PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JANUARV 8, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Brooklin BYlinets Weili Christmas is over, the NeW Year has been runlg in, and with a bit of iuck when you read this ail the chiidren ,M11 be back to school. And so the North Ward setties downý to the everyday down-to-earth activities, that are part of normal living., So does, the coluinn..skinig you for your news and views. If, like me, you have Iived in a hectie whirl during the last few weeks, fl understand if you are flot too ready for the everyday life, and so just ask you gentlv, to remember to cati 655-3750 with any information GENUINE GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS 1 SALE CLOSINO THE DOORS JANUARY 18th BARGAINANTIQUES &GIFTS MAKE YOUR OWN OFFER ON ANY GOODS IN THE STORE. Antiques - Gifts - Coins.- Stamps 131 BROCK STREET, WITBY OPEN 9 - S DAILY, CLOSED WEDNESDAY BROWN'ÀS NORTH WHITBY PHOI RED a WHITE -.Ja INSTANT COFFEE 1190 NiD & WHITE ROASTED COFFEE u-99,c - U95,C i ORANGE PEKOE u0 to Package TEA BAGS Ro & WHm 69C RED & WHITE SLICED BREAD* U-I&l w39C MARGARINE sumuwuu 69C COFFEE CREAMER 11 -OZ. Je« SUNSPUN Instant- 79C RED a WHITE BRAND 1-0X. Jet PEANUT BUTTER 69C CANADIAN PROCES SUNSPUN mwm SA&LAD C HEESE DRESSING PARCHMENT PACK 2 PLV BlOmmuaIE DELSEY MARGARINE smincu.rme 1Lb. 2 Rll Pkg. Pack DETERGENT HOUSEHOLD T ID E Scottowels KING SIZ£ - S54E. PACKAGE PAPE TOWML S 2 Rll $21eO5 Pack 9 that you woutd like, to share with 'the community, Some activities are, startlng in the area this week and as 1 have previously. rnentloned-them, lIlI just do a quick re- cap in case you have. mlssed thern. Story Hour for the preschoo lers, heid at the library on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m., is stili open for fee. Take aBreak, Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at the United Church Hall, hias a welcome for any ladies, with or without chldren, who would like to have a mid-week break froni the househiold chores. Costs for the 6 week session are $5 for 'Y' menmbers and $8 for non-memibers. Create Together is hleld at the saine location on Friclay mornings fromn 9:30 - 1 1:30 a.m. and costs $15 tor non-mnembers and $12 ' for 'Y' members. Co-op play school st arts on January i4th at Meadowcrest school. It will he lheld on Tuesdays and Thursdays fronm 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and costs $10 a mionth for non-mnembers and $8 for muembers. The Whitby 'Y' also hioid various activities for the schoolage child..swirnring, badminton, floor hockey, woodwork and arts and crafts. Ail, but the first, are held here in Brooklin....;.and the swimimers are bussed to the Ajax swimming pool froni Meadowcrcst Schooi. So there are plenty of activities to keep everyone happy. Cali the 'Y' at 668-6868 for ail the information. Saturday, the 11ith of January, is thc second Saturday of the nonth and therefore Paper Drive Day. Once again the Brooklin Scouts are asking for your co-operation. Thcy will bc driving around the north Ward area picking up any FOODMASTER I E 655m452 Satisfaction SAVE SOME PENNIES ON Oum OWN BHMANDS - WE GUARANTE.E NE UALETY -0ORYOUR à MONEY CHEIRFULLY REFUNDED. ROUND STEAKi Weil Trnnmed - Tonder Juicy STEAKS SIRLONMiNG . 68à RUU OS ki LUNCH MIATS " FEATUREI - SKIMMIU< POWDER - INSTANT CARNATION 3&10919 FEATURE1 - DOLE BRAND FANCV 19 Fi. Oz. Tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 58C FEATUREI - DOLE 48 Fi. Oz. fn PINEAPPLE JUICE #55c I Foaturel - fleconttued Tm@$ewe.t 48FI.Oz. fIn ORANGE wJ,; ce5 9c papers. that you can put out for them..J.'tied securely, please. As the boys and their fâthers and helpers, only have two hours..9:30 - 11:30 a.m which to pick up ail the papers, they ask that you have them out BEFORE 9:30. This way .they won't miss your donation. *Peoile*in Ashburn can, if they prefer, leave their ,bundies at the Community Center a day or two 'bcfore. Don't forget that these boys do turn your old papers int some, needy cash, 5give them ail that you can. Also -for those who live in Ashburn. Don't forget that Ashburn Community Center Annual General Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, the lSth of January. Give the Cen- ter your support and attendance. Short and sweet this week, but the year is young and there's plenty of tine for the sour touch. Don't forget to give me a cati with any information or news that you rnay have. Take care and l'Il bc talking with you next week. LIZ I~j 4M*~A I £ CAISC1DE unWAiSHER $9 GRE JWCE 691 DOWNY FABRC SOfTrENER sl.69- PREFER OU PAMPERS DIAPERS- sl.19 RS LADY SWTTFadai USSES 55C maa SMJEMEE bltD 121/2 P.e~t r ORANGE JUICE 39' F n ANCY QUA=JT FANCY OUAUTY FEATUREI - READY CIJT MACARONI OR 16-Oz. Package & es K w c SPAGHETTI CATELLI 37C 9C2-k à 79C 2-k6. 89C BestOIuy - FoncyQuelityLibby's 19 FI. O. «Tin ITOMATO JUICE 27c] STORE HOURS' OPEN six DATS A WUIK 3:30au-6pm *XCIPT THURS' I.FUI- 3 BIIGDAYS Thurs. in. 9. - Sat. Jan.il1 -I Florida White GRAPEF RU IT 48,1t___6159c Ontario (No. 1) CARROTS- 2 Ibs. Cello Bag 3/$,l USA King Suze No. 1 LETTUCE 35c SDELUVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE BROKLNà ONaRIO &azi& mrrum HEG AN 2?o Le - SC?CA M 2 Pac 40&. NOXZEMA 4l.99 $0OMt TU" CREST TooTwuPAST59c FAMILle SZS HEAD s'ouums sl.391 FITUEI- AN G UALITY MARTI"E il F.Gi. LT APPLE SAUCE 39c. More' Statutory Hol*idays The new Employinent Standards Act lias receivcd third reading and approval in the Ontario Legisiature. lIn addition to the existingi standards-, minimum wage, vacation 'pay, overtime pay, equal pay. termination pay and collection of wages the Act now provides for seven paid statutory holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day. Dominion Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. The overtime pay provi- sio>n lias tren amnended to provide lime and one-haîf for overtime for hiours in excess of forty-four ini a weck. The Pregnancy Leave pro- vision ias been 'extended to seventeen weeks for employ- ees with one year's service or more and covers ail employ- ers having one or more eînpioyees. Employers wiil no longer have to provide transporta- tion for, femnale empioyees finishing or starting work be- tween the hours of midnighit and six o'clock in themorn- ing. Female empioyees under 18 may now work after mid- nigh t. The penalty for contra- vention of the Act lias been increased from $1 ,000 to $1 0,000 and/or six months in jà it and responsibility is ex- tended to officers, directors or agents of the employer. Many of the amendments provide clarification of the legisiation to assist employers in application of the stan- dards. A bulletin expiaining the changes in the new Act, ex- ceptions to the legisiation, exemptions and miethods of application will be sent t0 all eniployers early in the New ,Year. police WIlSue The region's finance com- imittee will take legal action to coliect a $1 00 insurance ciainu. In January, a Durham Region Police cruiser was involved in a three-car acci-' dent. 1 1