Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1975, p. 16

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PAGE 16. WEDNESDAYJANUARY 29, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Gairrrd Roaod Minor-Lacrosse 1Since 1965 Garrard Road Minor, Lacrosse Association has provided recreation for countless boys in the Whitby- Brooklin area, I 1972 girls lacrosse started in our organ- ization and in 1973 a Girl's team visited Baie Comneau, Quebec to conripete ina series of garnes. This season. O.M-* L.A. will be running girls lacrosse teamns for the first time and our Association will be well represented. During the past 10 years these teanis have been suc- cessful in capturing- many trophies and Championships, both Local, Provincial and just recently - National. In 1972 also four teanris in various Divisions froni Gar- rard Road battled their way through the AIl.-Ontario Play- Offs. Ail four teanis missed their chanipionship by one goal. In the Peewee National Chaxnpionship held locally during 1973, Garrard Road Harlaid Stars again camne close to a championship, win- ning their first two -games over Baie Comeau 8-5 and Nepean 10-8 and losing a close 9-8 decision to Wallace- burg who went on to win the "C" Championship. Now you know why we are called 'Home of Champ- ions'. Many graduates of our Association have gone on to play Lacrosse witliJunior 'B' B & R Transporters and/or Oshawa Green Gaeîs Doug Bannon, Chuck Lepine, Larry Dale Grahami, Glen Johnston, Dave Crosby, Paul Boland, Timn Briscoe, Bill Down, Brian Kesubeck, also Tom Devgalov - Mississauga PCO's and Phil Kift - Ajax Knights. One of the original founders of G.R.M.L.A.,- Vic Sheffield is presently President of Ont- ario Lacrosse Associa- tion. A former Executive member Jimn Brady is General Manager of Junior 'B' teani B & R Transporters. In winning the 'D' title in 1974 we automnatically have an entry in the Peewee National Championships for 1975 to. defend our title. These will be held in New Westminster B.C. 'in August. At the present time Executive members and parents and the boys are busily engaged in a fund raising effort to send a teani to compete in this event. Approximately $6,000 will be required to cover expenses. Many activities are planned to bring -this to a reality, the followîng are a certainty with others to fol- low when plans are coînplete. A draw for 1/2 beef is being held, tickets will be available in a few days. An Association Dance is 4LECTIONI 15 Channels __ (12 full time, m-m 3 part.) . *11FM St ation S Award»Winni Local InI Pro g ramming 668-9331 G>e»cable tv PineRidgeCableTV Ltde 143 Brock St. S. Whitby NOTICE The annual meeting of the Corporation of the Doctor Joseph O' Ruddy General Hospital wiII, be held on Wednesday, March 26, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Hospital. To be eligible to vote at the annual <neting, fee payi;lg members or those wishing to join must have their fees paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the annual meeting. ý Membership cards may be obtained at the Ad- ministration office of -the Hospital or by mailing the fee to: Secretary Corporation of the Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital Gordon Straet Whitby, Ontario Date of post-mark witI mailed applications. .Annual membership tee: determine eligibilitY of $2.00 glannedfoMah 8 to be eld at the Oshawa Y.W.C.A. Gyrnnaslum,, 199 Centre St. Tickets are available from Jean Phillips, 655-3271 or Barb Kernohan 728-3290 or any executive members at' $6 per couple. Door prizes and lunch wil be available. A second bottie drive is planned ln the near future after reallzing over $100 in the firstone which was held a couple of weeks ago. A car. wash wil be lield possibly Saturday June 21*.. Local businesses and firmns are 'being contacted shortly with a request for assistance to achieve this goal. Please give. this your serious consid- eration when approached as any donation, large or smnall will be most appreciated. Anyone wishing to contri- bute with financial help or suggestions or ideas can con- tact President of the Associa- tion Tom Fairman 728-0528. The Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association wil send a teamn to British Colum- bia to compete in the Nation- al Peewee 'D' Championship in August. Although Garrard Road automatically qualified for entxy as a resuit of winning the championship last year, the association was flot sure that it could afford to send a team. However, the GRMLA has begun a fund-raising cam- paign to assist the players with expenses. One such project is the association dance, to be held March 8 in the Oshawa YWCA gymnasium on Centre Street. Tickets for, the licenced dance at $6 per couple are available from association members or by phonitig Barb kernohan at 728-3290 or Jean Philîips at 655-3271. The, ticket entitles you to. liunch' and prîzes. At the association's annital meeting, elections of officers were held. Newly elected were Pre-ý sident Tom Fàirman, Record- ing Secretary Alan Garrard, Vice-president Dick Walker, and Corresponding secretary Doreen Holding. Registrar Stan Taylor and Treasurer Frank Moloney were re- turned to their 1974 posi- tions. Convenors for the various divisions are Roger Dezan, girls; Murray» Owen, novice; Carl Phillips, -peewee and Dick Walker, bantam. As yet there, is no convener for the tyke division. Other committee members are Jean Philips, social; Joe Fusco, equipment manager; Budd Kernohan, purchasing agent; Greta Hope, publicity; Dick Walker, SCLA rep; Juanita Noble, booth conven- er and Vince Deveaux,,ways and means. 'Me following positions are still open: sponsor co- ordinator, referee-in-chief, DRHL rep and junior execu- tive co-ordinator. Anyone wishing to I these vacanacies should cail Tom Fairman at 728-0528. The board of directors was also elected at the annual meeting. CARIBBEAN VALENTIN E EXTRA VAGANZA 81g Show and Donce AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE February 15, 1974 $00 il..QU..« of the 1Limbo "MISS PEGGY JACKSON" them join -the fun of the L iffibor.Conpetition. Ex'perience thé Caribbeant sounds of - "T-ME CRU&ADERW" tdirgct f rom Trinidod -with. the lotest Caribbean beats. Marvel ot "King Richardo's"- amnazing fire eoting anid broken bottie feats HOT MEAT PATTIES Supper' Curried CIicken, Sweet Potatoes. Rice and Peos A.11 of thls for the prîce ofi 2 ver couple For tirkafStCDU Marano Shoes 121 Brock S., Whitby cllso Chrys Cotering 683.78vJ1 WHITBY BIBLE CHAPEL TEACHING THE WORD 0F GOD THAT VOU MAY GROW IN GRACE MEETINGS: Sundays:' (at Seripture Press, Consumers Whitby) Dr., Lord's Supper.......9:30 a.m. CONSISTENT STUDIES CURRENTLY BEING TAUGHT 1lst Peter ........... 10........l:00 a.m. 1 st Corinthiarts ...........11:00 a.m. Book o! Numbers ......... 7:30 p.m. Junior Bible Class ........10:00 ar. Wednesdays: (192 Vancouver St., Oshawa). 10: 00 a.rn. an4 7:30 p.m. i'hursdavs: (at Utica) 7:30 p.i. re'~stor-teacfler - M.W. Kowan For Information nhonè.: 728-3864 And it came to pa, wlen Jeau had modje an ead of com- manding hie twvelue disc* pes, lie departed thence to teacli and preach in thefr ciftes. Now when John %had'heard in the prison the works of Christ, lie sent two of his dic*i, And tliey sai uno hMm, Art tisai ho that showkd corne, or do ve lookifor anothler?1 S Jesus amurored and aid uno them, Go and sluei John again those tinga Wh h du hear and seec: The bftnd rece*ve Uaeir sight, and Uhe lame walk, tise lepers are cleosaed, and Use deaf hear, the dead are raised UP, and the poor have the gospel preaclued to them. Aid blessed la lie, whosoevr sisal not be offended in me. St. Miaftthw I: 16 A NightlIn The Cari bbean This Io the tlme of the year that one's thoughts turn longingly to sun- soaked beaches, long cool drinks. and warmn romantie walks along sandy beaches. In other words, the Caribbean. Some achieve the dreain, the rest can only dream and wish. Cheer up, you -poor unfortunates, Chris Christian, owner of Chris Catertng, is going to make at least part of your dreamn corne true. The incomparable Chris 1s' brnging the Caribbean to you as a Valen- Uine Special. Mariy of us have attended Chris' Caribbearî nights in the past, and they were great; so when 1 say that this one is going to surpass anytbing that has gone before, the informed 'rCats"' wil know that it is going to be great.1 How about this for starters? Chris is introducing Bad Leroy Brown for your pleasure, and man if that doesn't knock the skin off your hand, nothing wil!i Leroy isn't ail that bad, flot to the ladies anyway; and even the husbands grab his act, as he goes tbr- ough a strenuous routine of Caribbean dances. Then there is Peggy Jackson. lIlI tell you some- thlng, [f you don't get turned on when Peggy does her Limbo, you areete too old or your mamnmy didn't tell you anything. Peggy Jackson bas performed here before, and no- body gets more from a crowd than she does, because she bas more to offer than anyone. Peggy was once described as beirig like a breath of hot Caribbean evening air, pure exhilaration, but see for yourself, Man. Then you are going to see one of the mysteries of the Islands, fire eating and glass dancing,* King Rie- ardo wlll make you tense witb anxiety as he swal- Iows burning torches and dances on sharp, broken glass. Seeing is believing, but if you think it is flot fact, then you are invited to try out. Now that should be enougb, for the average Cat, but there is more, much more. No Caribbean night is complete without a Calypso Band, and Chris is bring- ing the best, direct from Trinidad, "The Crusaders". You will get wild music, and soft music, 'that wil carry you- across an.ocean of romance. There is stil] more, and this could be the highlight of your visit to the Caribbean - a supper of Carib- bean style bot Curried Chicken, wit.h rice and peas, cooked in a way that only C bris knowvs. Oh1 yes, you are wondering bow much the cost is going to be - $6.00 a person, for everytbi'ng except your liquid refroshment. So, if you can't go soutb, tben take tbe next best alternative, and book in for tbe Caribbean extravaganza at the Ajax Community Centre. You'll find ail the information in the adver- tisernent in this paper. Mrs. Margaret Van Deuren on the occasion of ber retirement from the teaching profession to be held at WHITBY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL Garden Street, Whitby Wednesday, February 5, 1975 froni 7:30 p.m. to 10:.30 p.m. i *bu.m...umuummu....~.... uumu~*. Jesus answers John" s disciples#.# 1

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