Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8,WEDNtSDAY, APRIL 9, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS r I C ommtunity > Payge a Home accommodation For visitors wanted Ross Murison, Chairman of the Oshawa Charnber of Commerce Billeting Comm it- tee, is seeking private hiome arnd farm home accommoda- tion for visitors whio will be attending the World Plowing Match being hield in Oshawa during the latter part of' Se p cm ber. "We'll be filling every available hQtel and motel rooin in the area", says Nir. Murison ...but. ini addition. we'll 1need ,a considerable nuinber otfrmoins in private hiomes in both urb:uîi and rural locations.* -Over 200,000 people fronii ail pa rts of Canada, the U.S. and overseas will be attending îh is match" lie ivent 0on 10 say...anti somle of thiese are requesting accommnodation in private h OJiies." Anyone wishiing, to participaiie ini billet ing visitors and imeeting somne îteresting niew people, plus nîiaking sonie revenue -on the %pare rooin~s ithy h ave availabie, shiould phlone thie Chiaînher office ( 7-8-1 683) and req uest the necessary lorins 10 rejister thecir rmois. Tis shiouilede 01elrior to i\pîil 1 4th . Bowling Green Club Elects new e'xecutive The Bowling Green Towcr Senior C'i izens' Club recen ly eiected a newv exectitive. Mrs. Jaynes- replaces MIr. Woodrofle as president. Mrs. Hlopley is <the vice- president: Mrs. Rycroft, re- cording secretary: Mrs. Srnythc, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. Corinors. treasurer; M rs. Bergnman. mernbership coîîvener:, and Mir. Morrison Public relaItions. The comimittîcel'or games and eri ertainmnî is coin- posed of M r. Brandt, convener; Mrs. Hiolley, social convener and Mrs. Morrison, wclcoming and visiting co nveie r. LISTINGS Wcdnesday._April 9 4:00 4:30 Oc0 6:00 6:10 6:15 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 M,.usîc and The Spoken Word Counterpoint Durham Report Sports Public Service Aninounicements Whitby Report That's Magic Whitby Then and Now Education Scene Hotline to Heaven Dogs in Our Lives rTheaitre Co. Plays The Whit by Theatre Com- The theatre compainy will held 'at the Whitby Centen- For more information, cai pny iconjuniction wihte peeta pcashwnon d Building, 416 Centre tlhe recreation department at Whitby Recreation Depart- *Monday, April 21, with* cur- Street South, in Whitby. 668-5803. I nient, wilI present a series of tain tfime at 7:30 pan,. Senior I perfornîanccs in April. Thec company's junior theat re wili present two plays "The Magie Ring", a cifld- ren's musical, and "He's Dcad Alright", anl adit fiarce. Curtain timie is 2^ p.m. on Suilndaty, April 13, Saturday, Ap ril 19 andl Sunday, April 20. Admission k $SI lfor adults and students 75 centis. The company's. senior theatre group will peri'orin a nî'îsical rcviewv, "I Mean Waddya Wan t". at ACVI Anderson Collegiate aînd Vocatiunal Institute will hold a "C(anada Day" on April 1 6. 'l'ie whole day wvill be devoted t (,) exanmining ('anada's hecritage with speciai guest speaker Stephen Lewis, provincial leader ot' the New l)emocratîc Party. The school hopes to h ave agroup of Iroquois Indians speak. Henry High Perf orms 'nie Hlenry Street -lîghl School Draina Club wvil per- foTrn "Elizabeth P'. froni May 8 to May 10 at 8:30 pli, each nigi',. Admission to) the piay is S I.50 for aduil s, S I for stu. dents without identification cards and 75 cents for stu- dents wvîth e cards. flic club is currently hold- ing rehiearsals everv Tuesday and Thursday in die schooi cafctorium frono 3:30 p.ni. on. citizcns mill bc admit tedrlice of' chuarge. This miusica,.l review wiii continue fromi Tucsday, April 22, to Friday, April 1-5, with 8 P.11. the starting tlime cadi evenling. Charge for aduits is $2.50 andl lor students $ 1 .50. Reserve tickets ilnay be pu rch asedi aat MîildlCtotls Book Store. 115 I)undas Street West, Whitby. Ail perltbrînanccs wîll he Get reody for summer! HUNDREDS 0F CLASSES 1 WIIITBY Knigh ts of(Columnbus -liait 133 Brock Street North l'hursday, 7:30) pa.. A JAX St. l'auPý United(hri Wednesday. 7:30) p.n. lor Further t nformnation Cati 789-7676 with the Canadiain Family Meal Plan Try Counterweight Food5s for the caîorie-conscious. Availoble at vour supermorket. A<FREE oArST FoRenHArSwmTVLE by AWARD WINNING Hairstylist- Tony Scanq of Tony's Hairstyling LAST WEEK'S WINNER Mrs. Nolan 102 Michael Blvd. Whitby, Ontario. The Whitby Free Proui in co-operation witth Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE haîrstyle to the first persan phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose last tbree digits of their telephone number matches one of the sequences found hidden throughout titi; issue. If thte last three numbers of 'your telephone number match one of thue lucky numbers hidden throughout titis issue, caîl the FREE PRESS at 668-611il after 2 p.m. Thursday. If you're the FIRST caller you'll win the Free Presi boîrstvie of "k! WHITBY DENTURE CLINIC 214 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668m77,97 Off ice Hours Mon. - Fr1. 9 - 6 Saturday 9 -1 Cali for APPOINTMENT No charge for CONSULTATION FuH & partial dentures 90 Days unconditiorial guarafltee direct to public. on ail new dentures provlded Repairs & Relinef- one year Free adiusfmnelt, Owned & Operated by D. Thapar MEMBER OF THE DENTURIST SOCIETY 0F ONTARIO SPEND 15 MINUTES ON US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOI1NO ON IN DURHAM Il Thursday Aprfi 10 4:00 Shalom cont'd on P. 1l' w *GRAND OPENINGI., The Fireplace Plu. 900 Hopkins St. Unit 1 (bte,.ind new TD Bank) Whitby, Telephone 668-3192 Heat'8lator F Replace Centre OPENING SPECIALS 20% OFF ON FIRE TOOL SETS 10% OFF ON G RATES AND STANDARD SCREENS $50.00 OFF MARK 123 V'OODBURNING FIREPLACE PACKAGES $25.00 OFF NEW HEATILATOR COLOURED CON ICAL PACKAGES OTHER IN-STORE SPECIALS FREE FIREPLACE DRAW! (no purchase neccssary) GRAND OPENING SALE. ENDS SATU RDAY, AP R 1L26o 1975 FI1R EP LACE. DRAW MAY 31,1975 NOON REPOR 12:20 p.m. Weather, Sports and News 11350 TH E OSHi j '4 .Y.. '.44

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