Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JAN UA RV Cabinet Meeting, ýOshaowa The Ontario Cabinet will hold a meeting Wednesday, February 12, 1975, in the Oshawa Civic Auditorium when the public will be given an opportunity to express their views to the Davis Government directly. I ami partîcularly pleased that a Cabinet meeting will be held in this area because as everyone knows there are a number of topical issues and controversies within rny riding which affect many people," Bill Newman, M.P.P. for Ontario South, and Mini- ster of the Environment said. "As your menîber of the Provincial Legislature, 1 strongly urge the constituents of Ontario Souith to take advantage of this opportunity to present their views. low- ever controversial, ini a brief before mly Cabinet col- leagues" he said. The Cabinet Ministers wvil sit dowvn to their reguilar weekly meeting behind closed doors in the nîorning. The public, as individuals or groups, will address the Ministers duiring the after- noon. "The various grotips and individuals who wish to speak to the Cabinet should first subinit a brief to the Cabinet Office, Rooni 359, Main Parliament Building, Queen*s Park, Toronto by February 3, 1975. Thiswill enable us to prepare for an orderly Ontari Goverment ende LEASE 0F OFFICE SPACE Submissions are invited from owners or authorized agent of completed premises in Oshawa or district for leasing of 26,000 usable square feet but no Iess than 15,000 square feet of office accom- modation. Term of lease is to. be 5 years, gross lease preferred. Paved parking for 50-80 cars desirable and good public transportation is essential. T.O. 215 SEALED SUBMISSIONS will be received until 3:00 p.m. TORONTO TIME on THURSDAY, FEB- ~UARY 6, 1975. Tender envelopes may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Pu- blic Tenders- Office, Room M1-43a, Macdonald Block, lueen's Park, Toronto, Ont- q6aaro. Telephone No. (416) 965-1152. NOTE: For ftwtker informa- tief, pkaoe cotact Mr. E. R:, qory, Mistry of Go'vern- Tenst on ht"i, TefrpM>e No. (416) 965-477-7. -The lowesf -m uul*mms et, "etd.1 Ministry o# Govemflet Services 29. 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS mieeting and to ensure that the sponsors of each submis- sion reccN'ves sufficient timie to reiàte the contents of the brie f to the Cabinet. "Once again, as Your member, 1 suggest that this is an excellent opportujnity for rny people to be heard by the Cabinet and I look forward to seeing rnany of you in Oshawa" Newman said. Industria I Development aJo hn white Regional Counicil should control industrial develop- ment according to John White, Provincial Treasurer. White, in a recent letter to Whitby Counicil, said 4 the provincial goverment "con- siders that the ultimnate power for industrial develop- ment should be vested with Regional Council". He said that this would "&ensure proper planning and co-ordinatioli of development thr oughout the whole of the region" This, in turn would "elini- mnate rivalry within the region for tax dollars", White said. He continued that "the regional 'forrn of govmrment is not inteîided to be simiply a service deliverer, but aiso a resource nmanager." It is therefore imperative that the powver to disseminate information and acquire ini- dustriai sites remlain with in the purview of Regionai Counicl" White said. .'Further, 1 amn sure that the apparent inequalities des- cribed ( by Whitby Counici) with respect to sclîool tax rates reduction are only a short terni effcct of regional government". lie added. Whiïtby Arts W'10I1Get Boxcar Soon The Whitby Arts Station will be getting its box car before the end of the month. The 23-ton steel box car, manufactured in 1929, wiIl be converted for use as a print studio. Architect Alan Wiicox wiil prepare the plans for the conversion. Ont ri GENERÂL CONTRACTORS Renovations tu Crown Attor- ney and Slheriff"s Offices, 605 Rossland Road, Whitby, Ont ar io. TENDER NO. 31 C-292 SEALED TENDERS wili be received until February 12, 1975, 2:00) P.M. LOCAL IME. Tender Documents mray be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Goverment ervices, Lindsay Regional Jffice, 322 Kent Street West, .0O. Box 7000, Lindsay, rntario. NoLte: Forfufirther informia- ioegardmng 'the Tenders, pase cail Mrs. E.M. Neale, at die above adttçess., Tele- dm: 70S)324-9188- ~e6elwest or any TemIer net ®GOVERNMENT OTRO SfERVICES OnIy One. Chaonge1 RegionCommi8ttee Only one major structural change was made in the re- gion comnmittees. That change saw Council- lor Des Newman elected chairmýan of the new manage- ment cornmittee which replaces the executive com- mittee. The commnittee . is corn- posed of one councillor from each of the four standing committees, one of two elected representatives of the board of pýolice commission- ers and the regional chairnian. Members are Counicillors Garnet Riekard, AlIan Mc- Phail, Gordon Attersley, Carl Puterbough, Jack Anderson, regional chairman Walter Beath and Newman. Councillor Bruce Tink switchied places with Council- lor Chriqtine Thomas. lie to finance and she to social services. The planning and develop- ment committee remnained the saune. Masked Ball As part of its 'second annual Karneval, Club Lore- eywili be hioldiing.a masked bahl on Saturday at the club hall on Dean Avenue in Oshia- wa. On February 1.5, also at the club hall, the hobo bal will close ot i h Kariieval f'est iv i t ic S. Ail of dents are both baîls. the region's resi- invited to attend j'Du rham To day'J The founder and former publisher of an Oshawa week- ý' newspaper and the former news director of Oshawa's radio station have combined their talents to produce a new show, DURHAM TO- DAY, on Cablecast 6. Every Wednesday at 6:30 and Fridays at 7:00 Peter Brouwer, and Ross Gibson, put it ail together in a new talk show. "Tlîere's enoughi inter- viewing wîtlî politicians and big wheels going on al the tirne, su we're hiere to bring on the peuple who really, inake the toxvntîick", says i a s F E (Whitby) moved from the police board to public works whiie Jack An~derson made the reverse move.' The committees for the fîve region hospitals, the Children's Aid Society and the Durham Regionai board of health remnained the same. Councillor Alan Dewar replaced Councillor Margaret Shaw on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity. BYs & irls I I Want to eamn extra Money & win prmizes? Car*ries Needed Whitby Free Press OPTIMIST CLUB Pictured above are the officers of the newly formhed Optmuist' Club of Whitby. Front row, Ieft to right are Ross Armstrong, secretary and Richard Turner Jr., treasurer. Se - cond row is made up of EarI Starling, vice-president; Don Paradine, president; and Ed Buffet, vice-president.I Brouwer. For example, tlîisWednes- day evening, Brouwer and Gibson feature a forme r Parkwood gardener, Gerry Aiderden wlîo talks about himmigrating and growing flowers and "what a shame" it is about Parkwood.* Next week the Durhanm Today show deais with snow tires and a Wiîitby mnî, Norni Barton is the guest. Nonm operates a tire store in Oshawa and lie knows more about tires tlîan Brouwer and Gibson can maniage to ask him. "Join the informai fun"' is wlîat Cahiecast 6 suggests. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the Cotinty Town) Hometown paper of Wh-itby, Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn l-Gc serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: the Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario SU8SCRIPTION (BV MAIL) $?OJ@O YEARLV M1AIL: Box 206, Whitby P>HONE: 68-6111 'TORONTO UINE: 282-1004 PE1RM4T NUMBER 2941 1 Eu ch re Porty euchre party at the Westnmin- ster United Churcli this Sat- urday. The fun staris at 8 p.ii. in tueý clurclî on Manning Road. Tiiere will be prizes and refresinîents., Admission is $1 .00 for aduits and 50 cents for students. SOMLTHING TO SELL? iFREE PRESS WANT A.À CALL 668-6111 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~*a aus.e.. se.eeaSe Dear Editor; We invite young people ini your conîmunity to send us paiîîtings, drawings, poems and stories which express their feelings about them- selves, their environmelt, and the world we live in. Our projeet, ALL ABOUT US/NOUS AUTRES, is a non-prof-it group which col- lects, publishes aund exhi.bits creative works by Cî.nadians from, six to' eigh teen years of age. Our pw.rPose is ta pr- vide a way for our six mâlioil IdLool-age people to jet to know eaâh oth~'tt e..W -bopç iAOy am YOurarm *are *eiv ".S, e' t - ets, hopes and cèWms. origitua. Wùf b -from al *parts of Canada, Teceived by- M4ay, 1, 1975, wfillbe consid- ered for the -thitd annual art exhibit and a second volume of writing planned for fal publication. The national art exhibit will open in Ottawa during Festival Canada, and travel to various regions throughout the year. Pictures and writings should be sent directly' to ALL ABOUT US/NOUS AUTRES. Please include name, age and address on each item so we can let you know. abou. exhibitions an& publications. Students, tea- chers mà --thae publie can write for fârther informhation, Rett-y Nicke;rson, Coomdinator - oxl985 .Station B Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5R5 MANAGINO EDITORIPUBLISHER- Mike Burgess'j ASSISTANT !~O Blake Purdy I CONTRl6LJTI»*G EDrIOR - Jim Quail PÇIODuc-rbow IAMeý%a&R - r SuI"ss STAF F ARTIST - Shao Senson DtSPLAY ADVERTISING IMANAGER - Rob~in Lyon- CLASSIFIED AD MANAGER - Shelleuy Crevlay 1 m m 1 r 668m6111

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