PAGE 16,WEON ES DAY, MAR CH 26. 1975. WHITBY FREE PRESS Lanid Plainnin g Pr Il 10 loipl R L RM These. maps indicate the planning staff's proposais for land use in the areas indicated. The planning staff invites written submissions from people supporting or oppos- ing its proposals. After studying the sub- mhissions, the planning staff will revise the proposais accordingly. The ýtown wiIl then review the planning, staff's. reeom- mendations and possibly approve them. If counicil gives approval to the recommendations, it wiII pass them to the region for review. Upon approval by the region, the province must study it. If the province okays the proposais, they become in- corporated linto. the officiai plan LEGEND B - Buffer C - Commercial H - Hazard land 1 - Institutional M - Indu striai OS - Open space RL - Low density residential RM m Med ium density residential 44 os M . -b