Words fro. West Lynde by Norm MoaIing I-isiory repeats iîself Approxiînately one year ago, dibe newly-forned We st Lynde Conmuni'ty Association lield a meeting lu raiify uts constitaiion and bylaws. Out of sontie 400- miembers, only 44 attended. Last Thursday nighît, the tbriving West Lynde Conimunity Association hield uts first General Meeting of 1975, and oui of 486 niemnbers. otily 19, including t1w Execuitive, at tended. Obviously . there were not enougli nienibers 10 hold a General Meetino, so il as cancelled. In -ils place, a special Executive meeting was hield, and the nmembers who did attend for the General Meeting were asked t0 stay on. What lllows, iherefore, is an accouint of' thw business tbat wvas transacted aI the special Excecutive meeting of January 9. F i nan cial John Baies, Treasurer, reporîed that, in accordance wîb the by1awvs, the books of ihe W.L.C.A. were audited and that as of December 1 5, 1 975 iere v/as a balance of $2,788.00. Thiere are still sone. ur.paid bills from tbe Noveniber 29 dance, but John estimates that even after paying these buils, tbe_,ba1ance will still cx.ceed $2,000. In connection with ibis rnoney, you miay recaîl tbat- President Brian Evov cà lled for voluinteers t0 develop and recommend a financial policy for the W.L.C.A. Apparently only two people camne forvard, and, therefore, no commit- tee was formed, and no policy developed. The question of a financial policy was discussed, and it was left with îthe suggestion that the Executive develop and recommnend a policy to the nenibership. Commu nity Director Bill Hoffman reporîed ihat 1 28 appeals were delivered 10 the Regional Regisîrar on Decemnber 24. 0f te 128, two were fromi residents outside the subdivision who wantcd lo join in. Bill also reporîed that work on the hîgb risc proposed for Dundas and Jeff'rey Streets could begin as early as next summer. Since ibis miatter inay be of intercst lu our conm- mnty, the Association is considering a special meeting 10 discuss the issue. Bill also pointed out in passing that, altitougli the Cîy of Oshawa raises 60% of the total taxes raised i n Durham. ihey pay only 4317( of the custs of regional governinent. Interesting! Rec r calion Director Dan Pelletier reporied that the plans for Cen- tral Park wvi11 be avalable for anyone interested in sceing whiat is going lu bc developed and when. Dan also advised that response for both tme Ski Club and Tennis Club bias been good. TeTcnnis Club hias abou t 50 peuple signed uip and Dan plans to bold a meeting in lte near future. Finally, weather permiling, Dan indicated thiat the skat- ing rink wvould go on thc tennis courts in Central Park. Su Al volunteers for.the rinik should be prepared if vinter ever cornes and stays. Solýal Director 1-lather Cromien rernînded people of the dance planned for JanuarV -31. The dance is open to ail Whitby people who wih lu attend. Tickets will be $7.00 a couple. r5d8y bonanza JAN, 2Oth to 25th ail memch8ndse records, tapes, cassettes, books, gift items, Bibles, and many, m nny, more items. *except Sunday Schoot supples No mail order or charge accounis on this sate and wlll be available on a first cor-ne, first served basis as of the evening of January 17 from any of the W.L.C.A. exeu.u- t ive: Brian Evoy (668-2764) Kevin French (668-6956) Marg Boyce (668-9691) Joh n Bates (668-8225) lIeaither Cromien (668-9429) Dari Pelletier (668-8 129) Bill11 loffîman (668-607 1) Jack MacMillan (668-6071) Since February is Hcýart Monîh , proceeds of the dance v/dl go t0 the Witby Chaiptcr of' hie Ontarioo heurt Founda- As said. any Wiîtbyitc wlio wislies to attend should do so. h ill bc an excellent opportunity for ail of us who live in Whitby to mingle and gel 10 kniow onc another. 1975. H.ections In Marchi, clections f'or six exective positions in the W.L.C.A. will bce held. The offices of Vice-President, Trea-. surer, Secretary, and tv/o of the four- Directors (Dani P. and Jack M. were lected 10 two-year terms in 1974) are open to the general'imem-bershiip, and the office of' Presideni 10 any miember of the presci executive. Like last year, a nomninaîing commitie 10 run the cdec- tions miust be formed, and, ai present, only Ed Dawson of' Michael Blvd. and myself have volunteered 10 serve on ibis commînt tee. We neced îhree additional comimit tecerebers, and, if you are interested, please give Ed (668-9856) or iy self a cal!1. .The Wiby MacDonald Booster Club checked in on Saturday 10 lei me know thiai they are holding a dance on February 7tih ai the Heydensliore Pavilion. Tickets are $7 a couple, and the price of admission includes a hot meal. *A live band will p)rovide thie music. Editors Quote Book A p toud mfan is Q'!dom a gi att/ti man, for lie never thinks le es cîas muclî as he descucs. i!cniry lard Bi3cche'r COURIHOUSE SQUARES PLUS some1 special reduced items UPTM, 50 yu MOFF!n HOU RS Mon TuesWed lt 6 Thurs Fri Night tii 9 Sai 6 **0m' Source For Alil Your Needs boo0k. -i- 104 Consumers Drive (off Hopki.ns Street) Scripture Press'1BIdg, Whitby WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,,1975. PAGE 3 Board of Education New Superintendent ,The Durhamn Board of Education lias a new Super- intendent of Operations. R.V. Sheffield took the post effective Ja nuary 1 of th is yar. As une of'1h ree senior superintendenîs. Sheffield will have responsibil ity for staffing, budget, staff rela- tions, instruction and evalua- lion., md uded in bis responsi- bilities is îhe field supervision of the Arca superintendents and consultanits. Afier attending elemnent- ary scbool in Detroit, Miclii- gani, and i n Carthwrigh t, Durham County, hie studied ai the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute and Victoria College, University of Toronto. Sheffield bas taughit in Quebec, Trenton and Oshia- wa's Central Collegiate whiere 1ie served as Head of thé' Eniglish 'Departr-nent. He served as vice-principal of Donevan Collegiate in Oshawa froni 1961 tu 1965 Mien lie mnoved 10 Easîdale Collegiate to become the school 's principal after plan- ning lte organization of that school for opening th e following year. In 1971, lie took the post of Assistant Superintendenit withi the Ontario Counity Board of Education before being named superintendet of curriculumi in 1973. Needless 10 sav, the dance is open 10 ail of Whitby and tickets are availahile from the Booster Club at the Thursday night hockey games or ai the box office ai Iroquois Park or from Greg Steffler, President, Booster Club ai 723-9348 or AI Armstrong ai 668-9837. Thc dance is in support of the join in and attend. Well, su long for this week. Senior "A" 'Macs, 50 v/hy' LIMUTED QUANTITY ON ALL ITEMS FROM JAN. l5th-l8th,1975