PAGE 14, WEDN~ESDAY, JUNE 18, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS KABARA IIUTCU TENT - tits Vega wvaon, ideal for camping ani travel, includes side curtains anid mounts on rear of wagon with dj>or in open positîti. $5 Cuail 725-2967, STEREO -Eleetrohoine Ili-Ci radio/phonograph, Garrard record player, 48ý inch Deilcraft solid Wvood Swedish wvalnuit finlishi cabi- net, p)erfect condition $80. Cali 668-2479. J., LCRIBROOM -Regîinai super pow'er 2.spved'xvithi wttings $1 8, GFE clectric loor polisher SI 3, baby louinger $2,.10113' Jump- er \vith portable stand $8, baby bath tub SISO. ('aIl 668-4778. SOFA & CHAIR -Well made traiditioni ý Inch sofa and tub chair, blue ai( greetn in eolour, in *good condition S250. ('ail 668- 1390, mp 1968 PION'l'IA(' Stratochiet' au tomlatic, good in ecclan ica I a nd rtniii c Londition $425 uncerti- lied. ('ail 668-7644. EmIp. WlD) 11NG GOWVN Brocadc vclvet,' matchinig lu Il lcnizth cuîpe NNithi hoodý-rmalihuw trin17size 10. SI135, white FOX FUR cape :>75, ('ail 655--3009 after.6 p.m. Imnp ('A.MRA Mirander Scnsor- ex 35mni S.L.R. wîth Taro, the lnsc mctering systLfl, i lranda au t() 28nîm svidc an-le lense. 1\tîr- arîda auto 5On lense, Solîuor T4 105 in lcnse. Soli-or ~1*4 300 min lense (ail1 lenses ssîtlî hood i Braoi 1280 L ectronwIc l îsh brakc id charger, 2 Plos L\ti- sion tube, 9 asstd. glass i ilters. F'oca bell nmicro bellos ttachi- ment. cable rcleasc and ew. Lup, scpara te Ica ther case tor camnera plus a Benser leather Minolta 16 innl\,itutre CA,\ERA sith Ro-kker 22nmm lense in case $30, l'OLAROIi) No. 330 camiera \vith flash a ttachrnen t, includes film and builbs. like ne"' $55, Blessiniu Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case as new. cost $550, selI for SI150. Phione 668-9449 after 7 p.rn. E PUI> -Y1z h.p. deep w'cll jet, and tank like ncw $SI125 or best oftùr, 7 basement windows 21 X 37V2, $6 each, picturc window storin 58 X 64 $30, wvindow size could bc slightly altcrcd. Cail 723-8220. n* 0ei r., ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 Forecast Perlod: June 22 to June 28 Most mem bers of your sign will take on a mature attitude. Why? First, you'l mieet a few irresponsible people. Next, you'll face a few minor reversais, TAURUS Indecision, on the, part of a superior, will Apr. 20-May 20 cause you to hold back on afew of your own, plans. Incidentally, you might be a lit- tle unhappy about additional respon- sibilities. GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 By now you will have been told,'re about as tamneable as a fly. Furthermore, you'll get the feeling that somneone is about to let you down. At this phase in your life, self pity will be a big thing. Incidentally, you'll receive help fromn an unexpected source. Actually, you'll get more help than you think. LEO Listen well! An associate, with whorn July 23-Aug. 22 you've become bored, can put your hand on the lever . .. pull, and you'll hit the jack- pot!!!, VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA. Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Good news, according to your chart, cornes as a f resh flowing breeze. And too, this cosmic cycle will surface your better traits; things should go well. "T.oo many irons on the fire" is îndicated by prevailing stellar patterns. Keep a spot open in your schedule for a new and in- teresting project. SCORPIO Whether or not you intend it, you will. in Oct. 23-Nov. 21 one forrn or another ... improve someone else's finances. Incidentally, you might trigger an emotional explosion among your associates. SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar, 20 This week, your "super sensitive feeling" could be'a drawback. It seems as though you'Il take things too personal-in your job, task or project. There's no cause to panic, nonetheless. it's possible that you might find yourself short of cash, in an emergency. So, keep an ex- tra dollar available. Strange as it might sound, trivial things that happen dw-ing this cycle, occur once in a lifetime. Meaning? You have nothmng to learn (rom the experience. Take care, you're in high impulsive gear. You might, without thought of conse- quence, change your job or residence. Yes! In some situations, even, your mate or similar aliance. -e e-.ORD ACROSS 1 Lather 5 Football pass il Tebaldi offerlng 12 Common- wealth country 13 Alexander the Great eut it (2 wds.) 15 Phony show" 16 Role for Debbie Reynolds 19 Fallible '24 Doctors' org. 25 Elizabeth B. Browning's 49 Leight" 26 Exert influence (2 wds.) 29 Classy residence 30 Tyke 31 Prepare 32 Devoutness 34 French river 35 Hopping mad (4 wds) 43 Ride the skies 44 Always 45 "Blew the whistie" 46 Trust DOWN 1 Cockney's cigaret 2 Gold (IL.) 3- Ventilate 4 Matronly title 5 Shoo! 6 Face 7 Octopus' fiuild 8 Operated ~9 Commotion 10 Caesar's tongue (abbr.) 14 Frost- bound 16 Cancile 17 Entertain 18 island 19 Judah Ben - 20 Tell's canton 21 Card game TANGELOS Tangelos are a grapefruit-' tangerine cross. They resemble a tangerine in alI their characteristics. They are red-orange, slightly elongated. and peel easily. The pulp is tenderand fine- textured SO tangelos can be used in place of oranges. TropAViS ANSWgR 22 Jargon 23, Offen- sive 25 Gobbled 27,Stripling 28 Pen 32 Pastry goody 33 Bury 34 Resting 35 Distant 36 Yellow bugle' .37 Smali bird 38 Make lace 39 Suffix dçnoting origin 40 - had Sit! 41 Slippery individual 42 Prohibit- ionist MUSHROOMS Mushroom and beef pockets: Mix cooked chop- ped beef, sauteed mushroorns, minced onion, and an egg. Lay on 3-inch squares of noodle dough, pinch together and boil ini salted water until they float. SALE 66 a777TD -.-Obffl Marguerite Kulik West Lynde area 14 bedrooms, FIREP'LACE, Other EXTRAS Jim Wilson Dave Woodall Patty Simpkiss Doug 'Scotty' Taylor Benny Stacewicz Ernest M. Stoneman Edward Grant 16 ocre porcel of fand on UXBRIDGE: Pond, beautiful stand of birchtr, MARE - Englishi riding grade, 1 one year old quartè filiy, 1 3/4 Charlois bull, one year old, 11,000 lbs., and .English riding saddlc, Cail263-8408. 198VOLKSWAGEN -Newv motor with only 10,000 mliles on it, radio, Lic. FED357, not certifled $500 or best otier.. Cali 7b3-8703. TENT TRAILER - Sleeps 6,' coleman stove, tank and tent heater included $350. Caîl 668- 1326. BOX TRAILER - 4 (t. X 6 ft. $120, large (log house, insulatcd $25. ('aIl 668-5743. BOX TRAILER* - 42 X 6.6 X 15 deep, includes safcty chain, spare whcel, lights. Uscd only twicc asking $150. Caîl 668- 5448. AQUARIUM - 15 gaI. with ail accessories ineluding fisi $50; aquarium with canopy $10-, sand- wvich grill $5; humidifier $25. Caîl 668-6644. FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 ît. diameter, 4 ft. taîl $10. Cail after 6 p.m. 579-3536. REFRIGERATOR - Westing- house $50, viking stove, 30 inch; $ 150. Caîl 668-1167 after 5 p.m. until Junce 26th. GUITAR - Triple pickup electric, will seîl for $35, ideal for rock group. Cail 668-2860. AMPLIFIER - Vox, two8 in. speakers, excellent volume, murst seli $35, 1526 Dufferin St., ,No. 2, or cail 668-2860. < TRICYCLE - For 4-5 year old $15, 2 doils carniages $2 each. Cali 668-554 1. l'APS -- Set of kitchen sink taps $4, set of bathroomn taps $2, interior auto heater $4. Ca-Il 668- CAMERA - GAF Compact 35mm uscd only once, asking $60, regularly $88. ('ail 668- 5368. STEREO - And record player $50, ladies roller skates size 5 $ 15 Cail 668-6693. Lucky Number 711 Lucky Number 765 Lucky Number 432