Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jun 1975, p. 17

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-Free Press'668611.1 Empuorium i 1~ lîke FOR SALE TWIN STROLLER C oud condition $50. Cal! 668-1366. .22 BOLT ACTION- Withl scope, gun rack, good condition1, $60. Cati 668-3956, or Wed.- Sat. after i p.mi. 668-7573. 1967 BUICK Le Sabre - needs iiotor work everythîng etse A-1 $250. CatI1683-8796. FinP. TIRES- 2 Uniroyal l'astrak tubetess, A-87-I13 wshitewall two piy potyester. Used only a fcwmionths $25, 1 tentsteeps four used two summiers, good condi- tion $45. Cati 655-4302. Enip. RERI1CERAiOR - t1\Viking and t Kenmiorc stove ($100 eachi or $175 for both), Cibson S.G. speciai guitar $250, Fender con- cert amplifier $300. Cal! after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Elmpl. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol, exceltent condition, size 8 $60 new. w'ill sett for S20. Cali 668-7563. Emp. 1960 ('ADiLAC -F leetwood -390, au tomnatic. running condi- tion, little work necded, miust sel $200. ('ail Sunderland 1-705- 3_57-2!135 after 6 p.nm. and ask for Phil. Enîp SWIVEL CHAIR- Ski boots and skis size 31,,, al $15 each, humidifier $25, antique stand which nceds top $10. vapoirizer '15, brownie uniform $S8. and imi- tation fireplace $50. antique table $20, fertilizer or orass seed spread- er $3. Cail 668-9404. Lmp. 19 68 PO NT IAC(' Parisien ne sei or trade for muitstan $ 8.50.- Cati 655-3006. 1L mp. .WEDDING GOWN veil and train $50. 2406 or 668-44 10. -Site 12. Cali 668, -- niri. STE--Rl--O - Lloytds eciver. eig! t-track, ttirn t:sble and twu speakers. iust like newSI- $50 or bestoffen. Ca11 668-7190. Em np 15- CARR4AGE - $25. ('ail 683- 74. Lmp.1 TIRES - Michelin ZX radiai steel belted, size 165X 14, fequiv. ('78X14 or 6.95X14) excellent condiion, ist S50 eachi, 2 for $42. Cati 668-7138. 1:mp. STEIREO - C omponent sterco system, Pioneer AN-/1-i- stereo tuner-AMP, Carrard turnitable and Scott fouir-ssay 5 speaker system $700. Wîtting tu trade for good 3Smm camnera plus cash. Cal! 668-6248. Emp. . REPAIR MANUALS- Com- piete set of smaii gas engine repair mailuais. Calil 668-6779. Fmp. IORSE - 3 year o!d, haif Arab, liaif quarter horse, good disposition. Asking $400. Cali 655-3122. TRAILLR - Soft top camper trailer, steeps four, like new, sith 2 mattresses $325. ('ail 655-3411 SCUBA DIVINC XET SUIT - girls' mediumn size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. ('alil 579- 2652. _________________1_____*,-""-_____________-_____1 HUMIDIFItER- $5, ewecise cycle $5, baby car bed $4, sterco record player $15. 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typesvriter $25, electric sewing machine $20. rocking horse $5, baby svaiker $3, sword $5- Caît 668-6257. 67 ('OUGAR- 289 V8, au to- matic, bucket seats. radio, snow- tires, mechanicali-y A I, body ks in good shape with tthe exception of' damage tu ltlt rear quarter pane! $500 or best offer. CatI 668- 3002. Lmp. 8 TRACK- Muntz 8 track stereo player, recorder, with AM- EN-i radio, excellent condition, cost $370 with speakers, wiil self l'or $200 FIRMN. Cail 668-3167. ANTIQUE - Chestei'field $275 matching side chairs $35 and $45 black leather chesterfld, chair and ottoman $150, continental bcd %vith headboard $2-0. Cati 655-4776. Emp. AQUARIUM - 15 gallon sith stand and A accessories inluding tish S60, 5i/ gallon aquarium sith canopy $15, bird cage $7, sandwich grill $5, huniidifier.$25, 2 suiteases $15. Cati 668-6644. EN(;AGiN11-N'r R 1NG $1501.('ail 723-1950I. ask iiig tF. Ilip. KIT('I IiK1 N SET - Croine ssith 4 chirs in good con(litioni $65. ('ani be seen aýt 309 iB'ron Street North n Wh itbv troni 8 a.im. tili 5 pm. or phonte alter 6 oclock 655-4368 -'m1pý VA('(UUM IJLANER $ 15 loor polisher $15. ('il 668- 2801. En ,p SKATES G irl-isaouisl niade in Canada"in good conditioni, size 9 $35. ('ail 6è68-.554 1. i'. M'AT Ladcies black persiati !anib approxîmateiy size 20. iii 'ooct coniîtioni, will selil'or $50. CaiI725-57 14. Emp. SKI-BOOTS Labdies size 61/- buckte sty-le, svorni once $25. (al 668-21 19(. LEmp 64 NOVA - Good shiape ask- ing $150 as is, 66 PLYNOUTI!1 no mlotor, askinigS$100. ('ait 723- 3583. Ep..InP FOR SALE --4-chromle dîscs 14 hincl fromn 1968 Beaumnt $5, Skii 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $.5. al wvave 'TV antenna just head $10, une Uniroyat near ness rami tire on wlheeil Bockwali 6.35 X 14 fromi 1973 Nova $20. Cail 723- 2738. Emnp.- DOLL OUTI- I'S- About 30 différent outfits l'or 'Crissy' and VelE'et's Little Sister'. iriced from I to $3. CatI 728-2578. SNOWPLOW' -Newv 6 't. atijustabl te agle comptete wi th independen t lectrie - hydrau lic power. adaptable tu mrios t tru cks S500. ('ail 655-3683-. im CARRIAGE - Blue & wvhite Engtish pram $35, l9in. B&W T-V and stand $50. ('ail 668-6722 or 668-3656 aftem 6 p.m. E.ýmp. t)!NING ROONI suite - v.alnUt refiniisfied $425 or best offer. Caîl 668-2445. Lmpii. INGLIS I)RYER -(;ais. I Ycar old SI100. Ca!t 655-4361 or 668- 5250. .1- Enp. GUITAR-- 1965 Fender tete- caster ai! re-wired excellent condi- tion wiîth liard sheil case, must selI $350. Cali 668-4939a STOVE -- Smali $60. B & NV Philco TV $60. fridge $50, teak chiesterf ieid and chair $85, antique Raymond treddie sewing machine $65..-('aIl 668-6080. CRIB - and mattress, fui!lsize crib $20, mattress $5, matchîing dresser $1I2, meshi playpet S$12, îwaiker $7, a!! in good conditioni Cal! 668-7527. ENIP. TE LI" VISION --Used B&W 26 ihfluor modet sitb doors good condition asking $75. ('aIl 655-4225. Et;nip WLDDi)NC GOWN Size 7/8 long veil and lieadpiece incitudtc(, long sîceves, ex cellent condition. regular price S t150.00, asking $50. miust sece..... cai 668-9120 at'ter 4. 197(0 MGB ('onvertible guod wurking conuitioni. cetified one owner, compie te witlh uýgagu rack asking S I 500. ('ail 668- 6896 before 5 p.mn. and 655-3663 at'ten 5 p.m. _____ TV 21 incih wsonking" 3795, Ilctrolh uni e screeii. 13&W\, colic(itioil S50) conisole, in go<id ('aIl 668- LEIlip. 1965 FORD) Station Wagon 4 door, big 352 cubic inch engýîtie, cood itii ecli a n ical performna nce, sotd t ncertil'ied at $200 or best ufler, cati 668-3787 ask l'orJohin. BABY CARRIAGIi- Lloyd excelielît condition $25. ('ail 655-3553 af'ter 7 n-m. ni il. !!UTCII T'[ENT ideal t'on camping Cati 725-2967. Vega wagon &travel $50. LýM p. ANTIQUE Dresser$10 kitciien cabinet $300. bcauty table svit!î 3 mirrurs $200, two chairs $48 each., rockiîîg chair $90. Caîl 579-2939. Lmp. H-EATER-- Interior for auto $4, TV rotor antenna $25, svaten pressure systcm $35. Cati 668- 19605. Emp1). CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING \\'IN'!'IR (.'QAT Giîrls, blule wsith mi'liite t'um minIlîood , cui ls andm poâcts. kinee l!cngtli .site 14, $20 or best offer, 1 ginsý long dress only' ssorm once, \vlhile top & blacb. palertned bottoin, t'lor Ieîîgttî, size 14.,$St15 on best 011cr. ('ail 6 68-8 19 8. Vl-:mp. IIAIR I)RYE R - Schlick styler miode! 353, ineyer tused $15, IONA I 2-speed binder. neyer used $2t0, baby carniage good condition, becavy-du ty $3(0, baby rockirîg ducks $5. ('ut! 668- 990)2. L IlP. LAWN MOWE.ý.R --$40. space heater suitabic for cottage or gar- age $60, 2 roii-away beds $5 eachi, i baby carniage, good condition $30, frÎidge sitable l'or cottage guod condition $50. Cal! 668- 6750. CHIAIRS --Tsvu cesterfielkb chairs guud l'or rec-roomn or cot- tage $1i0 eachi. i stcp) stoot chair $8. Caili668-9009- 1Emnip. SNOW TIRES -\Vith rirn s size 1778-15, $25 pair, cali 725-I 1691 days, eveiis 668-4593. IMOVIE CAMERA -.- Super 8 G. A.iF. STI1OI1E mode! wîti eiectro-fade 6 to 1 zoom lens, battery test, eye hood, lens hood UV finae fitter, YASIIICA fîim edtitor, filmi spiiccr and glue $95, fini. ('ah 668-2764 after 5:30 TAPESTRIitS.. 8 beautifuil vetvct weaved tapestries for fluor or -wa!t hiangiîîgs, seil at cost $30 cadi (site 4 ft. X 3 ft.) ('ait (coilect) 1-649-.5443. Eln1,. A\FGHIANS --Ol! lashioned 4Sini. X 4Sin. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both moiti- coloured aind would suit anv decur. Cal! 6554776. Ep HAN IILION il'T UN IT - Nviti: lOt) hp engine, suitabie for boat 15 f t. and up $525. F--or details cali 668-2225 after 4:30 pa. CAS EURNAÇ':- <ANTr-i.Is) 100.000 BTIi'sý, 5 fi. tal!. vers' Çew. (1 68-2851 aftcr 5. STFEO "BAR - Wîit! shoi t swavc N I radio ati turntable mutist sec to apprecia te ask iiig $375. Cal! 668-2198. E, n 1. r-MANS SUITS- Near tnes ait woo! tati site 44-40, dark bine sitiî sest $45. nicdium biue white stripes $35. higlit blue S35, girls skates size 2 $5. rock tuni- bler kit used onice $ 14. ('at 728-5433. 1:nip.) COFI - :EETABLE' - $10.('alil 668-3573 after 5 p.m. l:mniP. PAN (;LITAR Reptica ut- Gibso L [es Paul, two doubhle pick- ups. ex cellen t coIimitioIn, atjust- tIle stee[ neck $1lo0ifirii. ('al 668-9772. F Ill)p. AQUARIUMNS 'otur 20 gaI- !oil aq uariumins, 4 liea tiiers, 3 punîps, 2 cover liiîts, accessorics abou t 50)tropicai li msî sitti a mcd fin shiamk inicluded (3 it. lune) $1i30. ('alil668-9288 after 5 lp-ni. AN'Il1.!; l)mcr ssit!îmin- ror $55. ('alit655-4776. 1- mip. BABY !-tRNITURI , Stroli O ('hair, includles carniage. strollt'r citair. h ifflichair, ss mth inter- changeabl e parts S50. (':î! 7-18- 0)333. 1,111 p. -l'OW 'R LCK 3 ton. sel1inig as is $900 or best offer. (kilt 668- 7654. 1l.1ilil) REC'ORD)P .\l.I.-portable $1 5, ki tchieil table, li roine & cee mamble in tesigni $20. plceisc cati after 6 pm. 655-3240. lnp VAN ITY l3edmoom vani ty \witli large iii-or, wood $50, very large roori tivider, wood wsi tii 2 lange slîetves l'or knick knuacks $20 3 large chairs in g'ooml Condition. wotd csoi t 'ec-nooîîî or cottage $1!0, each l'or 2 and une $20, 2 large shecets of* arbonite i pitnk courntertop andi one white munb!e shee t $ 8 unit $ 10. ('ail 668- 6567. ('OA'l- Ladies iersian tamb l'ulli !ength., size 14, saciffice $75. ('ail 068-5447. 1Emnp1. 1965 tORD) (OMET -Six cylinder au tomiatic, good running condition, body ini good shape, lias licence plates on. wshite with red uipliostery $600. Cail 655- 4834. STEREO & record 1,tayer Viking $100, Viking B&W TV 21 inch $1lOt, coffee table oblong, $15, portable sewing table $12, nesw kitchien chairs (2) $10, corn- er step) table $ 15, ait in good conditioný ('ail 576-3047. Emp. WASIII':R!SPINNI-;R -Ken- more twin-tub washer and spinner excellent condition $1i25. ('ait 668-3131 after 4:30 p-n. .-mp._ 1969 OLDS -('utlass 442 V8 powver dlise brakes, au tomnatic, AM/lý'M\ radio, ail gauges inciud- meg tachomneter, 2 door bard top, body needs paint, âpproxinmatcly 76,000t) iles, $1 ,100 or best of- fer. Cal! 668-1066. l.p S'EZi.'o _ Pioneer systemn brand new%,AMI/FiM receiver, 8 track, turntable. 2 specakers, $400 ('ail 668-7190. Enî1p. (Kodak) wîth carrying case, iin extc.ýlictit condition $10, ski boots site seveni, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the sh1ape of a (lice in very good condition $7, niicroscope kit, con tains micro- -cupe, sides, specimens, for ut,' ser (i8 Ct 6845. -CAS DRYER --Inilis, nearly new. asking $75. ('ailI655-3663. NI1X,\ASTE'R - Large Sun- beami $20. B&W TiV $70, ('hest of drawers $30., ('ail 668-3679. (;40 KART'- New 4/, iî.p. motor $250 or best offer. Cali 668-i1155 or 668-5014. EI-mj. AQUARIUMI New 15 gai. eomptetely equîpped with starter kit, neyer used $30. ('aIl 655- 4494. Emp. tised nnly' 9016. onice $40. ('ail 723- Enip.1 'IR1 S - SAVE $62, used only 100 in iles, 2-4+2 beited L-78 -1i5 suilmner tires original price per sales bill $74.50, twu 2-2+2 belted 1.-78-15S snow tires, original price lier sales bill $85-80 wMl sel l'or $25 eac!î. ('aIl 668-5386. excellen t condi tion (Cal) 668-3573 after 5 p.m. 1$30. Cati Emp ENCY('LOPE DIA Wor!d book, yearbooks mp to 1970 11962) $100. ('ait 728-9777. [LOOR i>OLSIIi'.R Viking IM 0(1 t7. ('ait around noon 668- 2588. np ~ CR - R SPANIi-4 , Pup cliamnplion sire, blond! maie. C'ana- d ian Renne! ('lob regîstra tien papiers, siiots. c\orimed $ 150 ('atl 5 79-20)44. E 111. 1969 lORD (;ALAXII; 500 O- 2 dloor liard top, power brakes and! Sleniîîg, atttom atic transmission, niaroon colour. excellen t condi- tion S I 000 or liest ol'ler. Lic. l-Bl 1t30).(Çil 655-3867 or 655- 4594 and ask tom ilarry. FEniP. WHITBYFREE PR'ESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1975, PAGE 17 NOTICE TO READERS Advertiýse FREF in the FREe PRE'SS EMI3ORIUM, pay ONLY when you îell! Tlwre svill nul bhe any charge to advertisers' in the FRIA' PRESS lEýMIORI UM unless the item advertised is sold. When the alvertised item ks sold, you pay a commission iased on THE AI)VERTISEI) PRICE as illustrated below. Ail adver *tksernts niust be placed on an exclusive basis xitiî the WIIITBY FRI El l>RESS and mun at least one mion th ilf not sold RATE'S (if airticle ks sold): 5174 of advertised pricc up to $400.00) 24of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE": Sold item 'îdvertised for $5000 - commission duc $2.50 (minimum commission k $ 1.00) irivate advertksing on!y! Please notil'y us il' you find a retailer iisted as a priva te adver tiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immiediately when itemn is sold so that we may delete it frg>m the folu-iwing issues. Services, tîeip Nwanted, clothing, reat estate and personat message type ads can onty be handicd on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cuti 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUMI P.O. Box 206, WLITBY work, as is $250, or trade for snmalî car, Tnaynîor Signature Reverb 4X tO, $250. ('ait 655- 4978. Emp. sTERLO ý-'0COMPONEN1'S i Sears receiver, I Carrard changer (ttirntaýbie). 2 speakers, very good condition $150-00- ('ail 668- 9256 after 6 p.m. Em np . C1-1:S T 11R F*E1 Lt) -Green/ gold broquade, good condlitioni $75. ('atl 668-7644. Lp SWIMMING POOL - Re- possessed, excellent condi- tion, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at 1/2 price. Cail Collect 416-536-9278. 'TAPI: lRE.(ORIIR -Simp- ACCORDION - 120 bass, like new $200, S picce kitchen suite, piece dinette suite, browiî/black, inlaid table. smîvcl chair, ahnost new $ 135. ('al after (6 p.m. 668-8709. Ein p. 18' BOWRIDER - Newv 1974 120 h.-p. 1/O, Merc., top, sindosv' traiter, weekends 293-5881. CEDARý RAILS - 20, gu t tu mlouint aiuminum roof rack. Cai 579-3917. EIimp. lab P -nd aifle,ut 3 wekshll habd iemple s1ot $20. Cl 68 5123. . Emip. cabin ini ('ALSARIA - Newv siding and fence, eiectric hecat living anti dining room, kitclien, ilewv bathroom and shower, nice residemîtiai area, faritastic view, $32,50>0. ('ail 579-3917. CIIANDELiIiR - $75. Cail WANTED - Canada's 725-1280. Emp POLS - Deltuxe, redwood, ahove grotind pools (2) 16 X 24 and J6 X 32 compiete, I year ol d. Re possessed by bank, sacrifice 1/ price. Cali Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. $1!5, large crib svith mnattress and spring good condition $ 15, 2 dol! carniages $2 each. Cait 668-5541. aftcr 4 p.nî. Emip. TIREI-S - pair of [178-15 inch Seiberiing Potyghîs Tires, tised t,000 imiiles, new $40 eactî svill seil pair for $50. ('ait 6684730 or 668-8417. tion Road. Cali 668-2182. Can have for price of ad ($2.38). WANTED TO RENT - Apart- ment or smail i ouse in Witby or suirroundlitg area. Caîl 705-277- 29. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT Prime location new building adjoining Toronto-Dominiion Bank. The only restaurant ini Industrial Park adjoining heavily populated residential area. Cal 1-633-9911. HELP WANTED STENIOR STENO EXPERI ENCED position requires excellent typing with ability to use dictation equipment. Good salary with A benefits. Mo- dern, congenial atmosphere. Apply by mail to: Ferrco Engineering Limited 1400 Hopkins Street, Whitby. Part-time person needed by the Whitby Free Press to help manage circula- tion department. Must be able to interact with children. Driver's icense essential. Cali Mike Bur- gess at 668-6111. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Registered nurse seeks summer enmploymnent part or fuil-timne. Cal! 668-6393. WANTED leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 abovE ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime loca- tion we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cal collect 292-2263 . days or even ings. Manufacturer representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Call collect 416-536- 9278.' TOYS FOR BIG BOYS BUY, SELL OIR TRADE SPECIALIZINS IN PERFORMANCE CARS - NEW LOCATION - ,209 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7759 1969 VOLKSWAGON - Real gas saver, SI ,095.OO Licence H5H-914 1970 CHEVELLE - Vinlyl top, radio, new car condition S 1,995.00. Licence FBJ-604: 1970 CHEV - 350 automnatic, p.S.,.P.B., radio, low mileage SI1,795.00. Licence JZC-888 1 -r- -Y- 1 i 1 1 -

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