Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1975, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARV 12, 1975, WHITBV FREE PRESS family page. * e..a... 0 0e.. aea Your, m0ey and credît ROLE 0F CREDIT'BIJREAUS Credif burcaus exist f0 give credif information about an individual, provided thc person wio asks has a rîghf f0 do so. And who has a righf f0 do so? Why, the person or institution who has been asked f0 grant credif. Then ticre is a good reason f0 know because borrowed moncy or credif must bc rcpaid - and caa flic borrowcr rcpay if? Credif burcaus do occasion- ally make mistakes. If you ever suspect fhat your officiai credif record is nof correct, you siould go f0 the credif bureau yourself, as you' are ccrtainly enititled f0 do, explain why you would like f0 sec your record -- and tien have if set straighit., But in 999 cases ouf of 1,000, howevcr, a poor credif rafing refleofs a poor record and nof a mistake miade by the credit bureau. In any eveat, if is really important to have a good credif record. If smoofis the way. A poor credif record can make a lot of trouble and waste a lot of t ire. By far the best way to have a good credit rating is to estali- Iish and main tain a good record with the, crcdif grantors you are dealing with. Not ail users of consumer credit have their narnes in credit bureau files; the important thing is to live up to your conumitruent t0 the lender or credit grantor imself. If you make a real mess of rurnng your finances, if you get a tuile above your hecad in debt and can'f figure out how it happened or whaf you're going f0 do now - there are somie programs and organiza- tions to help you pick up the pieces. The SmalI Debtors Program, organized by the federal Department of Consumer and Corporafe Affairs and started in June, 1972, was drawn up to enable the individual debtor (rrot a corporationl, association or self-employed person) to discharge his responsibilifies the best way he can under the circumstances. To begin with, the stafutory costs of declaring bankruptcy, to he nviid to the bankruptcv ...for Everyone in the Family Moirs CHOCOLATES 12 oz. Foî &- Flower Heart Shaped Box $3n97 6 oz. Foil Printed Heart Shaped Box $1.57 'Curi & Go' Curling Iron by REVEL L4.i12dsIuI<a.ftv%Iod I $5u97 VALENTINE CUT-OUT Books (175 cut-outs) n67 a Smiles 'N 1 LIIlI Chuckles -Turties New Dark or Milk Chocolate 14 oz. Box $2n57 Fan-Elle 'One Size' Panty Hose 3 pairs! $1.10 ( p RSEE OUR WIDE SELECTION 0F CARDS AND ATTRACTIVE GIFT WRAPe LIMITED QUANTITY ON ALL ITEMS FROM FEB. l2th TO l4th 1975. branch of flic government, are $50 or under as opposedto the $300 f0 $700 demanded by licensed trustees in the private sector. Thie people who are eligible to apply for bankrupfcy under flîis plan inust be really broke. Realizeable propert'y must nof exceed $500 aiffter dedûcfing the value of the sccured and exempt property. This is aIl pretty rough stuff and to beavoided if possible. Other programns 'which caa help people before they are tofally destitufe are the various coinmiunity credit counselling services across the country. This is one of a sertes of columns on money manage- ment, condensed from t/w bookiet Your Money and Credit Today and Tomorrow, published by the Canadian Bankers'Association. Copies of the booki et, in English or French, are available free from the A ssociation at P.O0. Box 282, Toronto Dominion Centre, Toron to, Ontario, M5K IA 3. Group 74 Wants Centre Brook]din's Group '74 wants an arts and crafts cen- tre in Brooklin. The group appeared be- fore the operations commit- tee Iast week requesting a building where, they could nîcet on a weekly basis. The ail-female organiza- fion pointed ouf that the centre would be similar to flic Pickering Arts and Crafts cen f re. Classes in crochet ing, knitfîng, macrame, weavîng and other art fomis would be hcld wiî,hin flic centre. The group's representa- t ives told flic committcc thai a rccently completcd survey of Asliburn, Brooklin anc Myrfie cifizens showcd thai almost firce quarters, 72 per cent, of the residents wanted an arts and crafts centre. The group said that tic> anticipafed about two dozer people would parficipafe ai first with fiat nunîber con. tinually increasing. The operations commiffec rccommendcd fiat tic group meet wifh Wayne Dc Veau, tic fown's new recreafior director, f0 est ablisi a prac, tical site for ticir meetings Kum Ondal New Artist i-n Resi1dence Whitby Ar The Whifby Arts Station in London, C has announced Kimn Ondaatje In 1970, F, as its artisi in iesidence for bitioîi was a the period from Mardi 4 f0- Museum of F May 20. Art Gallery ol Sic will hold 10 classes in 1971, Y on Tuesday from 2 to 10 the 44th Ini p.m_, excluding March 18 Briennale in L and April 8., - ton, the Intet Cosf is $27 for members fion of Gral and $30 for non-members. the New Tai Most materials are supplied ard-Lefort G: but do bring a supper. and the 9È During her sessions, Kim Biennale 1 will cover design, color, Yugoslavia. sketching and photography Her 1972 leading f0 painting abstracts cluded the R and realism. lin Gallery, The native of Toronto is Agnes Etieri married to writer Michael tre, Kingston Ondaatje and lias six children. national Bier She acquired lier Baclielor Art, Cracow, of Arts from McGill Univer- Critics Clioic sity in 1952 and her Master International of Arts from Queens in 1954. England. Kim th en taugif a t Since thc Queens , Waterloo, Lutheran has been ex' and Sherbrooke Universities. France; Lyul Sie gave up teaching and' via; Frederici began to paint full f ime in New Brunsý 1966. tow'i, Princ< Her two major works are St. John's, "House on Piceadilly Street", Burnaby, B, a series of I15 acrylic pain t- and BradforÈ ings and seven serigraph The follc .prints and "Factory Series", many which 112 acrylic and mixcd paint- of Kini's w( ings and seven photo litho/ Canada Coui serigrapli prints. Gallery of C - Kim lias also produced Confederatic two 16 milimetre colour P.E.I.; Ki )flms - "Factories" and Art Gallery; s"Patchwork Quilts". grcss, Wa: Her awards include the Mon treal N, ,Canada Coundil Short Termn Art; Nationi SAward; Ontario Arts Councîi and Oxford cFilm Grant; and Gran-Prix Kim is fourth International Biennale Nancy Pooli ,- Cracow, Poland. to; Wclls1 t Kimn's first solo exhibition and Mar. iwas at flic MacIntosh Gallery Montreal. at ts.- Ontario ini 1969. hcr realismn exhi- at tie Montreal F'ine Art and the )f Ontario. Kirr exhibjtcd at ternationa1 Print Seat tlc, Washing- ,rnafional Exhibi- iphics, Monfreal; Lent Show God- allery, Montreal th International Lyublyana in Sexhibitions in- ,obert McLaugh- ,Oshawa; the rington Art Cen- n; the 7th Inter- naIe. of Graphic ,Poland; and the ,e exhibition of 1Prints, Oxford ýn, Kim's work ihibited in Paris, blyana, Yugosla- ton and Sackville ,wick; Charlotte- ýEdward Island; ,Newfoundland; rit isi Columbia; ', England. )wing are among ihave collections tork - Art Bank, ndil, Ottawa; Art Ontario, Toronto; on Art- Gallery, ,itchener-Waterloo ,Library of Con- shington, D.C.; 4useum of Fine ia Gallery, Ottawa 1Gallery, England. represented by ce Gallery, Toron- Gallery, Ottawa; rlborough-Godard, Cou miil ot f or Nor vs botties Whitby Council lias reccivcd and filcd a requcst from flic Township of March f0 support their resolufion for greater use of returnable glass containers. Councillor John Goodwin, a member of tic operations committcc which rccom- mcnded receiving and filing thc resolution, said fiat, in doing so, the commifte did not want f0 endorse thc use of non-returnable botties. Je Creaie Coiffures Hair styling, permanents are determined by I... facial features. Each clip we take, curl we make is designed to mnake you Iovely. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZEN DAY SHAMPOO) & SET ONLY $2*50 VALLEY COIFFURES MICHAEL.BLVD. PLAZA 668-5250 lx. l' 1 ý P4 PM rrl7rý,

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