- - p ~44 PAGE 16, WE DNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1975, WHITBY FREEPRS ASSOCIATE STORE aVl6 G ed by OstafflWood4 PiDdLds Asph ai1t Roof Shingles <RL OFN Heavy 90 lb. weîght in red, green, black or white, 36 inch wide, 210 lbs. self sealing, popular colours of white, green, bisck, brown, red, Cedar 100 square foot coverage -square covers abouti100 square feet.$8 q LwEveryday Price $1i4*76 per square Low Everyday Price $8 1 per roill 64SUSTANARD"PLASTIC CORRUGATED EXCELITE FIBREGLASROFPNL REIN QRC D PA ELSfor windbreaks, fences, dividers, 26 in. X 96 in. sligbt imperfectio-ns Limited Quantities.- White, Green, Yellow Colours Green, Yellow, White, Excellent Value!! »26 in. X96 in. 26 in. X 120in. $J.VV ech $3.99 each- $4%9 each ALLJMINUM SAVE 10% EXTENSION LADDERS "ZONOLITE" .for Iiouse and cottagecos ilislto o tiso al hr Features: Heavy Guage aluminum Loefiislto o tiso al hr Nylon rope will flot rot or rnildew - lasts for years batts or foani can't be uised. 3 cubic foot Rungs are flat on top for comfort îind safety bag covers 18 square feet 2 inches thick Plastic Protection at top, minimizes damage to walls REGULAR S2.44 bag 20 ft., 22 ft., 24 ft. 28 ft. HIGH Pried s owdsA46.6 a ch 1SPECIAL$21 bg 3 Self-serve stores where you con shop, indoors in com fort Whïtby Os-hawo Courtice 223 B3rock St. N. 100 Bon(d st, W. Bloor St. East 68-6821 781 1 728-1611__ Mon. - Wed. 8:00 - 6:00 Mon.- Wed. 8:00 - 6:00 Mon. - Fn. 8:00 - 6:00 Thurs., Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 Thurs., Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 S atu ruday 8:00uu- 5: 3Ou Saturday 8:00 -5:00