Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1975, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, l975, WHITBY FREEPRESS STOVE - 30 inch Moffat, excellent condition $60 or best offer. Cal! 655-4218. Ernp. IIUTCIi - reproduction small pinie $75. Cal 668-4677 after 5. STEREO-Flcectrohonie [[i-fi radio/phionograph., Garrard record 4player, 48 inchi Deilcraft solid %vood S\\edli waltnut tinish cabi- net, perfec-t condition $80. Cali 668-247q. Eo l.l 'R(BROOM Regina ~upcrpowcr2-spccd w'ith setting.s $18, GE cetej floor polishier S I13, balw lotinger $2. JolIy Juipý er withi portable stand $8, baby bathi tub S$1.50. Call 668-4778. SOFA & CHAIR - Wel made traditional 90 inchi soLaî and tub c hair, bitue and green in colotir, ini good condition $250. Cal! 668- 1390. EnP. 1969 PONTIAC -Stratochief automatie, good nmechanical and running condition $425 tincerti- fied. Cati 668-7644. Emip. WEDDING GOWN .- Brocade velvet, m4âtching ftil length cape Swith hiood, malibu trim, size 10, $135, white FOX FUR cape $75, Cali 655-3009 afier 6 p.mi. Emp CAMERA - Mirander Sensor- ex 35mmi S.L.R. withi Taro. the lense metering sy'itemn, Miranda atuto 28inin wide angle lense, Mir- anda auto SOmmn lense, Soligor T4 lOSmni lense, Soligor T4 300 nm lense (ail lenses witli hoodi Braon F280 lilectronicflash wit!i bracke t and charger, 2 Plos ex ten- sion tube, 9 asstd. gla-»ss filters, Foca bell micro bellows attach- ment, cable relcase and eye cuip, separate leathier case for camiera plus a Botîser leather Miniolta 16 mni Minature CAMFERA %vith Rokker 22Imrn lenise in case S30. POLAROID No. 330 camera \vith flash attachment, includes filmi and bulbs. like new $55, Blessinig Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case as new, cost $550, sel] for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.m. Emp. Luckyi Lucky1 Lu 'ky1 Number 881 Number 615 Number 861 * * 'ekched y* . AW.DAIS Forecast Perlod: June 8 to June 14 AIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI . May 21-June 20 MOONCH ILI) June 21-JuIy 22 LEO JuIy 23-A ug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-ian. 19 AQUAR IUS ian. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-M ar. 20 A miember of the opposite sex watîts to play games. Remember the old saying: The difference bel ween the spider' and fly is ...-patience'. You'î-e going to get your way tbis week, Cosmic cycles enhancu, you wvith a highly persuasive per- sonalit ., at one time they cralled il -animal nlagnetism.- There's a heavy work load corning your way. You woni't 1ecognîzu il at lirst. but the additional rusponsibility will bu sugar coated as a challenge!" YoulIl think in1 ternis of terminating a project, Ac- cording to vour chart, every ounce of effort. in tbe lace of - hopelessness.- will pay off in tons of rewards. Most members of your siga %vill be drawn toward a lighb and f rivolous mood. lU's alright bo romp and frolie, providitng you stay in bounds. An associate or a ne%£ acquaintance wvilI bu reflecting your very own mood. [n other words. you'll be looking into a "mirror" of vour own. disposition and personality. Whether it's aflairs of the heart or any other type of competition-you'll hold an edge on the pack. In other words. you'lI be Up physically, mentally and emotionally. Someone %vill. inally. admit that they need your help. Dontb get the wrong idea. it won't be a per- sonal victory. You in turn will need thîs - somneone- as an alIv. Stellar patterns focus on a friend's marriage. Be on the lookout for a chain of subtle events that mnigh complicate your own affairs of the heart. Hloist your sails, there's positive financial w-înds blowing your way. Se. schedule more time for your job. task or projeet. Also. put more effort int long terni plans. The issue. this %week. wîll be. Can vou handie out- side pressures.,w ithout disturbing the tranquility at your homne base? Theres a slight chance that a financial emurgencv will arise. Many miembers under your sign wiIl undergo a radical change in their hife style. Incidenbally. this -change- will prove to be beneficial. ini the long haul. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun SÎgn Analysis. tend thse day. month, yeor and place of brlh, plus $1.00 for postage and handlhsg I0oDr. Andrew W. Domîs, P. 0. Box~ 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. ALWAY matches1 Please'follow Smokey's ABC's! CAREFUL to (S hold BEsure to crush ail tilt cold. drown ail fires. smokes -e e-s TO!3AYIS ANSWER ACROSS 3 Coo's 1 Moroccan partner City 4 Wholly 6 One kind 5 Foursome 's of flood meeting Il Ni.rble place 12 Bronco- 6 Impostor busting 7 Boundling show gait 13 Separated, 8 Oklahoma as City combatants 9 SuI1dSy (2 wds) talk 15 Indiani (abbr-) cymbals 10 On a 16 Street winning in Paris streak 17 Caution 14 Unsubstantia 19 Ru 17 How 22 Mexican funny! inn 18 Nigerian 25 Alleviate City 26 Where flot 19 He was to be "Shane" caught 20 Key (3 wds.) 21 Equal 28 Portico 1 2 3 4 29 Carpenter's - - - need i 30 "- Blue 1 the Night" ' 31 Undersized 32 Netheriands river 22 23 24 33 Floating zoo 26 36 Intervene -28 - (2 wds.) 2 41 Overhead 10 - 42 Ghostly__ _ 43 Send back 44 Expiate ~ 3 DO"N 1 Engrossed I I chaser 1 FOGGED IN She ca me home f rom Europe ex- claiming London was flot the foggiest place in the world. The husband inquired, "Where were you where it was foggier?" "It was so loggy 1 dont kriow where il was" she replied. 24 Putaay. 31 JWis bu wirpool 34 Check; hait 35 "lBury My Heart at Wounded - 36 Wor4 with horse and hand 37 Greek clan division 38 Household figure 39 Oolong or tsia 40 Moisten 01N/A /l lAlI /75 eeVA/7I Vy'AR oFffl ANR~FR/ ,MLICA7/ON, ANP 7?41N/NG. POLLA& POigAM W/I(-J- CON 77A/I/6 7rO 4~cOLl OAZ. eXPCk/MF/ZAi-, PeVbrLP11l7AIl' 4A1L Re5eAC1I IW&K <A/AIé Ar P5e/NclIV6MF1E770-/OQ ANP 9ielaAl-4 rF? A MOPe 4efleC77V6e ANP 9ALANCFP Ù177L/772A/ 6'FA4'tIA T/C ANVP C6eAL ,?eý504igCeý C057A L ZOWe~~Q~-f~C- 15 elel oCONPd9zcrep /N7 a PO7I leýI./CPOL-/CY ANVP 5:/PN77F1e AIVP Ae 915COVieRlINa NFWV7-0045 720 /161P PAI A INP MAI/AG4eCAl/IF09MIA 15 AN Pi2 IIV/NAJÀ/C- NeI GT47Te CHEESE More Amnericans are turning into cheese loyers. The aiveraige Amnerican todav eats about 14 pounds of cheese a year. That's __ two and a hall times what he ate 35 years ago. Stili. it's only half of what a Frenchman or Italian eats._______________ ________________I M I I Whitby RENTAL - Excellent store space Excellent business locations, newly remodelled store. Downtown. Good lease available. SA LE Whitby - 300 Palmerston Avenue 3 bedroomn brick bungalow locatedl in north- west area, close to schools. Extra bedroom down- sta irs. Whitby - 132 Ash Street Older 3 bedroom home located on good size lot. Separate dining room. Blackstock - 78 acres Good light loam, ready to go. 2 storey home completely remodelled, large bank barn, hot & cold water, complete milker setup, accomodation for 30 veal caîfs. Other extras. Asking $1 ,800 per acre. -_ REALT -__. 66B*1177 Whitby - 219 St. Lawrence Older 11/ storey, 3 bedroom home. area, garage, separate dining area. Marguerite Kulik Jim Wilson Dave Woodail Patty Simpkiss DOUgI 'Scotty' Taylor Bs'nny Stacewicz Ernest M. Stoneman Edward Grant Preferred Oshawa - R.R. 1 Country living on 1 acre. Customn buit homne. Fireplace, 3 bedrooms, intercom system, sunken living room, many extras. Oshawa - 345 Albert Street Aluminum sidled older duplex. Walkout from basement, new double«garage. Shows.nicely. Whitby - 24 Marbury Court 4 bedroomn, 2 storey home. downstairs, close to parks and location. Fireplace, finished school. Excellent 1241 BROCK STREET NORTýH VHITBY 66 i ,1 r-' The ýlèj Fra tu 2,000 A.D. NI, ()f [ ý;j 1 I'f il- 1 --i m 1

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