PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 19150 WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kin No, you weren't missing a page or two of your paper last week, it was just- one of those horrible mish aps that occur at tînes when a paper is being put together. Mike apolo- gised for the fact that the last few uines of flic Bylines were *cut out last week. As 1 was saying, the North Ward Conimunity Associa- tion willbe holding a membership meeting at the Anglican Church Hall, on Tuesday, April 8 at 8 p.m. at the Anglican Church on Winchester Road, Brooklin. Apart from progress reporting and discussion, the steering committce which has mun the Association up fil now, is planning an clection of permanent officers who will take over the Association affairs. 1 know that many of our readers feel that the N.W.C.A. is only concerned wîth the development question. Granted that it may well be that which got the whole îA---i nf Açonciation off a~nd rlIflTinp,. But apart from B ýI RWN' that one point, there Is no doubt that a group of concerned and intercsted residents in any area can do a great deal to better their cnvironmcntý by gctting together anid pooling their ideas and resourcesý. So why sit at home and moan about this and that, whcn you could bc participating in group discussions and getting your particular problemn solved. It is your community, it is a good one and it can be even better with active and growing membership in the N.C.W.A. So lct's sec you turn out and offer your suggest- ions on April 8 ..they could be the ones that are needcd in our North Ward. Tliere is stilI time to get those overdue library books back on dic shelves without having to pay a small fortune ini fines. But you only have Io the end of this week. So how about may well. have the book that l'm just dying to get my hands on! Thursday, April 3 is thc first, class or session of Uhc Brooklin Arts and Crafts. It will be held at thc Community Centre..if you are still wanting information then calI Mrs. Pat Odgcrs, 655-3457. Saturday, April 5 is thc day ail you Auction fans have been Waiting for. On that day Dr. Watt will be back in town. .. t2 the Community Centre to be hold his first auction for 1975. Preview will be at 10 a.m. with the auction starting at 12 noon. The usua! high standards will be seen in the various consignments that Dr. Watt has gathered together for this event. And as usual there will be something for everyone..but no 'junk or ordinary house- hold items'. In fact it would be hard to find a similar sale FOODMA STE'R BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHO'NE 655-4521 LEAN TENDER - FOR ROAS7TING - Tonderloin Portion 3 t. 3 1/i-L. Avg. LOIN TR0MNO TNR LA CNIDR VuchonPectin SASPSEIS or SMUWSMEY JAMS 12c Fl.01 69 TOMATO KETCHUP 25 Afc Fi. Oz. Boule 4 VAN CAMP BEANS WITm PORI( & TOMATO SAUCE 19 Fi. Oz. Tin3 Devenshire PtECES & STEMS 10 FI. Oz. fIn ,3 SONNIE DOGi FOOD MI. OZ. n L. D. SMITWS GARDEN GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 - FI. oz. 49ic PFAMILY PACK - S TO Il CHO"S. % PORkwnam lm, LAMB Soona CNOPS 79 ', 198 "i MAPLC LeAr OsFaà POR% Sousoge 7É I with such a collection under one, roof. And once again those busy ladies of the Legion Auxilhiary wfll be providing rcfreshments. Corne carly, there's bound to- be a crowd. A reminder for those equally busyladies of Group '74 Don't forget that you have a meeting on Monday, April 7 at the Legion Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. The Group is obviously choosing activities that f111a need -in our'com- munity .... their Arts and Crafts had a successful registration, and.,anothcr of their projects has now got'off the ground. On April 10 there will be the first session of the babysitting course that is sponsored - by the T.B. Association and organized by Group '74. There were 39 applications for the course..four mad e by boys..and as the Group has limited the course, to 30, they are hoping to run another one ini the Fal. . The United Church is going to be busy on the l3th April, when the U.C.W. are holding their special -service at 1l a.m. 150 initations have been sent out to previous membersýasking them to attend. There is to be a Member choir, and the speaker is a Mrs. M.. Fisher, a former Brook- lin U.C. minister's wife. I'm getting short on news ... s pîcase call 655-3750. See you next week, take care....... LIZ TO ADVERTISE FN VOUR WHITBY NEWSPAPER CALI 668-6111 LOIN 6 cmm~s1: STEAKETTES $1'" % THE Figce LXAN TI4IC% CUT .COÙNTosrY S»TYLHU M DES PORK R*ibs$-s1o875___ AUSTRAL PEARS 69C ORANCGEFuvwc#P"4 bie 89 eg$51 y SUt.t.a MAYONNAISE Kv.ft 7.9c CREAM CORN o.38*1 PEA.TURR 24-Oc. Park.a@* NABISCO SNREDDIES 79C &EST SUN'! - PURIN& 12-08. Package 7(ATURII SHORT GRAIN 2.Lb. Pacage TENDER Vitties 69c BNQETDINERS ..... ... 90 p CinAINT PRICE e 79 PEATURRI - MgTCHELLS$ FANCY 14 FI. 0* TI» CARNATION S TRAIGNT CUT 2-Lb. Sa O RCL AUTP*kB.f1 APPLE SAUCE 331PZZADEOUE $.79MIA CITRAN sle49 FEATURE! - ASSORTED 10x. Package LEO 01R00qO6.0t.Pk TURE1 . SUNgPUN 8INGLE0, 14.0t. Package J1L - ri lvus2 ON ION RINGS .... ...... ............C HEESE Slices $1 19 FEATURE! - F.B.I. JUICES OR 6-Oz. BUIS. DRINKS 6'79 FEATURE! - ZION FIG BAR I '/2-Lb. Pkg. BISCUITS 89C FEATURE! - SOFT BLUE BONNET 1-Lb. Tub MARGARINE 85C FEATUREI - ROASTED 1-Lb. Bag NABOB CM9 9c ROBIN RED -7¾4 Oz. MINCED SOCKEYE SALMON 7 SCOURING PAD (HURE GIRL 21is39C OPEN SIX DM5S A WEEK 8Q30oj..* 6 p.m' EXCEPT THURS & FRI la BEST BUVI - FANCV SUMMER SWEE 14*FI. Oz. Tin GREEN GIANT-Peas 3.$1 FEATURE! - INSTANT NESTLE 12 Envs. to Package HOT CHOCOLATE s1.15 FEATURE! - UNSWEETENED ORANGE 48 FI. Oz. Tin LIBBY'S JUICE-S 65c FEATURE! - CAKE OR PASTRY 7 'g.B MONARCH FLOUR sl.15 FEATUREI - OUICK 32-OZ. Package ROBIN *HOOD- Oats 69C Ol" FEATUREI - LAUNDRY DETERGENT 5-Lb. Bug EXPLORE P owder $1.39 <3 BIG DYS a e April ~Sweet & Full of Juice Florida Grapef ruit8fo89 White onIy o 9 Ontario- Cooking Onions 1 ~2 lb: -Bag 29c, Produce of USA DEERY AT ED Il 1 F0013D 11111111111SJJTORF PARAMOIJNT SOCICEVE 7/4 FI. Oz. Tin SALMON4s.09 FEATUREI - CROWN CORN 3-Lb BtI. SYRUP $1.09 FEATUREI - CARNATION 11.0z. Jar COFFEE MATE 89c PLAIN CHEF BOY.AA-DEE 14 FI. Oz. Tin SAUCE sol»w39c= Whiltby Theatre, Company Elects Executive The Whitby Theatre Com- pany elected its executive for 1975-76 at the annual meet- ing last week. Greg Lang is the president; Bud Flannigan, vice-president; Herta Park, secretary; Gary Hatton, treasurer; Catherine SchelI, membership; Bert Heaver, public relations; Paul Spencer, executive producer; and Jan Vickcrs, youth devel-- opment. The theatre* company lias many activities planned for the coming nlonths. In April, they wil present a series of plays for children and a nostalgic variety revue. On April 13, 19 and 20, beginning at 2:30 p.m. each day, the youth section of the company will put on l a one- act play entitled "He s Dead Alright" and a musical fan- tasy called "The Magic Ring"' in the theatre of'the Centen- niai Building. Then on April 21 begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. for senior citizens and April 22 through April 25 beginning at 8,.t.m. for the general public,' WTC will present the nostalgic var- iety revue "Fifty Years of Show Biz", also at thc Cen- tennial Building. Tickets for the children's shows and tie varicty revue can be purchased at Middle- ton's Book Store in Whitby. The theatre company will hiold auditions for 'Mhe Kill- ing of Sister George"- on April 6, bcginning at 2 p.m. in the theatre. The play is scheduled for Uic weekend of June 7-8. TMe company is also plan- niing two onc-act comedies fVr presentation in Septcm- ber. In addition, the new executive is planning wyork- shiops for clîildren and aduits. The WTC lias applied for i 1 -T- 9 qww 1 9 ff- 1 --- 1