-Free Press Emporium., 668-6l11 FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1 Girls win- ter coat, blue with white fur on hood, cuffs and pockets. Knee length, size 14, $20 or best offer. 1 girls long dress only worn once, white top & black patterned' bottoni. Floor length, size 14, $ 15 or best offer. 668-8198. Emip. FOR SALE - B&W TV radio AM/FM, record player, comibination, niew pictuire tbe neer used, A-1 conidi- tion $SI 50 or best offer. Cati 576-5729. Emip. TAPESTRIES -8 heauti- fui velvet wveaved tapesîries, for tloor or wall hianginigs, seli ai cost $30 each (size 4t't. X 3 fi.) CalI (collect) I1-649- 5443. FEmp AFGHANS - old f3shionied 45ini. X 4i. for S45. S4in. X 54in. for S-54. Both iimulti- coloured and would suit .aniy decor. Caîl 655-4776. Emip COAT - Tweed withi zipped in borg lining, size 15- 1 8, $35 or best offer. CalI - 668-8931. Emp. BIKE - For girl 8-12 in excellent condition S25. Cal 6684852. Emp. FORD RIMS - 3 14 inch with 5 holes. Sell separate or as pair $5 each. CatI 668- 2253. Emp. FOR SALE- 5 14 inch chrome, wire wheels for GM product $200 or best offer. ~Cal668-7190. Emp. FOR SALE -~ Stereo Bar with short wave AM/FM rad- io and turntable. Must see to appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phione 668-2198. Enp. MANS SUITS -- Near new ail wool tait size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium bi. white stripes $35, lighit bi. $35, girls skates size 2 $5, ro.k tubier kit used once $14. Cati 728-5433. Enp. 67 MERCURY PICK-Up truck as is $300 or best offer. Cali 668-6080. Ernp. dUITAR - Yanîaki deluxe, A cou st ic R ose woo d back and side, solid cedar top, G rover machine heads, perfeci condition S$150. only a Ife\v weeks old. also 10- speed mien's 'Corso* BIKE. hardlv used, good condition, $ i-20. Caîl 6554852. Emp. FOR SALE - 3 14 inchi rîis for mnost Ford producis with 5 holes. Seil separate or as a pair $5 eachi. Cati 668- 22-53. Emp. 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire convertable. i1300 cc, 4-spoed standard, radial tires with new spare tire & new wheel, rack & pinion steering, radio, oi! pressure, water tempera- ture, amp. gauges, sporiy tachometer & speedometer, custorn bucket seats, newly rebult engine good condition 38 miles per gallon, mint con- dition, no rust has neyer seen a winter. Certified $ 1,800 or best offer. Caîl Terry 668. 2781. Emp. 'LA WNBOY' - Super GUINEA PIGS - 4 weeks heavy-duty lawnmower, used old, father Abysinian, mother only twice. Must seUl $150. Boston. Healthy active and Call Mr. Shore 9-5 at 728- used to handling. Only $2 9427. Emp. each. Caîl 655-3750. Emp f' 1 jAU"=. IjUIIA% - eiertric Mainn under 2 years oîd,' exrellent condition, $IUO. Caîl 728- 3992. Em p. ' FOR SALE - 1966 Chev. Handi-Van $700.00. Cali: 655-:5066. mp SINK - 1 stainless steel excellent condition $15, two single airloomned bedspreads $5 each, 1 single bed head- board $5. Cali 725-2596. Emp INGLIS GAS DRYER- Nearly new $1 50, exercise bed $30, 8 track tape & electnical box $60, mans I4kt gold ring $80. Caîl 668-7927. Emp. BROADLOOM - Used, rug 9X10½l ft. mnatching hall runner 18 ft. 8 inches X 2 ft. 9!4 inches wide, cocoa color $25. Caîl 668-2588. Emp. 67 COUGAR - 289 V8, automatic, bucket seats, radio, snowtires, mechanical- iy AI, body is in very good shape with the exception of, damage to left rear quarter panel.$ 500 or bcst offer. Cali 668-3002. Emp. I I FOR SALE - Onc en- gagement ring like new. Diamond, gold band. Asking only $150.00. CatI 723-1950. Emp. STEREO - Westinghouse, Iight oak cabinet, excellent condition, $67.50 or best offer. Caîl 6684920. Emp BEDROOM SUITE - 3 piece walnut veneer mnatching mattress included, good buy for someone setting up apart- ment $150 cash. Cail 668- 4317. Emp. WHITBY RECREATION DEPARTMENT requires Part-time Recreation Programmer <$.. y'Immediately Applications aebigacpe orake,étuisi and pleasant individuai with the abiiity to work weti with people of ail ages. - to work wit h existing community groups - to establish new fait and winter programs - to co-ordinate summer piaygrounds Maturity, creativity and experience are definite assets. Maximum of 24 hours per week. Some evening contact necessary. Own transportation is required.f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I I 1957 FIVE TON - Stake international. Has 282 rnotor steel 90OX20 tires, open platform 16 ft. long X 7 fi. 6 in. wide, good condition has to be seen to be apprec- iated. $600 or best offer. Cail 6554973. EmD. SKATES Girls Daoust nmade in Canada in good con- dition. si>.c 9, $5. Cail 668- 5541. Emp. COAT Ladies black persian laînb, approximately sii& ..-0, in good Condition, wilI selI for $50. Cali 725- .714. Enmp. SKI-BOOTS-- ladies size 6V2S, buckle style, worn once. $25. CatI 668-i1307 or 668- 21 19. EmliP. ANTIQUE Cliesierfieîd- Kh roeler, inewVly ph olstered. I$700, brown nylon) plushl love seat $100. CatI 668- 5198. [mnp. FOR SALE 4 Cromne discs. 14 inch fromi 1968 Beaumnont $5, Ski]l ¼ inch drill 3" wire $5, al wave TV antenna jusi hecad $1 0, one Uniroyal necar newv ramn tire on whecel Blockwall 6.35. X 14 froni 1973 Nova $20. Cal 723-2738. Enmp. FOR SALE About 30, différent dolis outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Veiveî's Ltte Sister'. Priced from $1i to $3 Cati 728-2578. Emp. SNOWPLOW - new 6 ft adjustabie angle complete with independent electric- hydraulic power, adaptable to most trucks $500. Cati 655-3683. Emp. DRUMS - Bass, snare,' high ton, floor tom, cymbal,' high hat. Somne new hcads Asking $125. Caîl 576-7557 after 7 p.m. DII4ING ROOM suite- walnut, refinished .$425 or best o-ffer. Cati 668-244D. Emp- INGLIS DRYER - Gas, t, year old $100. Cail 655- 4361 or 668-5250. Emp. TYPEWRITER - Manual $20, wringer ,Ilothes dryer stereo cabinet $15 and $20, tub $7, picnic Cali 655-3411. washer $35, $25, 72 inch $45, 2 desks single laundry ice chest $12. Emp. COLOUR TV- Zenith 20 inch portable with stand $350. Cati 6684856 after 5 p.m. HIGH CHAIR - Wooden $15, brand new size 14 tires with rimns $20. Cali 668-9009 Em p. FOR SALE - Antique ml on top desk plus swivel chair $450.00. Two bedroom cot- tage, inside facilities to be removed from premises, iocated Daîrymple Lake $1,000.00. Cali 668-3495. vfbr more infomaio . Em . 1966 C CH-EVROLET Sta- tion wagon - 3 speed standard transission, new clutch, 283 V8 engine hin perfect running condition, licenced ror 1975, as is $350. CatI 668-7546 ask for Jîti Ermp. COAT-- Tweed, zipped in lining, ladies size I15 - 18, worn twice $35 or best offer. c'Ill 068-89311 Emp. FUR SALE --[LIII eîigti Persian Lamb coat, size 16, plus smnall persian lanibliat, in good condition $200. Cal 668-8453. Emp. SKIS- excellent condi- tion, used oiiîy once, $40. Cati 7'-3-90)16. En1p. TIES-- SAVE $62. Lised only I100 miles, 2-4+21 bel ted [-78-15 sommner tires original price per sales bill S74.50, îwo 2-2+2 bclted [-78-15 sniO% tires, original price per sales bill S85.80 will seli for S25 each. CalI 668-5386. EmniP. STEREO COMPONENTS t Sears receiver, I Garrard changer (turntabte), 2 speak- ers, very good condition, $250. Cal] 668-9256 after 6 p.m. Ernp. 1964 MG MIDGET - 998 cc convertible, body in good condition, needs brake worki & a muffler. Ail other mechanics are good. 38 miles per gallon. Good second car.' not certified $200 or best offer. Cati Terry 668-2781. COCR SAecorpu kichmintsire,(cblondmaie, wrmbe $150.sCan) 579. 3204. Emp.1 CANAERES aNILe- an feampi oodsies, reason-e abed $3-$15.eah. Ca9- 6684915. Emp. SNOW TIRES - With rims, size F78-15, $25 pair, Caîl 725-1691 days, evenings iSIR4S93EmP BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl o Chair, includes car- niage, stroiler, chair, high chair, with interchangeable parts $50. Caîl 728-0333. Ei.- FOR SALE - 1965 three-' ton tow truck, seîling as is $900 or best offer. Caîl 668- 7654. Emp. COAT - Ladies Persian lamb, ful Iength, size 14, sacrifice $75. CatI 668-5447. Emp. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, MARCH 26, 1975, PAGE 17 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sell Thcrc will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the itcm advertised is sold. When the 'advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. AIl advertisements must be Placed on an exclusive basis with the WHtTBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month if flot sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 1 EXAMPLE: Sold item 'idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00> Private advcrtising only! Please notify us if~ you tind a retailer listed as a privatc advcrtiser. Pleasc notit'y the Whitby lic Press immediatcty when item is sold so that we rnay delete it from the following issues. Services, hielp wantcd, clothing, real estate and personal mcssage type ads cani onty bc handlcd on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, call 668-6 lit MAIL. ALL AI)S TO: F~REI IPRESS E~MPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WttITBY ANTIQUE - S275, nmatching $145 and $1-35. 4776. Chi esterifietd side chairs Caîl 655- Emip. CLOCK antique mantel 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk S0, doi pram, 25 inch Gen- dron as new $17. Cati 725- 4013. Emp. 1967 BUICK Le Sabre -- nieeds mnotor work, every- thing else A-I $250. Cal 683-8796. FOR SALE - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak îubeless tires. A-78- 13 whitewall two ply polyes- ter. Used onîy a few months $25.00. 1 tent sleeps four used two summers, good con- dition, $45.00. Cali.: 655- 4302. i, FOR SALE - 1 Viking jrefnigerator and 1 Kenmore stove ($100 each or $175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender concert amplifier $300. Cail after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Emp. FOR SALE - Matched pir of 3 drawer, chests $0 Ial 668-3679 days. Emp. SKI BOOTS - excellent condition, $60 new, wiîl selI Call 668-7563. Tyrol, size 8 ,for $20. Emp. 1960 CADILAC - Fleet- wood, 390 motor, automatic, running condition, littîe work needed, must sell $200. Cal Sunderland 1-705-357-2135 after 6 p.m. and ask for Phil Emp. CAMERA - Poiaroid land' & case $30, Kenmore port- able baseboard. heater $25, Padded shoulder guitar strap $4, gymbag $3, 2 ladies dress rant suits, excellent condi- tion size 18, i royal blue and mne red & white $25 each. CalI 668-4225. Emp. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Brit- anica 1959, excellent tion $ 100, World encyclopedia 1962, books up to 1970, Caîl 728-9777. condi- Book year- $ 100, Emp. a 1968 PONTIlAC Parisienne selI or trade for mustang S850. Cali 655-3006 Emp. 1970 DART Swinger - 340 4-speed, headers, dual point ignition, customn interior, power brakes, rebuilt motor,l 15,000 miles, new clutch, 323 Positrac, 14 X 7 chrome reverse rims, G60 tires, Hurst com petition* plus shifter, tinted windshieîd, rear Win- dow defogger $1 ,900 or best offer. Cail 655-3598. Emp. WRINGER Beatty, heavy steel tub $60. WASHER - by duty, stainless Caîl 668-9805. Emp LOST CAT - Black in Whitby area. 6953. REWARD.- maie lost Caîl 668-1 WANTED BABYSITTER - in Whitby to watch in own home. Cati 668-9722. WOgeKz' WANTED BABYSITTING - Mother (nurse) Wîili babysit- in myl own home. Please ýcati 668;' 7648 during the day. Married man with office and general expenience seeks per- manent and/or temporarY work. Chauffeurs licence. Anything considered. CatI 683-1017. HELP WANTEI) Retired or semi-retired couple to manage and operate snack bar and small store at local marina. Write box 206 Whit- Iby or call 668-6645 after 4 'o'clock. WANTED -Canada's leading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residenti.al site to dis- piay their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your' backyard is the prime loca- tiôn we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home ownier to call cotiect 292-2263 days or evenings. " SAFETY CHECKS " USED CARS SOLD " TowiNG SERVICE qoIiaç sldexaco Service 655-3559 Director of Recreatiori, Whitby Recreation Department, 105 Coiborne St. E., Whitby 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 fioon 1:.00 p.rn. to 5:00 pa.. JR. HARTrLIEF PROPRI ETOR CLASS *' "LICENCE 1 MILE NORTH 0F BROOKLIN ON I4IGHWAY 12 P!ease-appîy to: ----Ir m .me j à .a E EXACOB