Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 May 1975, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,, WEONESDAY, MAY 14, 1975, PAGE il Tyke entr y 's future is now in doub lt's been a long timne comn- ing but it appears as if spring lias finally arrived a1id oft'i- diais of the Whitby Minor Baseball Association met this week to finalize plans for tie coming season which gets underway officially on Satur- day May 24 which lias been proclaimned "Minor Basebal Day in the Town of Witby" by counicil. Reports from Tyke con- venor Don Kennedy, Peewee hiead Dean Keating and con- venor of die Bantam-midget- juvenle division, Mike Pageau, all point to a banner year ahead for Whitby's young balplayers. Registration lias inereased in ail divisions and there is a strong showîing of interest in the older groups with dic new Midget-Juvenile loop made up of two clubs from die old town. one frorn Brooklin and one fromi Oshawa prornisiflg a lot of action. The big question mark on the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association front for thc W.M.B.A. rernains the futuire of a tyke entry in the Eastern Ontario Circuit with the pos- sibility of an entry £louided by the difficulty in secuiring coaches. This hias not been made casier by an unconfirnied re- port that the E.O.B.A., in the face of widespread dissatis- faction with a schedule thiat cails for extensive travelling. is going ahead inspite of coin- plaints and issuing a schedule which would cal for Whiitby to travel to Kingston. Local voices are loud in their protests that taking nine and ten year old boys to Kingston to play gaines in a regular schedule is costly and unne cessa ry. Witby's Peewec and Mid- get clubs hiave been busy and the Baritami entry is getting inderway so local fans cani be assured of sonie fine baseball during the suimm-er. One of the igliliglits of the sunîînier sports season will be the fourthi annual Whitby- Oshawa Midget tournamient in July which will attract some of Ontario's best mid- get clubs to the area for the Busy is dic only way to describe Mosport Park's flirst major weekend of activity as Canada's only Grand Prix auto raeing circuit prepares to hiost the Victoria Day Sprints, May 16, 17, 18 and 19. Traditionially this weekend marks thc start of dhe camp- ing season ini Ontario and Mosport is no( exception. Workers are cuirrently groom- ing the 700 acres of parkland for a full four days of c amp- ing and iotor racing activitv. 1-eadlinîig tdie xeekend wvill be the appearance of somie ut North i Amrica's leading niotorcyclists as tliev compete in th e Molys!ip Ch all1enge - two full davs otf racing iricluding production and sidecar events. Thlis is the first of only two miotor- cycle dates at Mosport - the second of' which is schieduiled for June 28 during th e Domninion - to - Independence Day Sprints. "We will be providing sonie of the rnost competitive 16 team cevent sprcad over two days. Clubs fromn as tfar cast as Ottawa and t'romn Sarniia in ,the west hiave conipeted in previous years. Scarbor 'ouigh Village won the inaugural event hield in 1972 whien they were serlous- ly challenged by Whitby who made a suirprising showing goig riglit to the final before losing out. In '73 H-amilton Mahioney miotorcycle racing in North Amierica, d caims 1larvey Hudes, Mosport's President and General Manager. "And as a resul t, it's one event we feel thie two-whiecled fratern- ity will not wishi to miss particularly consideningý we hiave schcduled just twvo mnotorcycle dates this year. Thie rotorcycl istis domin- ate the 2.459 mile circuit on Saturday and Sunday. May 17 and 18, followed by the second round ot' the Bulova Chiampionship l'or [ormula 100s and 2.5 sedans on Mon- day, May 19. Fiday is re- served t'or niotorcycle prac- tice. A Superticket whiclîi i- cludes a grandstand seat 1-or die weekend is priced at S 1I-2 wilie a Weekenlder is S IOt. Both tickets allow admit- tance to gasolime alley and die garages alI weekend. but onlv thle Superticket incor- nura tes a grandst and sea t. won out and last year Scar- borougli Birchm-nount carried off.lthc honours. We'II Capture Those smiIles A joint conmittee fromn th e W.M.B.A. and the Oshawa Legion Basebaîl Association is work planning event. COMPLETE PROF ESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY HOME, CHURCH and RECEPTION You get a total of over 30 31/2 in. X 5 in. full colour quality photos! ALL FOR ON LY $89.95 DE LUXE PACKAGE You get the above package Plus 20 31/2 in. X 5 in. Parents' album prints Plus 1 2 8 in. X 10 in. Enlargemnents of your choice A total of over 60 photos! ALL FOR ONLY $1 49.95 ALL FULL COLOUR QUALITY PRINTS BY EXPER IENCED FULL-TIME PROFESSIONALS Mi KE BURGESS PHOTO SERVICE 668-6111 Girls' bail sign up set for Saturday The Whitby Recreation Departiment wll again be offering softball for any girls age seven to 16. Registration will be held thîs Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in thc council chambers of the municipal building at 405 Dundas Street West. The, entry fee is $6 per child which includes jersey and cap. Any individual wishing to to coachi or umpire is invited to the registration as volun- teers are neccssary tu make the league work. For more informationi phone the Whitby Recreation Department at 668-5803. IMPORTS & DELICATESSEN We look after your platters for Bqwling Banquets, Wedding & Parties WHrTBY MALL 725-5716 Prop. Ad van Stiphout Res. 728-4190 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. already for the Victoria Day Sprints feature top cyclists 1Any order nide special -

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