Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 May 1975, p. 5

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The war ini Vietnamn is finaily over. Thie Arnericans atre going home and the Comnintists are novinig ini. After 14 long years, the miost tragic era of miodemn-day history lias ended fi bioodshcd and chaos. Thousands of refugees have been left homnelcss. And, worsc - even a greater number of' South Victnarnesc hlad to surrender to the Commriunist forces. Some Canadian news commnentators arc of the opinion that Arnericans have done thie righ t thing by abandoning a smnall nation anid allowing Commiunists to take it over. Last wcck when spring was making its presence kuown without Uic ain wc've had Uiis past fcw days 1 was remark- ing it wauldn't bc too long before parents and childmen alîke would be planning al Uic details of summer camp. 1 had forgotten that today's children prabably regard sum- mer camp as rather 'mickey mause' campared ta a hitch- hiking trip acar across Canada. The dangers of such a trip are greater than camping but then to1 guess Uic cxcite- mentiîs greater as well. Maybc 1 cnjoyed camping because as a youth 1 had seen a great deai of Canada and noisy, smclly cities full of traffie didn't turn me an. Nor did I get tumced on by smoking up, popping uppers or downers or listening ta acid rock at 200 decibles. Fortunately for me 1 was not a nonmal child. 1 gucss some of my classmnates wcme abnormal because Uiey tao enjoyed summer camp. We regardcd Uic chance ta head off into the woods exploming wiUi probably the samne sense of excitement that a youth of today looks ta- ward hitchhiking ta Uic west coast. On looking back I guess we also managed ta get into the same amount of trouble. One particular faray that cames ta mind happened early in Uic morning before wc had breakfast and inspection of Uie camp. A group of us decided ta go cxplaming but agrced not ta venture tao far s0 we could be back in time ta get our tents rcady for inspection. 0f course wc didn't gct back in time. Mix a group of y.oung boys with Uic intni- cacies of nature and ail of a suddcn Uic boys get amnesia or something. Whatcvcr it was we last track not only of time but direction. It's bad cnough getting lost but Uic even worse for a boy cub because part how ta nat get lost. Training or flot we cmbarrassment is of the training is wemc lost and flot Somne are even suggestîng that boutfl Vîetnamcsc people will find the ncw regime quite acceptable ta their political views. WeIl, who knows, but judging by the phiotograplîs taken by the NBC cameramen and UP! photographers, I'd tlîink these naive Canadians don't know wlîat they're talk. i!ig about. One such naive Canadian is CFRB's Bill MeVeen wlîo apparcntly believes that thc Americani people have spoken up and forecd the armiy gencrals ta end Uhc Inda- china conflict. Granted, public opinion has not been vemy l'avourable in this particular instance, but can we always rely an public opinion alone? Is aîîybody trying ta, tell me that the* majority of the Americans knew what was gaing on in South Vietnam? Wcre thcy able ta sec the Commun- ist threat, bcing soi-ne 9,000 iles away froin the trouble spot? One cannot accept the wide-spread theory that people always kiîow what they want, In tlhe case of war, people mnust rely ou their leaders. Thley have thc neccssary facts whichî, of course, should be made public. Wars are, gcncrally, tunpopulatr with tlicniasses who have neyer expcricrîced an armied aggression. Amecricans have îîever lived under tyraîiny-Cormuîiist or othcrwise. Tlîey dou't know what it's -like ta live under dictatorship aînd constant oppression. And, miost of the Amnericans doîî't reaily undcrstaud the word frecdomn and what it nîcans ta iiiions aof people wli o have lost this precious git't. Think of thc countries like Latvia, Estoîîia, Litlîuania, Poland, East Germnany. Hungary, etc. andi ask these people WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975, PAGE 6 what Communism is ail about. What bothers me most is that many Canadians and Americans alike don't understand why American troops and ouiýs wcre sent ta South Vletnam. Traaps werc there ta protect a small country from Viet Cong advances and at the same time making an effort ta preserve peace. The peace idea didh't rcally appeal ta thc Communists. Thcy kcpt suppiying ýViet Cong with arms and ammunitioi.' Indirectly, Rçed China and Russia wcre responsible for the continuaus fighting in South Vietnam. Whilc these twa powerful cauntries honoured their miiitary cammitments ta North Vietnam, the Americans iu thec meantime did îiothing ta honour their military commitmcnts made ta Southi Vietnam. * And, who made mackcry out of thc Paris peace agrce- rnt? Americans? No; sir, thc Communiets did it again. Com-rmuuists, since I can remember, are welI known for tearing up peace agreements. To thcm an agreement is just a picce of paper ta be discarded at wil. Now tlîat South Victuamn las become, a Cornmunist couutry, trouble could be cxpected elsewhere. Thailand, for omie, is higli on the list. And, do you really believe that Thaihind is able ta defeud itsclf froni any Communist aggression? Once ail lihdochina becomes part of the Coni- niunist enmpire, l'ni sure tlîcy'll cam-e a little dloser ta aur shores. 1 wonder what the American people will say tlien? Politically, tlîings will be very iîîtcresting from now on. particularly caring about il. It was an early mnorning in the hot summner and ail the woods creatures wcrc out. Event- ualiy we canie across a l'amier driving his cows to pasture and xvc askcd inii the timie. Itl vas wcll past boUi inspec- tion and breakfast. Evcn though wc knew wc wouid regret it wc decided to use the larmers diçections ta get back to camp as quickly Mechanical and E lectrical Contractors as possible. One of our group kept thinking out loud what T upyadisalnwudrrud410vi our punishnient righ tbe but dic rest ofus prcferred flot t Toupyadintl e negrud410vl speak about it. The punishiment.was to be decided at a trial high voltage power line ta replace existing over- conducted by dic camp courisellors and having senior head line ta include new fusing and switch gear at campers as the jury. During the middle of dic trial one of the Ministry of Health, Psychiatric Hospital, our group cut loose and found hiimsclf a taîl tree just out- Whitby, Ontario. side of the camp clearing. We almost had to eut Uhe trec T.O. 28 down to get him out. Part of our punishment was that we were confined strictly to camp. 1 didn't blame thie counsellors for Uic punishmient be- cause 1 didn't envy their job of tiying to kcep a large group SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 of cxploring youngstcrs confined to a small arca in the mid- p.m. LOCAL lIME on TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1975. die of the woods. 0f Uic whole camp of boys 1 was anc of the most ardent explorers and Sa it happened another day that I set out in a canoe with anc othcî -boy ta do thc Chris Columbus bit. Wc set aur sights on a small peninsula Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the sticking aut on the horizon of Uic water and off we went. MnsrofGvnm tSeicsRgnaOfc, Lt wasn't lang before thc camp discovercd twa canoes an Mi2 ntistrooernmestSericsyRegtio Ofiee twa boys missing.32 KetSrtWetLidaO aro Te- 1 don't remember toa much about my punishmcnt for phone No. (705) 324-9188, or from the Ministry that escapade cxcept that 1 was confined ta camp Uic nigh t of Government Services Public Tenders Office, whcn. the rcst of Uic boys wcnt off ta a dance at a nearby Room M1-43a, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, dance paviion. 1 wasn't tao broken up about missing Uic Toronto, Ontario, Telephone No. (416> 965-1152. dance because I was too young to know much about girls other then thc fact Uiat thcy smcelled too dlean and thcy put on Uic airs. From some of my friends 1 surmiscd that A 100% Performance Bond may be required. boys wcrc supposed ta chase girls but it was quite a whle0 before 1 discovered what Uic boys wcrc supposed ta do NOTE: For further information regarding this with Uic girls aftcr they caught them. tender, pleas oeli Mr. T. J. -Campbell, Ministry I also remember aur guys playing "war canocs" at camp o Government Services, Toronto, Ontario, Tele- whcre we wouid load up twa or thrce canocs wit phnNo(4695152rte gia Ofc volunteers for cach teamn and we would go out inUisml ph eNo(4695-12r the ReioalOfic bay in front of Uic camp and try ta tip over onc of thc above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily oUier canots. But 1 Uiink Uic payoff was Uic day a group accepted. of us - 15 or 16 as 1 remember it - dccidcd ta go out in anc canoe. During aur little auting in the shallow watcr of Uic Ministry of bay anc of thc counscilors looked out ta Uic watcr ta sec Uic entire group of us standing in a lne in waist deep watcr. E Z, Government He lookcd puzzlcd and then gazed toward Uic dock. Aftcr 1 7 making a mental caunt of Uic canoes he asked us if we Services kncw whcre the othcr canoe was. We glcefuily rcplied thatO ta o wc wcre standing in it. He wasn't impresscd!Onai As 1 look back on it now 1 arn rather amazcd that Uic counisellors kept their sanity as long as they did. Desswigs & misses Mayor Des Newman taking part in'the officiai opening of the Whitby Tennis Club Saturday at Peel Park, took a few swings, but as you can see missed the odd one..but we heard rumour that- his opponent was BiIIy Jean somnebody or other (didr,'t catch the last name). Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess The IgEra t o 2. 00 0 A.D0. NEWS 0F EARTH. ENVIRO'4MENT, ENERGY i5Aé7tCY 1XPée75- P,?P/C7 7-/A r Y 77/1 vé,4? 20<i20 7-0/PePV N7-50Z O/wl7-ý 50LAk POWFR P$Vé4OPMFNT7 /45 VOW ON/ 77/e IVPSWIV6./ NA7T/Vc, AVA AJOC- [?AeAe Oge A Tf6AJT-/0P4ý NF-4451N0 /44Ne A<%-OLP. QtIV' QJf4ANOI4N6 A 7T4'h9Ie 0F £.coL4AePt2Wéý /fl / riF/r &URl'J4 No FZ/l /i .1p 1/iFNCb7 CAveeg 4/voPQL7oN 7fIF C057TOF Me-/ MeTTL ,LaCTROIVIc 126V/CF!5 71//14 P/gEÉC7 l INZ' el6,CC17/Y M45 PRivol4Y 1/IF4p t/P 6OLAIR POWe/. MoeFvNP5 ARF £WIN& C/4AIA.W7L-P rr-1/> WAV NOM

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