Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jun 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNIE 11, 1975, WHITBV FREE PRESS ~ Byines Weil, we've had quite a week lîerc ini die North Ward. Jurnc 3rd saw the choosing of the first Miss Brooklin Spring Fair in, 1 believe, thirteen years. Congratulations go t Miss Sharon Rice, who showed a delightful enougli person- aiity on that nighit. but even more so on Fair day as shie walked amiong tie crowds, meeting and talking withi people. Congratulation should also go to ail the entrants ini the Pageant for by their presence, thiey stîowed their coînmunity spirit and invoivernent. So did the people wlio organized the whole thing..they did a good job and shouild be proud of their efforts. Commnunity spirit was again shown .on Fair Day, botlh by the organizers and those thiat p)articipa.ted. For thiose that were out of town, you inissed whiat inust have been the Iongest Pgrade in years. Thie,Group '74 ladies whio put the whoie thing together miust be feeling very pieased wvith their work and deiited with the response of those whio put so mnuchi time and effort mb th leir entries. And althouglh the sun didn't shine down on time whole affair.. at ieast it didn't rain. And the ramn heid off for the rest of the day, as people turned up to enjoy the e.xibits and events put on by the Fair Board, The dance in the evenlng, again pub on by some of the ladies of Group '74..was well uttended. Froni the openling dance by Miss BrooklnS'ring Fair and Ma,,yor NewiûîanIi, righ t tih ro' bu th e end' Uhc atmos- phiere was une of great enjoyment. It is a shiame that su much effort is put inbo this event foi- just one day..and by su few peuple. Imagine what we could do with a f'ew more peu'ple >with somne encrgy and ideas! Minci you 1 g-uoite feeling on the Sunday that sumne people were trying tu extend the Fair Day aItunosphere. The sun was shiiniiug and thc children and sonie duhîs, wcrc hav- ing a great titue as Bob 1-lerun and somne friends, rau the 'train' around the bown. Perhiaps this is the starb of the sec- onid day events of' the Fair! Saturday l4thi Juuê secs a Garage Sale taking place ai 9 George Street, Brooktit. lb starts ai 10 a.tu. and gues on bill 1:30 pan. The two ladies wl-m arc running the sale hiave a large selection of baby goods aiid houLsehold itns .... baby furniture, rikes. boys , bath roorn cabinet and uttcr huousc- hold objects.' A good upportuuiîy tu flndi yourself a bar- gain! And if yorî enjoy a Saturday nighit dance don't forge tlîat otr Minor Lacrosse Association are holding one at Ajax Comrnunity Centre on l4th June. Tickets are $6 a couple and can be had by caling Jean Phlilips at 655-3271. On Sunday yoLI and your dog can huave sotie fun ..and miaybe win a prize or a ribbo ..by enbering the Ontario Humnane Society's First Annual Muit Show. Jusb miake sure that you have you r 1975 rabies and, icense bag to, your pe t and tlien you are free bo enter aîîy of tie seven classes îlîat will bhe hcld. And these aren'î cluite the usital'dog show classes so duu't gel worried! How about bhc stualiest dog; biggest dog; longest bail: shortest tail; best bricks: best cosbuîuc;ie- or besb disposition. Cliildren urîder 12 can enter tlîcir dogs.. ...anid adults nmay Il'elp the youngsters if ie need arises. Eveif you hiaven't got a dlog you rnay be intercstcd !il just luukiîig arotd..il is aisu open hlouse on liat Sun- day. Tie Y.M.C.A. are takinig regisîrabion fut- Play Camp wlictli is Iclu e li i he lrooklin U nited Chutrch , atid also ab Westiniistcr for- Ill Cotrridor Area. Thiere will be four 2. weck sessionls sbartirtg ou t-m Joe 3 witlî 2-3 year ohds in the aibf'ernioun. Activities wihl include sucli dcl igl îful uccupa- tions for ilie young fty as water and sarnd play and painting etc. If itîteresbcd cail 668-6868.* 1'hîe Y wihl also bc bakinig registraLion for Co-Op nursery lhupefully to be lield otîce again ai Meadowcrest Schioul.. starbiing leb Augusb. You know 1mow popular tiat wa,,s tast year, su timake a note of Iihat date. l'Il try aîîd give you a reiniderineairer dthe bie. l'ie s! anid 211d Brooklin Cubs atid Scouts are unable bu lhuld their uisual papet dr-ive bhiis mubh ..usuatly tie hast for Ille stiiimer. They do hiope Iu bc back iiibdie FaîL, tho' ai tdie ntutn cli bhey cati't giv*e a firmi date. Bubthtlcy do ask duat IF you do have tomn, and if' it docsn't îinconivenienice you, couild yuî lease store bic papcrs mi tie chance blle tbhey wiii be back?Mosb of us realize thiat dic boys hiave liad soim-e prohienis bhiis ycar with tdie paper drive, and not th ru' thecir owtîi auibi, and I'm sure thîab if yuu cal-m you will lioid on tu those papers for Ille boys. Tlie Brookit Arts and Crafts will bc liulding at- Open House un tuie 9thmuwe ..a Thursday eveirtg bebwee-m8 anid 9 p.nîi. lfyou are intcrested iin seeing wl-mat thlese ladies hiave accutnptisitcd iii Ii cir first scason dlieui go aloiig and you will be nuust welcoine. You mnay want te give the ladies ideas ut-mwh ab iinteresî yo, ad wibh enougli people ii ber- BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH- WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 FRESH PICNIC STYLE S-SATURE' - FIT eFLAVOURts.- 5t 6ls JELL-O 3.o L 200 55C SHOULDER avrg DADV DdiACvr SSAlURE! -- W(SSON 'S BONUS PACE il E.i,î skowlI 111DL r v ftIN KUR 313 Ar' ~b J ,SQUARE BsOyS 99<C '-'ou Save TwicO wtth TrIos andi Pricot - BOSTON STYLE PORK-REDCUMAAOIr S--TUS -MUN OYL28f oci BUIT ROASTS 1091 SALADA LANCIA r OAATQ ES '65 FOR THE GRILL - THICK CUT - BUTT or SHOULDER O TEA BAGS SPAGHETTI FETUE -RASf lLý 0PORK CHOPS 109c lou6tgpc c - COFFEE %d & -Whe 99q; Natural for th. Barbecue! - RED HOTS or OUTCH TREAT99 CLO 9c Bls Uý-SUR 4UE 2-t aSCHNEIDER'S WIENERS 84z 0 DEL MONTE AA TL FOI WRP 4C EE F stl PTTIS 20Z inTOMAO etty (rocker FO-L WRAP$49. 6UF8PÀTTIES CAKE MIX ~A1URI~OMMAUC1 SMOKED PICNICS Fny Co&d1.58 e 48 fl. oz. 5 9Ç PackneJc Ir, àIOUBS or,.-olu. T.. - ... O 7i Value castfcctlic LLMKIK 3 DLRRJ3 with Pai 3 9c 14 R Oz.Thr FEATURE! -zBRAVO SPAGHETITI PLAIN SAUCE 14 FI.OLTIr 495 c FlATURLI - IN CESTWITH TOUATO SAUCE HEINZ SPAGHETTI l. Oz.Tics 4 95c Crisco 011 s2.19 S-SATURE! - LOWES S -Lsb. en kifty Littor 5 5c Sukist Sweet 89,c 0 Juiy ORANGES çilow pq 0 (California Firiàs sMM OHead LETTUCE t'. v OOntario 1(Gradle Ilot Holiec M 0t TOMATOES 6 New Zealand2ur3f 0 Faney Grade 2fr3 DGranny Smith APPLES C OPEN six DATS A WEIK 8:30 .me - 6 pn. 'EXCEIPT THURS &Fi Ti e e g ImeralSot SUNLIGHT 0l tmeil otSA U NORy ~jMargarine DETERENT 0 1LB.7 1.89 HFALTE & DtAUTY WS! DIODORANT SOAF . LIFEBUOY 4 saü sze$109 100 ML tube CRT iToOTNP E 99c F' 0O- B-ftte LSTRINE ANisEPTIC $1i29 FEATUREI - PURINA SEANIP S-OPg. Dinners 65e CRI518115S I-Lb. Phg. Riimsalfts 99 For Auto,,,,Sc DIshwath.,a 35-03. Calgonite $14.5 FrATURE1 - SPRAY CLEANER 240z. Bonte or 320z. Relli Fantastic 99c SEST BUY! - EAIHROOM TISSUE. .11 BABIES ONLY PLEASE 1-5 3<c00100 310 0= S-SATUREI - FLAVOUR CRYSTALSilo.IZ0 TA GOa g 43/-i t oybgMcCAIN - DELUXE Soz. SIl 'ETRII I9" PIE SHELLS.......... 91lc SUNLIGHT LIQUID 32 FIOz. DII 9 9c VALLEY FARM 2Lb. pkg. 1 0 FLEECY Fabrié Softener sl. 8 9 C AEIOH............. 9 3 BIG DAYS rs. June 12 m sal June, 14 IDELIVIy' AT csted then you couid sec that crafi hcing tauighî ncxt Fail. WeIl that is it for this week. Keep th ose catis com ing iin. 655-3750 is thc number Io cai.11 And ai though i1 realize thia things do siacken oit ciuring theC summier there are stit a few acUivit tes gotng on. Su gîve Ille a cail. Take cure and l'Il sec you nexi week. LIZ I BOYS & GIRLS WANT TO EARN I EXTRA MONEY S-zp PACKING MATER UAL Trailer load going tîrougli your arca everv weck. Couid arrange drop-shipmcinî youur plant enroute Toronto, Enquiries invibed. Collcct cails accepted. Bartramn-Wood Limniited 1262 Dons Milis Road, Don Milis, Ontario, M3B2W7 (416) 445-3225 TENDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ewirc and update Iighting in residences No. 7, 8-) 12 and 13 at the Durham Regional entre, Ontario Hospitai, uitby, Ontario ENDER No. 3 1C-341 Individuai sealed tenders wil e rcceivcd until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, JUNE 24, 1975. ender Documents may be obtained fromn the Ontario Ministry of Goverrnnîent Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Oniario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regar.ding 'this tender, picase cati Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address.' Tele- phone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not nec- essariiy accepked. O Ministryof Government Services CALL 668-6111 COOKD HA j ~ POSRHLOOPS 6-o. pkg. 98 c j IL $1.48 lb. '$ 1.09 SOM Mc'A J 15505elsh 55Jcfo &>z-kg 2c. Beef Liver 78 ib BEST BUVI - KRAFT 1.Lb. Package VELVEETA CHEESE $1,29 FEATURE! - CLOVER LEAF.- SOLID - ALBACORE 7 Fl. Oz. Tin WHITE, TUNA FISH 35c FEATUREI - ASSORTED 12 FI. Or. Jars ROSE RELISHluES 21R89 lntroducing'Pop People' Pop MIX AND MATCH OUR DIFFERENT FIA VOURS SODA WATER 24 - 10 oz. botties $1.99 per case PLUS REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT RED H TE FOOD STORIES 1 1 1 95

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