PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 15, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDDING (JOWN - Bro- cade velvet, mnatching full length cape with hood, malibu triru, sîze 10, $135. Whiite FOX FUR CAPE $75, Cati 655-3009 after 6 p.nî. Emp. FOR SALE - Baby back carrier, 2 wvay position $8. English baby seat witli tray suitabte for homne or car $5,1 portable jolty jujuipor $6, cal! 668-4416. Emnp. AQUARIUMf 10 galloni withi fitter and lighit. good condition S 10. Cal! 668- 5>41. lSmp. FOR SALE - Baby carri- Zage $80. carboci $8, jotty jumiper $5, large box of clothes for baby 12 mon îhs tb 24 miontlhs inctuding snow- suits and boots. Everything is hin'inimaclatecond(itionl $15., Floor polishier $10, boys skates size 1 3 & 4 excel- lent condition $5 a pair, Atberg skis, potes and miens boots size 8. Used once $60 King size box-spring and mattress by perfect steeper needs trame. Witt take best offer. Cati 655--3478. Emip. -I FOR SALE -- H.O. Gaugý model tri-ang train set $150. Caît 728-0690. Emp. MOVIE CAMERA -.Iauto- nuatic oye 3 lens, 1 automa- tic feed projector with zoom tens and automiatic room lighit dimnuer. 1 ight bar wiîh butbs, 1 film editor. 1 tour feet by fouir feet beadeJ screen. I projector stand, att in good condition package deat $2-75. Cati 655-3815. Emp. L FOR- SALE - Olymplei taiiated skis with hanss, 60 tinches long, perfect condi- tion $ 10, size 5 nuouldcd rubber ski boots $10,I woman's Baucr figure skates in size 3 and 5 $5 eachi, AM- FMl pushi button car radio f'or Datsun or Toyota onty $20, AGS solicl state cassette car stereo, playback und record insterceo, kicrifice at $75, AM-FM sterco multiplex ton-I er roceiver only $50, antiqueI calsh registor, ideal l'or roc room bar $25,. Scandanavian chestertietd and match ingI chair in turquoise fab ric , luoth for $75. CaI668 -2478 at'ter 6 p.m. Empil. FOR SALE - Used B&W television, 26 inch, loorI modet xith doors good con- dition asking $75.00. Cati 6 5 54222)5. Emp. FOR SALE i tent traiter, sleeps four, inctudes foam nîattress, spare tire & teattueretto rover in good shape $300. 8 dressecl large mate nink petts, silver beige, tanned and 50111C with white chitu. $30 ecdi. 668-2 166. Enîp. FOR SALE -11)66 Ford ' iii runining condition. AskingI $150. CatI1 068-8629. Emp. FOR SALE - Two girls bikes ini good condition suit ages 6 - 9. Phione 72.3-0-590. bnp. FOR SALE Smnalt fibre glass tîouse traiter. Caaidîian Tire buîli box traiter. CatI 576-0551I. lop. i1 Lucky Licky Lucky Nunîbor 706 Nunulber 664 Nurobor 603 Abeautiful country setting' Close toToronto ...priced much Iower than comparable Toronto homes. wo0odstreacm ~ eadows N.ý distinctive Iuxury homes in Oshawa Corne see for yourself. North on Hormony Road from Hwy. 40] to Adetaide Ave. East turn right toWoodstream Meodows exclusive sales agent ýfL T4ýR E ALTO R -~iL SYLVANIA Suiran kit~ $16, Init)erial Rug shianpo hiand applicator S7, bath iliptemoints like nlew. ('att 668-2588. ll1 FOR- SALE. . 1banjo 60. (Catt1 New tenor 655-3534. Entp.1 FOR SALE -- Barbecue F4 -1 ici dianmoter $4, Carpet ,weeper, antique. price open, ichadboard '19 inch vîinyt $3 iadios browvn boots sizo 8 $5. pair of ski boo)ts (Ii tersport) ~ew con mdition. size 7-8 $50, Portable Siithi-Corona type- writor, excellent conidition, $S75. Cati 668-5060. Emp. FOR SALE -- Plastic raine-r $3. Diaper Bag $2, i-ab-y, on ger $2-, play pen $5, golf bag $5. CatI 725-6733. F- EI-n 1) STOVE -- 30 inch etectric autornatic. self-cteaning, ro- tisserie. I1974 Admirai inodol white, as new condition SI 75 ?7all 668-9850. Enip. CHEVY Il- 1964, 2door b~ody excellent, good tires, snows included, uncertified $300 or bes t offer. Cati 579- 2044 f'or at)pointment. This woutd bc a good 2.nd car and- is a gas saver. Emnp. PERSIAN LAMB coat black, mnink cotiar, like new $300, GE floor potishier in very good condition $5, GE etectric hair setter with rollers, only ,used once $5. Cati 576:-3424 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Emp. STROLLER -- Gendron as noew,. brand new canopy. and t)adcted seat $20. Caît 668-51I90. 1Emip. S BABY tTEMS - Like new swing-a-nia tic car bcd $8, watkcr- $5, jotty jumiper $3, comode $5, stroller $3, bike hialmet $20. CatI 579-3332 STEREO & record player Viking $100, Viking B & W TV 21 inchi $100, coffe table obtong $15, portable sewing table $12, new kit- chien chairs (2) $1t0, corner step table $15, ait in good coiidition. Cail 576-3047. Emnp. FREE HUNTING DOG - 9 monîhs old part Golden Labrador Retriever & part hound - good hiunting dog - owner lias been transferred. Cait 668-5779. SKATES -- Girls' whitie figure skates. size 3 $5, one pair junior Pro skis, tuarness and poles asking $50, one pair Senior Pro skis.,h.arness and poles asking $50, smiall ironing board and iron (cliilds) S2, one oasy-bake oven (Soisie Homiemaker) $6. Cati 725-1280. Emp. i I I ___________ Jimn "Scotty" Wilson REALTOR SALE 4 iin 66O*1777TD Marguerite Kulik REALTOR 715 Gifford Street Oshawa - Small Stucco low, electrically heated, fuit basement. looking. Asking $25,000. Large lot 80 feet by 200 feet, bedirooms. Needs some work. 1 mation cati 668-7777. ranch bungalow, 3 For further infor- Oshawa semi. 4 bedrooms, backsptit situated near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Extra large kitchen, garage, 4 piece and 2 piece bathrooms. Asking $45,500. PHONE: James ""Scotty" Wilson Realtor Doug Taylor Patty Simpkiss Benny ""Boogy" Stacewicz David ""Woody" Woodal BROCK STRE ET NORTH 668-7777 WVHITBY Bunga- Smart 121 dutTiPLE LISTING SERVICI -- il 1 m