PAGE S. WqDNESDAY. JI&Y 9,19756'WOITIW FREE PRES Br~k1in Well, by the timne you read this l'il be 3,000 mles away on holiday. So thiîs wui be the last Bylines until the enid of the month. It's probably just aswell, as obviously during the summner months there is littie going on amoingst our various coinmunity groups. I'm qaite certain that this state of affaîrs will last untilthe beginnilng of September. But, during August', I do hope to compile a North Ward, Dotteiii*"s lace BROW BROOKLIN, ONTARNO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655u4521 dinectory of ail our groups, their alms,, and 'their ' meeting times and places - this should, If the CommnunIty Associa- tion wilI co-operate, help' any, newcomers to the area to know what Is going on. So, those'of you. ln charge of p ublielty and mnembership, try to cati me the last week ln' July or flrst week lni August. When 1 do retumn, 1 also hope to have more, detafis and Information regarding aur recreational fadilities or lack of themi. I must say It Is good to see 80 much use made of our 'make do' tennis court. Plty the people who arrange these i'acilitles, don't get out and, see just how many North Wa;ders do use It and how înuck we could do with another one! But you very young people, 5- 12 year olds, wh o are at a loose, end, remnember that there are Summer Playground Programmes at Memorial Park, Brooklin; Ashburn Coin- rnunity Centrç; and Spencer's Community.- Morning ses- sions are from 9 - 12 noon; and in the afternoon from 1 - 4:30 p.m. There 18 no charge and the sessions are usually well organîzed with plénty to do. The same age group - pre-schoolers to grade 6 - are also cared for with the ibrary sumîner programmes. Again, these are free and worth attending though orly held two afternoons per week. Tuesday, between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. sees -"Storyhour" -' not just stories but there will also be somte fine crafts. And on Thursday afternoons between 2:30 and 3:3 you can drop In and see the library's "Film Program". They start July 8 and July 10 and wil continue until the Iast week in August. And if you young guys are stili wondering how to amuse yourselves - may 1 make a suggestion? There are some pretty untidy people around who d*rop their wrappers, TER -î. 1 Valu.Ctio and pop cans Wh er they feel like ItL How about ail of us (old as wonl as young) ting to keep the North-Ward dlean and lther take out garbage home, or plck upý the other garbage, and dlrop it là the proper containers. Wouldn't hurt and It would nw/ke the placenicer - a bit of sumrmer community spirit. In case, I don't get back to the column In'trne, you may like to jot dowri the followiz a dtes: August 1 is registra-, tion day for the 'Y' Co-op Play School irogram. As fan as 1 K.UUW thfe prugramh will be held at Meadowcnest School as last year. You have to reqister at the Y.M.C.A. offices on Centre Street, Cail the 'Y at 668-6868 for funther details - but remember this was a most popular programn for pre- schoolers last'year. So get in early.11 August .3 la a date that foilowers of the Brooklin Hortic- ultural Society ;ývl1 be interested ln. This is the day of the County1 Town Flower Show, at 405 Dundas Street West, Whltby.' Entries are open to al 'resid.erts of Durhami Region and they have to be in place between 11:30 a.m. and 1: 30 p.m. on the day. ThÃe show, itself wlllbe belween, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Up in Ashburn, plans are belng made for a Pre-school Playtimne in September and an Auction Sale -for some tinie in the fait. Organizers for the former ask you to save empty egg cartons, cardboard boxes andpaper or plastic bags - a.l th ese* can be put to good use by the children. For informna-e tion cail 655-3872; 1886; or 3348. For the Auctiolzjust save any Ittrs that can be used -details will be given later. 1 cannot, leavç Ashburn without sendirig my condolances and sympathy to Mrs. Betty Gardiner~ on the loss oflier husband, last Wednesday. Frank Gardiner was a man wo bnought many good ideas and. enthusiasm flot only to his own community but to the INorth Ward in general. _His death wiffl be a gréêat*,.l'oss to the comrnun'ty i can only Oak Ihope that Betty *01 fi comtort and vride in the fact that my phone,- didnVt stop ringing todaiy with members of the community calling to let me know of his ni'dden- death and to praise the work ana spirit of her husband. i must close now -and tinlish packing.- Have a good holi- day and l1il be back at the end of the month. Take care of -yourselves. LIZ I e turn engagEfemnt bypopular deananld "lSounds of a Summner Night" DANCE TO 0 We cre franchise dealiers for "thse Pop People* 0 DIIT ASSTID 0 0 FLAVOURS 24 - 10 oz 0 0botties $.99pluas t0 0 REGASSRT 0 0FLAVOURS 24 - 10 oz.0 0boutles $2.48 plus tex0 o 12 -30 oz.bottes* 0 $2." plus tex I 0o 0 11.8e pricor@are rg. 0 plus deost on bottl.s1 DupIMMYATT CMATUN PRK WM weuw STEWS TUNA bAS MUMLK .cMe M~~fi On S IR~~ . . TISSIIE 69 5 4iU 3~I 69 145 elm 0.K BYA < tS-UO. 5-s uAo uT Omis - »t£%' MIU.K - PLAvoIR CtIT«^ ORANGE4 3)%-Ot. l te 1<5 RAGOt- - 1Mx$- UITl e-oz.pu*ff BERNARDIN PM 49cSEPZA 6 CHEESEPZA 19 a J E A N S S a I M M P 7 Y T % t A $ O »7 % - 0 8 . P d PEÂIUT Butter 79' FKITIUKI - mOllE F" iRA à NS I Z - SUAAP00 509? 0k or"-mi momm m" Now arrlvlng f resh dally MARGARINE S& ilb6#5c' _ONTARIO VEGETABLES NABOB (Coff.. 1l.09 I Chrries hi 0,RD,,«Nmmd, PAMPERS T.dd l 149 - I aromdy er frofi:oremulu,1. Dfv -ma PAIX Of. S. mot" ~ uptx c ls. f LUX Liquid 21'si.59 fl I»ek -h.e ag.edcrop ffne hbi) 3119DATS.. nn i- OMM ~w CRANBERRY M PL . "mou Cd 59 9<010051- OOROUATKLD Ebi. Alu Smo »0 Obg. ALL w mm" <wéwns 2.39 JuIv 12 Fà &MameA PAT RICCIO- and his ORCHESTRA PLAYINO MUSIC FROM THE BIG BAND ERA GLENN MILLER BENNY GOODMAN TOMMY DORSEY SATURDAY., JULY l9th 1975 IROQUOIS PARK ARENA sc00 P.M. toi1:00 A.M. $10 PER COUPLE Tickets avaliabie f romi WHITBY RECREATION OFFICE 105 Coiborne St. E. Whltby . 668-5803 SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whltby CENTRE SMOKE SHG? 52 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax AMBER VARIETY 29 Kng St. W. 'S FOODMA YALUE CHECKD IRANDED - FULL CTWnT1 jc ROUND STEAK 15 at RUMP ROASTS 1 m48POU (HRors 1.28 8o'e.Roud FROZUN TURKEYS a, 8, DI4IJR SHOULDER :168j *îNDESS -BACON 1.56. BREMAfASSAUSAGE »L.2 pep -U fl .ll COOKEDCORNIED LAYRCAIcES3..99<I wff BEEF oe~u ~'F"' DUVE jHAMRWd.h @V -eo@ @ 00 @ .b nom lb .7. lb»51 55 K& 80T M" VN LUX SAP ~ 2 bar bondie 79c TOM 14PASÃŽl- Ru ua£ CREST. .......tub.65c SCH ICK BLADES .....pack of Vsm 99c mm ""PRY - RaFn c..?un ADORN .. . . $139 SOFT & DRI ...... . ..... ....$1.29 *la l -. . -p A a l' 1 BISCUITS Puk ssc