ED WON'T SEEK LEA DERS HIP Ed Broadbent, MP for Oshawa-Whitby, announced last week that he would flot be seeking the leadership of the federal New Democratic Party. Broadbent has been acting as the party's parliamientary leader, since the July election which saw David Lewis defeated in, his own riding. Broadbent had been con- s idering the most likely suc-- cessor to David Lewis as party leader. Broadbent sald that he made his decision because of famlly reasons. lie said that wbile be was parliamentary leader, he spent a great deal of his timne away from his farnily. He feit tbat, if be were to become party leader, this timne away from borne would increase. Broadbent explained that, as. leader you have to deal witb the problema of the whole country whereas an MP need only worry about. his constituents. Altbough he. cited family reasonis as the sole factor in' his decision, he said his wife Lucille had not urged hlm to withdraw from the race. Broadbent said that, des- pite bis announcement, he will continue to work bard at bettering the party. Broadbent said that he liad told David Lewis of bis decision earlier' in the day. Lewis was -one of -many NDP officials wbo expressed disaponm t at- Broad- bents decision. He feit tbat the' 38 year old Broadbent w~ould bave made an 'excellent candidate' as be 'has been an energetic MP since he was first elected in 1968. Others who were saddened by Broadbent's wvitbdrawal included Ontario NDP leader' Stephen Lewis; Doug Moffat a party spokesrnan in North- umnberland-Durhamn; Mike Breaugb, president of tbe Oshawa NDP riding associa- tion and Allan McPhafl, mayor'of Brock and a former NDP federal candidate. Broadbent's announce- ment has tbrown the party's leadership, contest wide open. Those most likely to enter the race ate Max Saltsman, MP for Waterloo-Cambridge; Stewart Leggatt, New West- minster;- Lorne Nystrom, Yorktoný - Melville; Ed Scbreyer, Manitoba Premier; Roy Romanoff, attorney geperal of Saskatchewan; and Ed Blakely, Saskatchewan Premier. Broadbent ran and lost to David Lewis in the last party leadersbip convention- in 1971.' Ail Sliced Sal amis $1.99 Îb. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22,1975 0 0 Wi.liams Trial Endts -GuIty Camilla Williams of Wbit- by was recently found guilty of faiing to provide suitable and adequate care and shelter for animais. IMe verdict stems fromf charges laid in May when 34 dogs and cats were seized from ber farm by Ontario Humane Society workers. Judge N. H. Edînondson, wbo presided over the case, placed Mrs. Wiliams on pro- bation for two years. A condition of ber pro- bation stipulates that she can not own or care for more than four dogs and four cats in the next two years. Earlier testimony by soc- iety inspector Don Loscomb described the surroundings in which the animais were kept. Several were in broken- down cars and niany were LIf el' William Joseph Bllot of Whitby was recently sen- tenced to life imprisonment- after pleading guilty to a charge of non-capital murder at Suprenie Court sittings in Whitby. Elliot, 56, was cbarged with murder after the shoot- ing death ýof Connfe Stornis, 41, of Odiawa, last Septem- Affleck said Elliot had been seeing the victim. Con- nie Stormns socially for a year and a haif. Afflcck told the court the two bad been separatcd a- bout two weeks prior to the shooting. Bilot cntered the bouse with a 22-calibre revolver in. bis beit and found the vic- tims ini bcd according to Affleck. Affleck said that after an *arugmnent, Bllot shot each one in the bead. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, Bllot will be li- gibble for day 'Parole after servlng seven years. without water or water bowls. Assistant Crown Attorney Edward Howell reconunend- ed a jail terni for Wiliams. However,' defence lawyer Howard Swartz, brougbt to tight a recent case in Hamil- ton in which a man was only fined $100 for staging dog- fx-gh ts. Judge Edmondson feit a jefl sentence wouldn't be ap- propriate as Wiliams is genuinely fond of animnais. Judge Edmondson didn't fine her because be feit this would only be a bardship to ber and ber family. Meanwhile, Williams is attemptiflg to lay a counter- charge agaînst the Ontario Humane Society for failing to provide adequate and suitable shelter and care for the tbree dogs which they took into their custody. According to Wiliams, H-arold Rowley, justice of the peace in Witby, told her that there was insufficient evidence to back up be.-cdaimi. Site also said that Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck and his assistant Ted HoweIl felt the same way. However, liamns thinks. that site docs have a case. Two of the dogs seized were' found dead day s later. The QES claimed that the two' dogs'dicd frorn injuries suffered ini a fight with each other. Williams said the two dogs had neyer fought in the 12 ycars they lived together. An autopsy performed on one of the dogs showcd that the injuries resulted from trauma or as Williams con- cludes a figbt witb a larger dog. She claims that several animnais were "needlessly destroyed" upon transfer to Belleville and others wcre sold in September. However, they were to remrain in custody until the court's final disposition, carl- ier in December. Williams says that she will drop thec daims charges If site gets Uic dogs back. MAYOR NEWMAN KIDNAPPED Mayor Des Newman appeared to be in shock Monday night.as flot only was bis closed-door committee meeting intemiupted, but he found himseif handcuffed to Patsy Muchler. And to make matters worse, the meeting was taken overcompletely by Club Loreley hcad Hubert Adebarr The mock 'kidnapping' of Mayor Newman and Counclflr Tom Edwards by a band from Club Lorcley abruptly ended the council meeting. ..which later con- vened (uiioff-iully) at the Club ini Oshwa- Pictured above ini Whitby council chambers fromn left to right are: Anne Hansen, Councillor Tom Edwards (also handcuffed), Patsy Mueller, Mayor Newmnan, and Hubert Adebar. Free Press Photo by N14&e Burgess BihAngrs Councillors Whitby Counicillors voiced their disapproval of the most meent piece of legislatiôn passed by the province. An amendment to the Regional' Act transfers- the ,municipalities' autbority over supply, distribution and fin- ancing of water and collec- tion and disposai of sewage to the region. 'Speaking on Uic matter, Councilor Tom Edwards said that thc provincial govern- nient bas passed legistation without the municipalities' residents being able to com- ment on it. Edwards felt it is "a back- wards step whicli wil create more discontent witb Uic regional government set up." Councillor Iion Lovelock said that now the municipal- ities don't have an opportun- ity to determine how bdis are paid. lnstead "we bave others (provineiâl gomenrent) tell- ing us bow we pý"ôur bils. Councillor Jim Gartsbore called -it an "autocratic move by an autocratic government" wbich "takes away from us even the opportunity of de- ciding. how we'Ii pay our bis".- Councilloï John Goodwin feit that the move contra- dicted a resolution passed by ing the prov-ince flot to enact légisature without consulting cacit munjcipaiity. At present, eacb inunici- pality- determines how its shares of thec costs are raised. Council bas asked the treasurer to report and wil prepare a brief for presenta- tion to the provincial cabinet at its' February meeting in Oshawa. Party Plates 159 Pro&ktStreet North 'U-527O Vol. 5 No. 3 IO1CENTS 1 ýEýE R E