WHITBY FREE-PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 23, 1975, PAGE 3 Andeýru The 68 member band of Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Whltby, left on April 10 to travel to Lynn, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, where they wilparticipa te in a joint pro- gram with the Lynn Public School Band. The Anderson Band is under the direction of Captain George Quick. Members of the commun- ity will be able to hear the musical prograni on either May 10 or 11lwhen the Lynn Band wil come to Whitby for a return engagement =it the Whitby Band. Each band ýyill play separately, the even- ing wll conclude with a joint performance by a mass band. The repertoire of the Anderson Band inclu.des such classics as Beethoven, Brahmrrs. Dvorak and Prokoflev, as well as light, modemn and novelty numbers. Kevin Smith is Whiltby Hospital Now Accredited Milton J. Fisher, Hospital A d ni i n i s t r a t o r, has announced that Whitby Psy- chiatric Hospital has been awarded Provisional Accred- itation by the Canadian Coundil on Hospital Accred- itation. The Coundl's report, ne- ceived in April, highly com- mended, aniong other services, the Nunsing Service, Clinical Records, Housekeep- ing, Dental Services, Statîs- tical program evaluations and the provision of services to the Durham Centre. Th e Council presented a set of recommendations which the hospital mnust accomplish in order to receive full accreditation. Mr. Fisher expressed his confid- ence that staff comrmitment and team effort will earn the hospital full accreditation with in a year. Mr. Fisher reported that the hospital had received a congratulatory message frorn John K. Maynard, Director, Psychiatric Hospitals Branch, who commeiided staff for the tremendous efforts that have gone into bringing th e ho-spital t o Accreditation standards. Certification by the Canadian Counicil on Hospital Accreditation is evidence that the hospital has met standards establiMed for ail hospitals and assures patients that a high standard of treatment is provided. bon CVI trumpet soloist. The Anderson Bands com- peted'at the. Toronto Kiwanls Festival in February against bands fromt ail over Ontario: the junior band won first prize; the senior band fourth prize. Both bands will*coni- pete in the Oshawa Kiwanis~ Festival Aprfi 28. Another project *of -the Anderson band this year is a 'iecording featuring the senior band and the School Choir and made by World Records of Oshawa. The record went on sale Aprfi 7 and is beirig sold for $5 a copy, to stu- dents, parents and friends in order to help defray expenses for the Boston trip. The Anderson bands are under the direction of Cap- tain Quick who graduated from 'the Royal Miitary School of Music at Kneller Hall in England, served as bandsman with the 1i th Hus- sars in England frorn 1927- 1937, and as a coà nductor with the Royal Fusiliers, Ciry of London Regimnent in India and Germany until 1952 when he came to Ottawa as Assistant to the ChieflInspec- ton of Canadian Army Bands. In 1963 Captain Quick moved to Oshawa to conduct the Ontario Regiment Miitia Band, now called the Oshawa Civic Band. Since 1967 Cap- tain Quick has directed music at Anderson Collegiate and conducted the school's bands. Anmnual M eetiýng Brooklin Liberals The annual meeting and election of officers for the B3rooklin Liberal Association has been scheduled 'for Wednesday,' Apnil 30 at 8 p.m. at the Ashiburn Corn- munity Centre. The election of officers for other areas in the federal iding of Ontario hiave already been hceld. Valerie Marshall is the president for Ajax-, Vince Dinelle, Bay Ridges; and Paul Saulnier, Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. Th e Provincial Liberal Novemben 7, 8 and 9 will be held in September. KISS IT OFF "If a young man takes his lady friend to the opera. buys her sup- per, and then takes her home in a cab. should he kiss her good- night," wondered the young bachelor. His single Uncle Fred growled, -I don't think she, ought to expect it. Seems as if he done enough for her already" Band :on Whitby Location Tour Captaîn George Quick, conductor of the Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute's junior and senior bands, puts his students through the paces ln preparation far, th é- hawaKv2kiwmnis Festival on Mondav. %can make you rich Interest rateýs change but one financial fact is constant....if you keep your money where it çarns high interest, your molney will end up keeping you. Guaranteed Investment Certificates make your money grow rapidly. Bring your savings today to Victoria and Grey. The ail Ontario Trust Company begun ini 1889 Member Canada Deposit LLL Insurance Corporation VICTORIA andCGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid Mmwgr 308 DUNDAS W. * FREE, French Fries ($2.00 value) Aweek of Savings Starts Friday April 25, 1975 and ends Wednesday April 30, 19i75 BLAIR PARK PLAZA OnIy Dundas St. E. at Lupin Dr. WHITBY p Mary Brown has The Best Legs in Town When you buy13 'or 18 pieces, of chicken at the Regular Price: You Save ~3015 eFREE Cole Slow *FREE Hot Buns (75C value) (40c velue) Whitby Location lui Uir %ibitawa &%&Vvalua a %-Iqà vua Pl éýj pftEvmmmmuÀ Zï 668-7931 Only