Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1975, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1975, PAGE 7 by Norm Mealirig In terms of ncws, tItis has been a very lean week. 'Itrnay have been the spring blizzard, or the post-Easter decline, but very littie or anything came my way this week. But be that as it may, ril get on with what I've got. O.H.C. (again) Since first reporting titis item last week, a couple of things have happened whichi may or may flot be of interest First, the committee set up by the W.L.C.A. has had a couple of meetings. Ed Dawson (668-9856) is chairing the committee and is leading die campaign. Apparently letters have been, or are being sent, to the provincial Housing Minister, our local M.P.P., Councllor Jamnes Gartshore and Liberal candidate, Des Newman. Hopefully, these let ters wil evoke a positive response from the above gentlemen, but if what I heard recently is true the issue might be too far along to be inluenced in any way. My sources tell me that the puoject is ail but finalizcd as far as the province is concerned. Apparently. the prelîmin- ary drawings have becn approved. the financing wilI be approved within, a week or so and an application for a building permit will be made to the Town withîi the next tour weeks. lu ail likelihood, construction wvili begin on the first two towers thîs spring. Thtis doesn't mean we should give up our attcmipts to shape the pattern of our commiunity, far froîïî it. W'c should ail let Ed Dawson know where wc stand and what we would like to sec happen. We should also let our local M.P.P. kriow how wc view this project as it is prcsently planned. Wc should also let His Hlonour the Mayor know since hie will be secking our support before the year is out in his bid to represent us in the provincial legislature. WVhitby Tennis Club -For ail you tennis bu ffs, don't forget that tonigit is th e nighit for the meeting at the Couricil ChIam bers. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., the Whitby Tennis Club wvill meet to discuss the coming tennis season. So, if vou are planning on playing this season, and you want to have a say in liow the club will be run, attend the meeting. Residents of W'est Lynde should take special note of this mteeting in that this year the West Lynde Club will be a part of the Whitby Tennis Club. The New Directors At the recent W.L.C.A. elections. the mnernbership of tlie association elected four new directors. Thiese directors wilI occupy what 1 consider the nmost important positions in die associatiron because what they do, or don't do, in large measure dictates the major activities of die association. Thc new directors are as follows: SOCIAL: Karen Kerr, 28 Nordic Court. 668-2244 MlEMBERSHIP: John Giles, 190 Michael Blvd. 668-7485 RECREATION: Dianne Noble, 29 Bannerman Court, 6687 8155. COMMUNITY: Ed Dawson, 87 Michael Blvd. 668-9856 From iny experience with the association, the Directors' positions can be frustrating. Thcy arc called upon to organ- izc events, and sec that thcy run smnoothly. Thcy have, in the past, not been ovcrwheliied by the numibers ,of people coming forward to hcelp. So, why not copy cfown their numbers and give them a cail, and let thein know that yu would be glad to hclp. Saturday April I 2_ This Saturday is the big day for the Boy Scouts. That's right this Saturday is the day for our paper drive. Please be ready and have your bundies out early. No magazines, no catalogues, just newspapers. Quick Observations If the O.H.C. higit-rises go forward, they will bc the tallest buildings in town. How's that for super planning? Byl ines. .cont'd have lost a strong representative for the North W,,'ird on the two commrittees that ho scrved. At lcast hie was trying to speak for the people that electcd h imi... .uniike Councillor Goodwin whio secmis more conccrncd with the developers titan wit'htheUicelectorate..and I nover thought that 1 w'ould have to say titis but Çouncillor Emmn seents to have changed his mind about the whiole thing! Pcrh "aps that ordinary resident of Brooklin, Mr. Bryan Collins (and let's remeniber that there are more ordinary residents than business mern and they aiso pay taxes) has the right idea. A simple and inexpensive questionniaire thiat could be sent to every resident asking for a straigh t yes or no answer to the whole idea of development.- And 1 agree with him that the majority answer would be in the negative. I'm sure, Don, that l'mi speaking for the majority when 1 ask if there is any chance of you taking back that resignation and once again becoming OUR rep on these important committees? Keep digging yourway out! And I hope that you've completely made it by the tinte this goes on sale, so'that you'll have time to sit down and read our community col- umn. Caîl me with your news and views at 655-3750. TilI next time, take care. LIZ TOWN 0F WHITBY TREE PLANTING PROGRAM 1975 The Town of Wltitby has a program wliereby the Town will plant trees, at the Town's expense, on private property. adjacent to roadways. AIl interested homeowners, are requested to contact the Town of Whitby Works Department, VICTORIA STREET EAST, Telephone 668-3437, PRIOR TO TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1975. The following variety of trees will be available: Sugar Maple Flowering Crab Crimson King Maple Mountain Ash Norway Maple Please state first and second choice. TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IROQUOIS PARK POOL The Wilitby Department is pleased to arrnounce the REGISTRATION DATES for thp Safe lEnI.yable Aquaf Uc Program. SAT., April l2th - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. WED., April l6th - 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. WHITNEY HALL-IROQUOIS PARK ARENA EARL.Y MIRO SPECIAL 5 WUKI PROGRAJW INSTRUCTON: CHILDRIEN Red Cross - Royal Lite Saving - fîftoe Iloons incling evatuation (Exam.). lestuctim son Tusday and Thurstay evenings a"d Satauday Momngs. Maimum paiipatisa, is iecnrnmendsd. 39.00 fles pteudes ivalnation. SHIRIMPS Pie-School at-e water adîustmesit pipgram in 5, maalE pool, f ifteen inst ru, Imnal peniods of 30 minutes duration on Tuesday è d Ihursde svou'gand Saturday Mmaingi. 55.00 tee. MOM AND ME Pre.School age child accompanied hl an aduit. Five weekly tessons of 30 minutes duration available on Tuesday or* Wednesday rrnomings or Thursdai attemoons. SS.00 feü. ADULIS tearn to swim. t ave weekly sessions et 50 minute6 duratioa ivaiable on Tuesdày ct Wednesday niornings, Tbursday afternoon. Tuesday and Thursdae everiangs. $5,00 fee. STROKE UMPROVEMENT Five weekly lessons of 50 minutes duration on strot.es,,àva;iab1P Tue*sday or Wedriesday mornings, 1huma imocrý and kffesday and Thursday even;ngs. £500 tep AQUADICS A recognized program of cxemies done in shdtlow water for 30 minutes f otlowed by a 20 minute swim and sauna peniod. Both £Wimmers and non swimmneis car partieîpate tully. Five weekiy uenions available Sunday evu-ffngs and Wednesday mftàinoons $5.00 fe RENTALS $17.50 minimum charge foi 50 minute (entai starting orn thr hour. One lifeguard is included for a maximum cf 20 people*. Il large gmoup is required there is a $2.75 charge for each additional lîfeguard. Suncay, M o ae , - 3 0 p ,ý 3:30--30a' --?SS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CAtI WHITBY RECREATION OEPARTMIENT 668-5803 k- l[N 1 tit UbtlAVVA LLIN 1 KE 723-3393 1 . 1 1

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