WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1975, PAGE 15 SERVICES TRUCK TOPS FROM $199.00 AND UP ALUMINUM, INSU LATED CAPS FROM $29900 AND UP Brooklin Camping Sales One quarter mile north of Brooklin on Highway 12 655-3776 SALES & SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road S. (near Highway 401) Phone: 728-0690 SPECIAL SAVINOS Contents of Modl Homes. Qhested1te, iamps, dinet- te suites, velvet painting$, rugs.-Al ln Showroomn corn- dition. ELMER'S FURNIUflE 253 bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 Whitby T .V Towers ?25-2600 SItESAM*GODIN VENESSA TEA ROOM AND CARD READING 2 Locations: 465 Bloor St. W. Toron to 1853 Eglinton Ave. W. near Hours: 7 Days a Week Fromi 12 noon to -10 P.M. FOR AP1POINTMENT PHIONEi 1-782-0641 IVONS AUCTION'HALL 18 MeMillan Dr, Os HAVWý5AÀ RU4e Wanted ANYTHING you have for sale. We will buy or EST 1956 IW4CAC RS .through Friday, 1 to 8 pm. PLANT located at 133 TAUNTON RD. W. 725-9961 mon 0 M3 PAINTING AND DECORATING Free Estimiates No Obligation Improve vouir homne over 20 years experience Cal668-2692- SNOW TIRES - 600-13 pair $15, Big Jim, Big Joshl camper rescue rig and 6 out- fits, cost $60 wi!l seli for $25 boys skates in box. size 13 $3, rocking hiorse $2, Ride & em Car $2, navy cord girls jacket size 10, new. $4. Cal 668-5190. Emp. AFGHAN -.Purebred ith papers for sale. 13 onths old, blonde withi lack face and tal. Female s house broken. Cal] 579ý 190. Jan. 22-. MUSTANG - -1967,28 utomatie, power brakes, ower steering, good condi- ion, uncertified $500. CalilI 68-3023. Emp. v CLOCK antiqa~n te- Sessions' $60, antique trunk 50, doil pramn, 25 inch Gen- ron as new $ 17. Cal 725- 283. Emp. SKI BOOTS Men b yrol, size 9M, good condi- ion $20. Cal 668-4600. FOR SALE - Nz.iy Pram $50, wooden çlaypen $13, Gendron stroller $15, yellow gingham qulted bedspread $30. custom made captain'ý bcd with mattress, 2 large & 2 small drawers $150, teak phone table 36 in. X 16 in. gold tweed $30, 10 in. square wooden ceiling light with large round bulb S12, Janny Lynde rockîng -chair $45. single bcd S25. Cal 655. 4210. Emp. FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS NGW AVAILABLE HOME 668-6000 EXECUTIVE HOMES SIX MOCDEIS TO CHOOSE FROM * Al &!er.ýD1 core ieSgvci:0o gîve cocu P0flC:O2J v;duai mooc d hCi nner. " Ail have sodded ar-cl lardscûped lots wsu ,m. Alil have luxut, bus ra!ontrghu.c:u ie sgned kit1 ens, spacious inierlors and dozens ai extra speciaIl ealures, cable TV oacbe " Alil pro. .e . ideal e-nvironirent fo !r olysct. - ics crd ~hps iSt nYu esaw . c: UZ sive r m~~.Drive mnùrih o Hirïrnony PU~ :rI.- H 1w.' &,DI' A eceA ve. E j s! c n j r FiOR INFrCkiMv\T!0ON CcIýIl Exclusive Rentai Agent DELREA-rYINC REALTOR - - REPA IRS to small appliances.* dryers, washers, stoves, etc. anid SNOW REMOVAL Toronto Lins 30'2.Z-1c Oshawa Lino 723-5Ã371t GUINEA PIGS- 8 wecks old, father Abysinian, niothier. Boston. Heailhy, active and used tohlandl ing. Only $1-50 Caîl 655-3750. Enip. your week aiead ey DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Perlod: January 26 to February 1 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCHILD June 21 - July 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 Sept. Z22 LIBRA Sept. 23. Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARFUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb, 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 This week finds you emotionaUly down. Your surroundings and loved ones wil be negleeted. Take the buits by the horns, and live up to what is expected of you. During this cosmic cycle your egotism takes over. Unfortunately your intellect is going through a new high, but be modest about it. You will find your associates more cooperative as a result. Most Geminis wilt reap monetary gains this week, if they have invested wisely. Be careful of false friends, do flot confide in them. For- tunes breed this type. You arc definitely restless with your mate or companion for this period, and want to escape. Be careful - the grass will ot bc grcener. Your mental attitude this week, Leo, is gloom. Surround yourself with friends, young and old to pull you through. There is a reai surprise in store for you. Money will be easy to corne by during this' period, but do a littie meditating before you squander. A good idea is comning to pass that you'ii want monies for. Your popuiarity is rcaèhing an ait time high among- both sexes. Don't shy away. Be a joiner . ou will gain new truths about yoursetf. Entertainment, travel, good conipanionships in your s9tars this week. Don't, however, altow this new found excitement, cause you bo dis- regard good fricnds. Your spirits are at a low ebb. . rumors sur- rounding your actions couid affect your home life. Stay away from your inner circles andi the truth witi out. Have patience, Capricorn, the news you have been waiting to hear is on its way. Do flot atienate your friends. What you want will hap- *pen. You are in for happy times, but be very cane-* fui of a new companion, that could temporarity turn your head .. and your excitement could be short-lived. This wil be a week of family visits, even rel- atives from afar. Do not dig up the past with your visitors; otherwise a quarrel could arise. 18 Grenfell OSHAWA CAMERA - Mirander Sensorex 35rnm S.L.R. with, 'aro: the lense metering sy- stem, Miranda Auto 28mnni wide angle lense, Miranda auto 5Omrn lense, Soligor T4 lOSrnm lense, ýoligor T4 300' mm lense (aIl lenses with hood) Braon F280 Eleclr.oic flash with racket and charg- er. 2 'Plos extension tube, 9 Asstd. glass filters, Focabell miicroç bellows attachmnent, cable release and eye cup, separate leather case for camnera plus a Benser leatlher carry-aIl Like New $850.00. Minolia I Ûrm Mimature CAMERA witlh Rokker 22 mmii lense ini case S.30.00 P-OLAROID No.330 camera wih flash aitachîneni , in- cîtîdes film and bulbs, Like New $55.00, Blessing Valve TROMBONE in deluxe case,. as new, cost $550, seli foi S1 50. Phone 668-9449 after 7:00 p.rn. EîIp.- CARRIAGE -Lloyd's baiby carniage, good condition $35. Caîl afier 5 668-4789. Ernp._ FOR SALE - Freezer 14 cubic fi. $75.,I12 gauge pump shotgun $70, Sno-Cruiser SI 50, set of cliildrer's swings (brand new) $40, 3 bull calves $50 eachi, baby carniage $50, carbed SI10, 18 inch chain saw $30, King size bed (needs frame) $20, double bcd spring and niattress in- cluded $45, jolly-jumper $5, floor polisher $10, boys skates size 13 & 4, $5 a pair, Alberg skis, polos & mens size 8 boots, used once $60. Cal 655-3478. Emp. LETTER 0F TFIANKS ERIK NIELSEN 0F R.R. No. 2, WHITBY Woutd like to thank bis neigh- bours and friends for the beautiful flowers and many kind- nesses shown fottowing the recent deaths of bis three brothers, Hans, Henning, and George. HOCKEY DRAW WINNERS' Whitby Juveniles New Year's draw 'Side of Beef' winner was Mrs. B. Wallwork 932 Centre Street North, Whitby, Ontario. 1,000ý Name, Code, Remit Address Labels, Adldress, Postal any 4 lines $3.50 to J.D. Enterprise 15-Aý Easton Street, Cambridge, Ontario NMR 1G3 -CARPET - Rubber-back shags $5.88 a square yard. Basement c ar- pet $4.95 per square yard.1 Remants 50% off. These and many other bargains at COUNTY BROODLOOM 1742 Brock Street, South, Whitby (south of 401)" Cali - 668-8895 PROVINCIAL JUNIOR *'A' ,HOCKEY WHITBY KNOB HILL FARMS vs AURORA Thurs. Jan. 23 7:e30 p.m. IROQUOIS PARK ARMAý Aduits , SI.75 Students with I.D. SI.0O Qitdren .50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Edith Esther Watts Ail persons having claims against the Estate of Edith Esther Watts, late of the Town of Whi tby, in he Regionai Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 27th' day of November, 1974, are hereby notified to send particulars of samne to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of February 1974, after which date the Estate wilI be distri- buted, with regard only to the claimns of which the undersigned shail then have notice, and the under- signed wilI flot be hiable for.any person or whose dlaim he shai l ot then have notice. Dated at R ichmnond Hill, this 7th day of January 1975. David Edward Watts, Executor of the Estate of Edith Esther Watts, by his solicitors, Messrs. Lawlor, LeClairel, Stong & Nevins, Barristers & ýSolicitors, 10265 Yo'nge Street, Richmond Hill-, Ontario, L4C 4Y7. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, tend the day, month, ysar and place of birth, plus 51.00 for postage und handllig ta Dr. Andrsw W. Demi&, P. O. box 12766, S1. Petesburg, Floride 33733. CARTAGE, PICK-UP& DELIVERY Experienced Service Speciaflzing in 'Slmal Jo'bs REASON ABLE RATES Caîl Anytime: - 1-649-5443 Collect (Claremont>