Taylor Ernest'M. Stoneman Edward Grant WHITBX Older solid brick 3 bedroom 21/2 storey. Large famnily sized kitchen ideal for the growing-family. Separate living room and dining room. Broadlôom lots of« goodies. Priced to seil at $47,900.OP Don't delay call now. Seven roomn house approximately 1,000 square feet of additional office space. Suit professional or warehouse operation. Air conditioned. Good terms available. For further information caîl 668- 7777. NOW US'THE TIME TO BU 00I OSHAWA 668. MARE - Engllsh r1ing grade, 1 one year old quarter horge fllly, * i3/4 Charl*ls bull, one year old,, 11,000,,lbs., and Engllsh rlding saddle. Cail 263-8408. COUNTERTOP - Arborite rol double slnks and taps, L shaped 5 ft. X 10 ft. $75;acamper DOOR, and WINDOWS $65. Cal 668-4449. STEREO SET -- Panasonic re- celver, turn table, tape deck one componientwi th speakers, Asking $250. Ca1<1668-3186.- BOX TRAILER - 4 fi. X 6 ft.' $120,' large dog bouse, insulated $25.- Cal! 668-5743. BED - Double, with box springs,-> excellen.t condition, box spring 'and mattress 3, years old $50. Caîl 668-5180. AQUARIUM'- 15 gai. with aIl accessories including fish $50; aquarium with canopy $10; sand- wich grill $5'; humidifier $25. Cal 668-6644. FOUN!TAIN - A pprox. 6,1t. diameter, 4 ft tan'l $10. Cal! SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT.- girls' medium size,'3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Caîl 579- 2652; GUITAR -'ri ple pikup electric, will seli for $35, idea for rock group. Caîl 668-2860. AMPLIFIER - Vox, two 8 in. speakers, excellent volume, must seli $35, 1526 Dufferin St., $o. 2,- or cal! 668-2860. TRICYCLE - For 4-5 ya old $15, 2 doils carrnages $2 each. ÇaIl 668-554.1. 'TAPS - Set of kitchen sink taps $4, set of bathroom taps $2, interior auto.heater $4. Cal! 668- 06E05, DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piecte set includes stool, in good condi- 'tion, asking $250. Cal! 655-3563.