Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 4, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Wednesdav. June 4- 1975 3:0 Shalom, information and entertainment for the Jewish Community 4:30 The Law, and How It Works - Marriage Breakdown, pre- sented by Windsor University Faculty of Law 5:00 Durham Report 6:00 Sports 6:10 Public Servicq Announcements 6:15 Whitby Reportl with Joel Kaiser & Jeff Bentley 6:30 That's Magie, with Phil Pttman & students of Henry Street High School in Whitby 7:00 Whitby then and now with Jim Quail & Brian Winter 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Fiesta '75 - presented in co-operation with the Oshawa Folk Arts Council 9:00 Sculpture in Movement, with Evelyn Roth 9:30 Music and the Spoken Word with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Thursdav. June 5 2:00 Whitby Town Council Meeting The Law and How It Works - lmpaired Driving, presented by the University of Windsor Law Faculty 4:30 WhÎtby Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Sculpture in Movement 6:00 Sports 6:10 Evening Report 6:20 Public Service Announcements 6:30 Rescue presented by the Seventh Day Adventist 7:00 The 3R's with Ged Carr, in co-operation with the Durham Region Separate School Board 7:30 The New Leaf, with Gordon Wick - The Art of Growing Things 8:00 That's Magic 8:30 Music and the spoken word FridaV. June 6 1:00 Oshawa City Council Meeting 3:,00 Shalom 4:00 The Church Fridav. June 6 1 :00 Oshawa city counicil meeting 3:00 Shalom 4:00 The Church Today 4:30 The new leaf 5:00 Vita 1Italiaa ~6:00 The 3R's 6:30 Concert Mondav. June . 2:00 Canadian Radio & Television Commission - Public Hearing held in Hamnilton (Part 1) 4:00 Regional Boxing Meet, from the Legion Hall, Oshawa 6:00 Sports, with Dave STewart 6:10 Evening report with Ron Folk 6:20 Public service announcements 6:30 Counterpoîint: a Christian view of current issues 7:00 The Law, and How It Works -Small Claims Court 7:30 To bean nounced 8:00 Whitby tovvn council meeting, from council cliamber in Whitby Tluesdav. June 10 2:00 C.R.T.C. Public Hearing (Part I1) 4:30 The Church Today, presented in co-operation with local Parishes of the Roman Catholic Church 5: 00 Concert, musical talent from Whitby vvith L Chupa 6:00 Sports 6:10 Evening Report 6:20 Public service announcements 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta 7:30 Durham Report, vvith Bruce McA rthur 8:30 Counterpoint Pi1kington and White Seek P.C. nomination WViiiiaîn Pilkirîgton, tonlier Wlifby poi,;e chief, and Robert White, formîer town coutncilior, anniouniced lasf weck tîrat flhcy would seck file Progressive Conservafive nomination for tlhc new rid- ing of Durlîaný West in fthe upcoming provincial clect ion. Mr. Pilkington, who re- tigned as police cliief in 1973 aller serving f ive years in fliaf capacity, is tlhc presîdent of flic Whi(by branli of' die Onftarjo Hunane Society and the Rotary Club of Whitby. î-le is aiso tlhe assistan t clieic îiispector lfor tfelic Lquor Licence Board of' Ontfario. Mr. Whitc. a miember of' mll it by Counicil froiI 1968 fo 1973, is chiairnvîn of' hie (Central Lake Ontario ('onser- vat ion Authorifv. Whioevcr wins flic nomina- tion meeting on June 26 will go against Whiitby Mayor Des Newman, flic Liberal candi- date, and New Demiocratic Pîarty candidate Dr. Chartes Godfrey, People or Planes comimitfec liairin an. dWMAA Softball Last T hursday nighft saw the first tie of the season as the W.M .A .A. Men 's "Th ree-Pitech" Soffball League completed its fourth week of play. The tic came in -the opening gaine of the doubleheader glaycd af the Brock Street flats as Teamn No. 3 and Teamn o. 4battlcd through nine innings f0, a 10-10 draw. Teamn No. 4 was behind by one run going into the last of the eiglîfh when fhey rallied f0 tie the score. Both sides went down in order in the ninfh so the fie remnained. In flic second game of flhe doubleheader, Team No. 1 won ifs third garne in a row by clobbering Team, No. 2 (Hawks) 21 f0 9. At no Uinie in the confesf was the gaine close, and flic gaine was really won after the. second inning when têarn1led 15 f0 2. Thec individual sfar of' the evening was Paf Brown of Teain No. 1 Who had three home runs, played vcry weli ini the field, and, in tfli oufsfanding defensive play of fhe night, fhrew a runner ouf from ccnter field as the runner was frying f0 score 1from Lea~gu Tcani second base on Sfandings (as of May 3 1 st) Camies Won- Lost T icd Pfs. No. No. No. No. O asingle. Pcf. 1.0Mo .500 .250 .000 bruce bogg and compony, reoltor Bruce Bagg & Company is Carson to the Staff at the Brookiin. pleased to welcome Ruth Mitchell and Bob Credit Union Building, Baldwin Street North, This isn't what we would recommend for those -euffering from heart burn, but Peggy Jackson managed to limbo uncler the burning cross-bar which was less than a foot off the ground wit- a tray of drinks in each hand. Miss Jackson was part of the entartainment Saturday night at a Carribbean dance at Iroquois Park organized by the Whitby Recreation Departrnent. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess WOODWORKERS DANCE UAW Hall 44 Bond Street East, Oshawa Saturday, June 7, 1975 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music by G. Grills and the Road Rangers air-conditioned, hot plate, bar privileges $3.50 per person EVERVONE WELCOME Cali Rath at 655-4211 or 655-3128 Cali Bob at 655-4211I or 655-3662 Ruth Mitchell was born and raised iii the Brookiin area and lias been an active menîber of the Community for years. Having receniy compieted tie Real Esfate course at Dur- ham Coilege she joined the staff at Bruce Bagg and Companîy and invites friends and acqunintances, old and iiew f0 sec her firsf for ail their Real Estate xîeeds. Robert J. Carson (Bob) came f0 Brooklin 2V/2 years ago from Toronto where he had worked at his profession as a Funeral Director with the firm of Turner and Porter Funerai Directors. Since coming f0 Brooklin, Bob has become quite activein the community. He joined the Brooklin Spring Fair Board and is now vice-president. He is a member of the I0O.O.F. Beethoven-L'odge 165 and he was invoived in ftie formation of the new Kinsmnen Club of Brooklin and District and is a Charter Vice-president of this group.of young men.à Bob just recently marriea Afln Kowalyk of Toronto and they are both Iooking forward t0 many happy years in Brooklin. ýBob* invites his friends and acquaintances f0, caîl hini to assist theni in their real estate needs. St.s.P *MARINE SUPPLIES *EXCLUSIVE DEALER for Snark Products fincluding the famous Sunf lower) *QOjaljty canoes, fishing boats, dinghys Whiltbv,,,*Boatîg demonstrations 7 DY A WEEK Ont* Charts available Free S forage for the summer season c0ý ý Boating demonstrations ýby appointmenft. '*Don't trailer your boat, leave îi eith us' AT TH FOOT 0F BROCK ST. SOUT H Murder Charge Khirool Subratee, 42, of 120 Michael Boulevard, lias been chargcd wiflî murder and laftemipfed murder -after fhe deafh of lier husband Khalcel. According to poLcc. Khlaiel Subratee died ini Oshîawa General Hlospifal 011 Wcdniesday -of sfab) wotinds fo tflic clsf reccived ir iî doi-estic argumnent May 18. Wien slhe appcýared ini court Friday lier case wzis rernanided tuntil foday. First body identified The lirsf of two bod ies found inIl ie Whiitby mnarsli lias been identified as that of' Edward Lake, a former pa- tient at fie Wlîitby Psychia- tric Hospital. His badly deconîposcd body was found by a boafer in the Wliitby nîarslî one week before the burned body of Samuel Beatty, also a pa- tient of the psychiiatrie hospi- taI, was discovc >red nearby - Both deaths have been ruled accidentai.

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