PAGE 6, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 25. 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~ Byines. Wow! 1 shouldn't have remarked that "the news is get- ting less", f;'st week. It was just great to hear fromn you ail in time for this week's colunn - some news and views, l'ni keeping over until next week as 've a great deal to get in now. 0f course it would have toliappen that my type- writer needs a new ribbon at the moment! This is the first tirne that Mike has liad to, read my handwriting so forgive errors if any this week and 1 hope to get the typewriter back in working condition for next week. Tuesday niglit saw me attending die graduation of those young people - 23 in aIl - who had taken group 74's. babysitting course. The 21 girls and 2 boys had ail done sônie great work during the 9 weekly sessions. Elizabeth Verrydt was the overali top student. She also camne first in the workbook section of the course, with Barbara Sanders close behind. Shela Mulcahy came first in the exain - and Linda Brough second. A special top practical award Went to Maureen Bremner for her work. A new course is being planned for the fail. Late news froru the wornen and children section of tÉe Brooklin -S pring Fair. The Brooklin W.I., awardcd special prizes to th e top boy and ýtop girl. A young man from B3owmanville got the boys prize - Stephen Wright. And Linda Lawýson of Broolin was top girl. It would certainly sèeem that ou ryoung people deserve our congratulations for. the way they take part in the various activities in or commgnity. Another community project is in the offing for the young girls in the area. A. Whitby Girls Athletic Associa- tion has been forrned and here in Brooklin we now have two girls softball- teams for the 10- 13 year olds. They play on Thursday night, with practise taking place on Tuesdays. At 6:45 p.mi. at the Old School. There's no teamn in Brook- lin for the 7-9 year olds yet ýor for the 14-16 age group tho' there is hope for the latter. If any of you girls are interested in joining - costs only $6 (and you gel sweaters and caps) - then cali cithier Mrs. Jean Bravener 655-3744 in die evening or Mrs. Barb Parrinder 655-4500 in the afternoons. And if we have any readers who could sponsor the teams the ladies would be delighited to hear from you to0. It costs $50 (you could offer* more if you like!) and, il is necessary to help get the girls the equipment they need. Mrs. Bravener says "die girls are eager, and the parents terrific" - so the sponsors could reaily send things off and get things swinging! Got your calendars handy? tJp in Myrtle, on June 26, the Wom-en's Institute is planning a tour of Parkwood. If anyone else is interested in joining the tour - a vcry inter- esting one as many already know - then caîl Mrs. Walter BuIley at 655-3077 for further details. The ladies of the Myrtle W-I. are also busy on June 28. They have a refreshmentý booth selling hot dogs, Sand- wiches, homnebaked ýpies, à rd coffee, at the Auction that is taking place at' 10: 30 at the home of Mrs. Oscar 'Dowhey,ofl Highwaà y No. -'12 at 'Myrte. Aýl ,p'roceýeds.from t'he booÃ"th go tothe W. And on June 29 there'is the Myrie United Church picnic, at Claremont Conservation. -, There'san outdoor service at 11 a.m. and fun and games ail afternoon. Every- one bring your own picnic lunch (hope.they have as good weather as was enjoyed by the people of St. John the Evangelist on June 22nd as, they celebrated the 4Oth anni- versary- of Father John Harrington with a, super parish picnic., (It was just glorious) How much stuff can you coillect in 16 years? You can find out by attendîng a Garage Sale being held on Saturday June 28, between- 10 and 5 ý right behind the Brooklin Hardware Store. The caller promised me there's something for everyone as he's having a very thorouigh cleaning out. There'1Il be clothing for men, women and- children; toys; books; tools; garden equipment - even -a tent trailer. And a possibiity of some power tools. This seems like a sale not to be missed! So make a note of the' day and time. And as ail the schools are closed don't forget the Recrea- tion Department Sumrner Playground Programme which is being held in Ashburn and in Brooklin Memorial Parkand Spencer's Community. It's starting JuIy 2 for the 5-1.2 year olds frorn 9-12 noon and 14:30 p.m. daily. Sumrmer activities at the Library coming up next week. Must close -, can't strain Mike's eyesight and patience any longer! Take carè, of yourselves. H BROWN'S FOODMASTER Thought For Foodi BROOKLINIF ONTA*RI'O NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 SAR IEs 2 R43' HEINZFOD 05$ FRESN9 IU.Y BU - 0014 km1. Oow o re 2UJ..Tub HON EY $1.79 WI4IE 40F.O.. ba CRU"A AlSmml VUREGARt 9 PIcNC PACKO -INSULATU 70. Si ta Pub 8IO ~ m DRINK CwPSý 9 ,tilfcétlo NS 69 c BONELESS RUMP Weil Trlmmed - Julcy Rosa!. BONE IN Vou Save Twlce with TrIm and Picel moTTMRUM s.8RUMP ROASTS à . s 1.48 MAPLE LEAF SP4ALL LINK WAPL'LEAF *PCA PORtI<AND BEEF Boi4eIessS.SPECIAL*'9.squkço F-esh Ch'iken lb SUAGE78Lvftu SA SL6qK gs &Brçts ERSWEET RINDLESS SWIFT PREFIUM, WITPEMIUM SWIFT PfEMIUM FROZEN' ALCAN FOI WRAP 89 Dm a i - 08MAI. 7-oz PMa FEMININE 12 ta Pkg. KELLOGG'S s a% K" 65cMDESI»~ lm= NAPKINS PARKAY MAGARINE 79 9 I'UKITAN STEWS 24Rk.ot r 79 C REGULAR 30oto Pkg. 1 ALPHA-GETTI LIBBY'S 41c DIAPERS2 BONFIRE or GRILLT1ME CHARCOAL BRIQUETS FEATUREIc %-Lb. ."9a5 PUATUR111 - ugoo"IUaRnun- ofuANomor QNAPEpRw#T TREESWEET JUICES 48 FIO1.TWb 59C PEATUNK - ASI108DPt. OcmTIN OLD COLONT so.n DRUNK699c lF. TOI 3 TT .Cherry Sauce for Ham Drain 1 cari (16 oz.) tart red cherries and add enough water to reserved juice to make one cup. Combine ¼/ cup sugar and' 1 tablespoon cornstarch and stir* in Iiquid to blend. Cook slowly, stirring constantly until thick and clear. Stir in ceherries and /4,teaspoonred WINDY"..There's more to it than "pueker up and blow" this young man discovers at the 1000 Islands International School of Scot- tish Performing Arts- in Brockville, Ontario. The sehool, overlooking the St. Lawrence River, teaches piping, drumming and dan- cing. FACKIN.G MATER IAL Trailer 19oad going through your area every week. Could arrange drop-shipment your plant enroute Toronto. Enquiries invited. Collect calis accepted Bartram-WoodLimited 1262 Dons Mi Ils Road, Don MilIs, Ontario, MISB2M (4161 445-3225 f~".l~T ~'¶I ,r-07~f ,~re-i~ .#r,0 rr,~w.t~rr r . ~à rè j'y TENDER - JU ICY - PLUMP QUARTERED CHICKEI INSTANT COFFE LAWRENCE MXWELL CORN HOUSE 0OIL' $2e27-sl.19-- Muni Ldf C". SKIM MILK POVWDER NAM INSTANT $2e49- 108,9 MW$ssmua" RELISHES FIOz.C .IOHNSONS RAID HOUSE & GARDEN Bug Kller « 0MLI. TN vies8 HOSTESS Potato Chips FEATUREI- Twin PackC 8-7c j CLOTH 0 TOWELS $109 W IT E toc0 to Pmk 2 PLATES q$1 HEIIZ TomATO KETCHUP IgMUV B"- AMOMD ALPO DOG FOODS14F.O ROYALE TOWELS 21 93C -SOFPwrISSUE 4189C STÀ"EÀD OLIVES 12 FL .ja5 5c Open Tuesday July Ilst Ëà mmuATMS A WUB a.~usu.6- at their best. Fresh daily special By the fiaot Orders now taken for cherries by the Ipoil. Ptted & stemmed for freezing. Approx. shipping date 3BIGDAYS I.une,26.Sat June 28 OANCUET MEAT PIES. 8-oz- sue 3 fS $1 ROOM-S*a BREAD DOUGH $1.39 FARU HOU" CREAM PIES 2-oz. ùu 69c "#MI% AND Omo£ ... 14-09. Wu SARAM Cok« $1.09 w