PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2Z 1076, WHITBY FREE PRES SAKRETE HANDY PRODUCTS i- ýAA trrb*à 2,. rite. -biJ lsý dry mix ail reauy tw auu water, u naue Concrete Mix 90 lb. bag Sand Mix 80 lb. bag Mortar Mix 80 lb. bag $2.23 each $2.23 each $2.23 each SONOTUBE FORMS Just place in position and pour ini cernent mixture - Ideal for rnaking concrete colurnns, piers or footings. Cut to length with a handsa'w. Available in 1 2 ft. lengths, 6 in., 8 in., 10 in., and 1 2 in. diarneters Aslo a 6.12 6in.XI 2ft.) MAHOGANY DOORS j~~ for paint or stain, 1 3/8" Thick, 11j hollow core for interior installation. I~I~ Sizes from 12" wide X 78" high to 36" wide X 84" H igh Everyday Iow prices from $7.34 up (Need Hardware? We've got hînges, door handie sets, locks, keys, etc.) SAVE 10% SHOWER- CABINETS white porcelain enamel comnplete with soap dish, fauoets, - shower head and vinyl shower curtain. 30"f X 30"f Regu lar $54.88 Special 32## X 32" Regular $56.66 $4939 Special $5009 THRLEEC ONVENIENT Oshawi 223 Brock -St. N. 6 Mon. - Wea. Thurs., Fri. Saturday 8-6821 8s:00 -1 8:00- 8:00- 6:00 9:00 5:30 Mon. - Wed. Thurs., Fri. Saturday SELF-m 8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 9:00 8:00 -,5:00 ,SERVE 8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 5:00O BUILDALL, ASSOCIATE STORE B.UILDALL CEDAR DECKS Eg. 12' X 14' mid-Ievel'deck with 3' high starsQNLy $2420 Ali you provide is footing, labour & stain 1SAVE S6.00 GALLON OLYMP1C STAIN SPECIAL No. 704 redwood semi-transparent allows the beauty of the wood grain to show through. For decks, fences, docks. lias buit in wood preservative RegularPrice S15.79gal. $9.79 gai. Special (Redwood only) LIMITED QUANTITY, SHOP EARLY 100 Bond St. W. 72 8-161l7 STOýRES. Cou rtice Bloor St. East 728-1611 Mon. - Fni. Saturday 1 1 0