Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Mar 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAR CH 12,'1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS (M[I Co.mmunity News Whiltby Theatre Co. Presents a Revue The Witby Theatre Coni- pany ias announiced plans for lte current season. All productions are sche- duled for presentatior' at the theatre in the Whitby Centen- niaI Building. The Junior Theatre Grouip will present two une act plays "'Magic Ring", a Iight-hecarted musical and "He's Dead AI- righ t", a lively farce. These two plays, in one cvcning, promise 10 provide a real lift from tie Blahis for Whitby theatre-guers. And the price is reasonable at S I for adults, and 75 cents for students and children. Thiese plays witl be pre- sented April 12, 13, 19 and 20. Tickets are obtainable ai thc door. Curtain time is 2 p.m. Thie adult Whitby Theatre Comîpany produiction, planned for the last week ini April, is a new departure for the Whitby TIlieatre Company. lnstead of a play. tlhe corn- pany will presCrit a revuie. lîis comprises shiort sketchies novelty numbers, music, sing- crs and dancers. Added tb the formiat will be a segment of nostalgia recalling people lmd tunes of tie lasi fifty DO YOURU SELF WITH sTeaMeX- RE NTAL UNff No speciol Skill requit ed to iertrve glme and 9*11 frocn fuil depth 0f onY COpeting. pevve colot onýd lusftre itthm nsk of distOrtlng Pie or Ieovrng foomvy residue Ceans up to 400sq tpet hour - dneS laS! mouRI.y - OAILY - WEEKIP4 RAIES Colt 668-2345 10 mermunit. OPEN 6 doys a week 104 Coiborne St. E.. WHITYY years of show business. This production will be dîrected by Bert Heaver. A show of this type is somne- flhing Mr. Heaver lias wanted to prescrit for înany years. "Our theatre is a natural for a vaudeville type of siow'V said Mr. 1leaver. This type of presentation is not ncw to lîinî, however, For nmany years, Heaver lias been involved in miany aspects of ilîcatrical produc- tion, both in Britain and Canada. In the last twvo Coutity Town Carnivals, lie has produced and directed lus owvn variety shows whicli playcd 10 capacity auidiences ai 1lroquois Park A rena. Greg Lang, the ncw presi- dent of thie Whitby Theatre Company lias long dreanied of lîaviîîg 10 announce S.R.O. (Standing Roomn OnIy). Withi thie kind of show format being planned lie lias every reason t0 believe luis dreain is about 10 corne true. Thîe conî pa ny recently hield auditions for ibis revuie. d 'I Whitby Cleaners SPRING SPECIAL 0O% OFF PERMS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday GUIDA à DINO ISTITUTE 0F BE 109 Byron Street S. IAUTY 668-3621 668-603 1 Now Witby people withi visual or physical handicaps wlho caninot read regular or large .print will have availablc to themr 'talking books' within tie next rnonth, according to a library spokesperson. Talking books are wcll- known fiction or non-fiction works that are read onto tape cassettes and cail be played on standard equipmcent. Pro- duccd by the Canadian Nat- ional Institute for the Blind (CNl1B)' the cassettes are available to public libraries throughi the Central Ontario Regional Library systemn (CORL) in Richmond Hil. "We purchase ecd 'talk- ing book' for about $16 from the CNIB", said CORL Dir. ector Colin Robertson, "and libraries can borrow these frorn us for their patrons." CORL presently stocks about 40 'talking books' that feature such well known authors as Agatha Christie, Johin Cleary, Allan Sillitor., Ogdcn Nash anid Thomnas Hardy. Tapes play throughi in four to 20 hours depend- ing upon dhe length of' the book. "We add to our collection as tapes becomne available fromn the CNIB"', said Mr. Robertson, wlio noted that there were certini guidelines for borro'ving the cassettes. "The CNI13 Lised to request a docor's certtficate stating thlai ilian 10 iuer alkingBooks' a patron hiad less paîtron caniiot read regular a book", said Mr. Robertson. rcent vision. This or large print books is still 4ppropriate forms fo r bias beeni relaxed sligh tly, but a cert ificate sLtting tia t a 20 per cent vision could get wilI be available at the Whiitby Public Library. SocetySefls B'ulbs i 'o give a small introduc- tion to spring, The Brooklin Horticultural Society sold hyacinth bulbs during their monthly meeting hcld at thc Brooklin United Church Hall. Drainage Report Authorized 1ilie Royal Trust Company hias asked council to proceed with the secondary plan of the wcst brandi of Corbett Creck. Counicil lias authorized the conservation atthority con- sultants to proceed with the drainage report. The report will cuver the area northcerly fromn th e niarslî to a poinit north of the CPR railway where thic channel narrowvs atid the elevation riscs nmaking a niatuiral cutoff tb titir in- volvcd flood plain probleml. They wîll keep in close con- tact with tlhe îowilasth e study proceeds. culturalist at thie ncw Toronto Zoo was guesi sjeaker for thiis meeting. Mr. Brown explained that he wanted to give vestors a "total experience. Ile said the zoo is not jusi animaIs and plants in their natural surroundings, but they try to create a Batman Film Fire Dept. The Whitby Fire Depart- ment will present ils annual film festival for chiildren at the Brock Theatre on Tues- day. The fuin will last from 1:30 to 4:30 and wiIl feature a Batman film, cartoons and a nature shiow. Tickets, at 75 cents per child, are available frorn any firefighter or by calling Tony Doleweerd ai 668-3754 or Dan McCarroll at 668-8409. Proceeds wviIl be turned over to local charitable organ- SCOUTS DUSPLAY The lst Whitby Boy Scouts p)ut on a display Saturday at St. Mark's Church depicting the past, present. and future and the way the scouts interact witli the cominunity. Above Fred Hlorne (rear left) and Terry Clarke give assistant Scout Leader Jim Wilson a hand setting up a. display of the scouting crests. Free Press Photo NEW -IN TOWN EMPIRE DRI VING SCHOOL 668m8365 Reasonable Rates Special for under age 18 Day or Evening appointments available RG KENNEl S Wh.ZevhyGet TnerLvngCr 4BOARDING UPES TRAINING FRESH FROZEN, BEEF for Pets 25%.~ MOST POPULAR DRY DOG FOODS 25 lb. from S5.75 - pick up 50 lb. trom $10.05 ROMAR 90 15 oz. cans $15.45 CASE (32 ea can) HWY. 12, BROOKLIN WE DELIVER 655-4721 Fire Dept.. Prese nts Aduit Course The Adult Home Fire Prevention Course, organized and sponsored by the Whitby Fire Departrnent, will take place April 1 5, 1 8, 22 and 29. This is the fourth and fifili course given by the Whitby Fire Departmient and previous courses were well attended. There will be two classes, one ai 1:30 p.ni. and the otiier at 7 p.rn. Eachi class will lasi two hours. Chief instructor will be Dcputy-chief Ron Hawkins and lie will be assistcd by memnbers of the fire dcpart- ment. Each class will take 30 people. -For registrationeall 668-3312. whole atrnosphiere with simi- lat temperature and.humidity. Most of the vegetation was brought in from Florida. One Banyan trce weighed three tons. On Wcdnesday, March, 26 at 8 p.m., the Brooklin Horticultural Society will bc holding a workshop on Minia- ture Arranging with Mrs. Dorothy Sanford.ý Everybody is welcorne and you are asked to bring your mini containers. Mrs. Sand- ford will be glad to give you any assistance you mnay re- quire.1 L*ibrary Special1 Program During the students' win- ter break, frorn March 1 7 to 21, th e Whiît1by Public Library will prescrit special clîildren's programns. On Monday nId F riday, the library will featurec child- ren's film shows in]ithe pro- grain room from 2'-:30 10 3:30CO. On Wedniesday, Mr. Fowles froml the Ontario Science Centre will host al special science prograin for school-age children. The topic of the program will be "Seeinig and Hearing, experirnenits in ligh t and sound". Mr. Fowles will give demnonstrations to and invite participation by the children. Thlis prograrn also begins at 2:30 in the ibrary's program room. Seniîors, Opposeé Centre, The Good Companion Senior Citizens Club are opposed to both the locattion and the plan for the l)roposcd senior citizens drop-in centre. A by-law has been passed which will iillow a drop-in centre for the senior citizens 10 be built at the corner of Pitt Street zind Brock Street sou th. They fée the plans for mittee 1 wvwim à@& v --- - -- -- , ý > - , 1 tom

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