Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Apr 1975, p. 14

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PAGE 14. WEDMESDAY, APRIL 21 1076,WHUTBY FREE PRESS SKATES - Girls white fiure skates, size 3 $5, one pair junior Pro skis, harness and potes asking $50, one' pair Senior Pro'skis,I harness, and polos asking $50, small ironing, board and iron, (childs) $2, one easy-bake oven (Susie Honie maker) $6. Cal 725- 1280. Emr FIRtBIRD) - 1969, 326, Hurst 4-speed Remington X-120'.s, vinyl roof, 74,000 miles, good condi- tion $850 or best offer. Caîl 668- 349s. EMp. LUGGAGE - 2 piece Pulman & cosmetic $25, vaccuum $10, hand vibrator $5. Cati 655-3201. Emp. HUTCH lENT - Vega wagon ideal for camiping & travel $50. Cali 725-2967. Ernp. BOX TRAILER - Canadian Tire built $175. Cail 576-0551 1968 PONTIAC - Stratochiel automatic, good mechanical and running condition $425 uncerti- fied. CatI 668-7644. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Brocade velvet, matching full length cape -~with hood, malibu tnim, size 10, $135, white FOX FUR cape $75, CatI 655-3009 after 6 p.m. Emp CAMERA - Mirander Serisor- ex 35mm S.L.R. with Taro, the lense metering systemf, Miranda auto 28mrn wide angle lense, Mir- anda auto 50Omm lense, Soligor T4 lOSmm lense, Soligor T4 300 mm lense (aIl lenses with hood) Braon F280 Electronic flash with bracket and charger, 2 Plos exten- sion tube, 9 asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro bellows attach- ment, cable release and eye cup, separate leather case for camera plus a Benser leather Minolta 16 mm Minature CAMERA wîth Rokker 22-mm lense in case $30, POLAROID No. 330 camera with flash attachment, includes film and bulbs, like new $55, Blessing Valve TROMBONE in deluxe c.ase as new, cost $550, seil for $150. Phone 668-9449 after 7 p.m. Emp. TRAIN SET - H.0. Gauge model tri-ang $150. CatI 728- 0690. Emp. BOOTS - Girls size 8 $5 headboard $3- Cati 668-5060. Emp. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROS 1,Escape 4 Negligmint le Mosiern prist U2 show 13 Neîghbor of Mauritanla 14 muscle 15 "T1he Music Maxi" Pstar 17 LuaU delicacy 18 Actresa, mam- 19 Wife Of Rtarachaxidra 20 Furrow 21 Waste allowmnoe 2Prank 25 44 Jacques" I 28 Grass genus 27 Espy 28 Run along 29 Throw 32 Tree 33 Making a movie Si544A - in the Suw 37 Dutch 38 Guarantee 39 Appralse 40 More profound 41 Football QB Dawson DOWN 1 Hobble 2 City ti Iraq s Husbands 4 Witty reply 5Balanced S 60 seoe. 7 FiIwth ambition 8 Cbl' vehicle 9 Arrangêd in a series il Abuse 16 Sightaeeiflg . jaunt 19 Word for a newopaper headline HAWAIIAN CHANTS Many Hawaiian chants have been ,preserved without change over the centuries. Chanters once Ieared death if they made a mistake. Hawaiians believe that the words of a chant had super- natural power. A slip of the tongue or a lapse of the memory might mean the god to whom the chant was dedicated would become angry. - Nk 91"MM momp PIMOM HM I#IWMPM ÉIPM MIP-M Imm gqi [Mn w n 09mopi KLOMPU "mm MSMI-i nmumb" Boom ËMMUNÉI MOME lîù Pl;-inmb moi 23 Hlghway ln the sky 24 Vow 25 -Sens. 27 "4Mouse"t 30 Myra Brecknrde'5 mrator 31 Growig out 33 one klnd of sale 34 Early Cagney movie 36 Take a meal NEW TELESCOPE Scientists have developed a giant new telescope which can see farther into part of the sky than ever before. A reflector with a mirror 158 inches across is now mounted atop 7.200 foot Cerro Tololo mountain, 250 Miles north of Santiago, Chile. Man can now sean farther than ever before int the one-iourth pairt of the southern sky that is out of.sight for even thé- Most powerful telescopes in the Northernflemisphere. your woek ahoad BV OR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: April Ote April 12 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI M~vay 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-JuIy 22 LECO JuJy 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SC0RPIO OCt. 2 3-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jans. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES. Feb. 19-Mar. 20 ARIES - Mar. 21-Apr. 19 PERSONAUITY PROFILE for yota Sun Sigr, Anolysis, tend the doy, month, yeor and place of birth, plus St. Petersburg, Florido 33733. F IN MEMORY epitaph writer is a monumental liar.m od onesi tht*e I I I Jolly Jupilter, ever 80 gently, smiles on rnost members of your aigri. Given an equal set of cir- curritances, AMes will overpower any comn- petition. Thlngs look good in affairs of the heart. Inciden- tally, you're off the hook! Meaning?,Clandestine activities are no longer a woriisome problem. At'last! You'll be in touch with pereons who believe as you do. According to your chart, there's shelter from the twin wolves-jealousy and envy. There's a few changes In your job, task and project, coming this week. If youapy self discipline-alI will go well. You'll be In the mood to give Up a few bad habits. No question about it, a member of the opposite sex will trigger your desire to improve. Making friends won't be your strong point, this week. As a malter of fact, an associate might af- fect your health orbudget, adversely. If you are thinking in termns of marriage or a similar alliance, things look good. There's one problem, however. Finances and/or employmnent should be considered. You might find yourself as taut as a bow string. The planet Uranus pushes you into a nervous and indecisive state. Postpone major decisions.* Cosmic cycles burst, suddenly, and spray your chart with heretofore undisclosed secrets. It seems as though you'll discover things that have been hidden, in the past. Most members of your sign will hear about a way of improving their earning power. This infor- mation will arrive from a far off place. It seems as though you'll take a rather unreasonable attitude toward your job task or project. Whatever, it's not a good time to air a grievance. There's good news in the way of monies or ear- ning power. Your relationship with the opposite sex might be a ittIe frustrating, however. Also, avoid the dark glasses of pessimnism. gold broquade, good $75. Cati 668-7644. condition Emp. 1967 FORD XL Convertable- custom V8, certified, 25,000 mile 390 four barreil, p. windows, p. brakes, 3-speed automatic on the floor with a- custom console, Lucas headlights, stereo radio & tape deck, bucket seats, needs somne body work $500 or best joffer. Cati Terry 668-278 1. Emp Turn what you don't want into cash f z. J with Free Press Ads! 668-7777 REALTOR TORONTO UINE - 282-1004 Marguerite Kuhik REALTOR Dave Woodall Doug "Sçotty" Taylor WE HAVE MANY BU VERS IN THE AREA IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SELLING CALL 668-7777 ~'atty ~mpkiur' ERNEST M. STONEMAN 4 SEVENS is pleased to announce the addition of "ERNEST M. STONEMAN"i a life long resident of tis area to itfs SALES STAFF Hle would be happy to serve ail your buying.,and selling needs. H AIR DRYER1 - S chick styler mode! 3' 53, never, used ,$15, JONA 12-soeêd blender, never used, $20, baby carnfage, good condition, heavy-duty $30, baby rockmng ducks $5. Cati 668- 9902. Emp. CAGES - Wire rabbit cage wi*th bottie a.nd feeder $8, custom made rabbit breeding cage, anid stand $12, 1964 CHEV Haif-ton' as is $85. Caîl 576-2366. Emp. 1974 BARACUDA - 318, radio, wide oval tires, miag wheels, body side stripes, snow tires on rims, certified and icenced. Cati 5 76-8294 after ý6 p.ni. Emp. ELECTRIC BROOM - Regina super power 2-speed with settings $18, GE electric floor polisher $13, baby lounger $2, Jolly Jump- er with portable stand $8, baby bath tub $1.50. Cali 6684778. SOFA & CHAIR - Weil made traditional 90, inch sofa and tub chair, blue and'green in colour, in good condition $250. Cail 668- 1390. Emp. TIRES Michelin ZX radial size 165X14 (equiv. C78X14 or 6.95X14) only 1/3 worn $25 each. Q ty 2. Cal! Dave 668- 7138. Emp. BABY CARRIAGE - Lloyd excellent condition $25. Call 655-3553 after 7 p.m. Emp. fAMPLIFIER - one input like 1new ARC $30. Cail 668-2873. REALTOR Benny Scwicz. Androw W. Domis, P. 0. Box 12766,

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