PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Q4>cble 6 LISTINGS Wednesday, May 14 4:00 Shaloin - A wcekly program uto informat ion înd entertainument for di1e Jewishi Coiniminity 5:00 Durlbaru report 6:00 Sports 6:10 Public Ser-vice Announcemients 6:15 Whitby Report. witli Juel Kaiser' iand Jct'f Bentlcy 6:30 Thiat's Magic - withi Phil Pitmn an md the students of Henry Street High School, Whlitby 7:00 Whiitby Then and Now, withi Jimn Quail .ind Briaîî 7:30 Education Scerie with George Pearce 8:00 Ilotline to Heaven 8:30 Music and dic Spokeni Word, fcaturing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 9:00 Expression - withi Special Guest Russ Ballard, Presi- dent of the Canadi4 Toronto Mission of Iie Clîurcli of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Thursday, May 15 4:00 Shalom 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Whiitby Then and Now 6:00 Sports 6:10 Evcning report 6:20 Public Service Announicernients 6:30 Rescue - presented by mnembers of tie Sevenitl Day Adventists Congregat ion of OsIl awa 7:00 The 3R's-wiÃth Ged- Carr, presenited iii co-operiationi with the Durharn Region Separate School Board. 7:30 The New Leaf, witlî Cordon Wîck - Thle Art ofGrow- ing Things 8:00 Rescue- presented by the Seveth Day Adventists - Topic: Surgery - Fact & Fallacy-- Guests 7 Surgeons & Anaesthetists 9:00 Soccer Roundup, witlh Stan Wiggins & Lin Cooke Friday, May 16 4:00 'The Church today 4:30 TPic New Lcaf 5:00 Vita Itafliania 6:00 Waslngton Temple Square A New Landrnark 6:30 Th'le 3R's 7:00 To Be Announiced Monay, May!19 4:00 To Be Anntountced 6:00 Sports wil Dave Stewart 6: 10 Evening Report with Ron Fol k 6:20 Public Service Aîînoutncements 6:30 Couniterpoint - A Christian View of Conternporary NilefilmI Tuesday Whitby Library Thie fifthfi flm in a six-part series enititled 'Tuie Searcli for thie Nile" xviii be sioxvn on Tuesday nighit in the Whitby Pu bl ic Library's programi rooni beginning at 7:30. Iii this episode. "Find Liviigstoiie". Livingstone lias disappeared in Africa and Hlenry Stanley, a young Anmerican reporter, sets out to find hiiim. Thiey meet anîd Stanley greets hinm witlî die now faînous uine "Dr. Livingstone I presumiie. Tlîey explore the lake and conlirni that dic river there runs south and can not he die Nile. Stanlev's accounit toé th e Royal Geograph ical Society is disbelicved. Iii Africa. Livingstonc dies and his body is carried I1.500 miles 10 tie Coast by hiis servants. 'flic final episode in tie series. "Conquest and Dcathi',' will he showrî May 27. 7:00 To Bc Announced 7:36 Oshawa City Council - the regular meeting from Council Chamnber ut City Hall Tues d ay,. May 2 0 4:00 The Chuirch Today - presented in co-operation with die local parishes of the Roman Catholic Church 4:30 To Be Announced 5 00 Concert - a prograrn of Musical Talent from Whitby, with Larry Chupa 6:00 Sports 6:10O Evening Report 6:20 Puiblic Service Announcemen ts BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR AWARD The four-horse hitch winner of last year's Brooklin Spring Fair, Merrili Johnson, pictured left received a trophy fromSomner Ru mm of Consolidated Building Corporation, which donated the trophy to the fair. Next to Mr. Rumm is Len Barrett, president of the fair board and Walter Holiday, the fair secretary. This year the trophy will go to the winner of the single carrnage stake class. The 64th annual Brooklin Spring Fair will be held, in Community Park in Brooklin on Saturday, June 7, 1975. Free Press Photo by Robin Lyon ~CAMPERS 15% DISCOUNT on RV PARTS and ACCESSOR l ES A COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS - including - - Refridgef'ators - awnings --heaters - mirrors - furnaces - hitches - propane equipment, etc. Send $2.00 for 1975 Catalogue (refundable with f irst $10.00 order) write to: K & R TRAILER PARTS and ACCESSOR lES Box 454, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 5S4 415 M<KW4ZPSMAXBOX U INhTHE.OSIMWA C'ERES~ Wedigs Sa723ffceo-H339P3tis BaqetCovis. ancs Rcptos ofAmTye IBEA BLOOD DONORI DO " YOUR. SELF *ii STeaMGex- RENTAL UtNT No speciol ski# requued to mernove gnmne and gil fren fkit deplh of ony caepeling rmvtf'e coloir and kAs*e wthput n*k of disloffing pile or leOvifloifnoy resîctue Cleans up tc '400 sq fi pef hour - dnes fast IOUILY - DAm1 - WEIGND "lit 0668-2345 OPEN 6 doys a week 104 Coiborne St. E., Whitby. Cleaners MMIL