Words f romWest Lynde by Norm MeaIing Although I promised last week that there would be n( column until January 8, 1975, an event of singular impor tance took place on December 1 7th that requires me t( break that promise. On that night, Brian Evoy and Bill Hoffman of ti Community Association heid a meeting to -discuss ti assessment notices we received for 1975, and the issueo property taxes which are calculated on the basis of thosi notices... -Although I was forced to leave the meeting befov it concluded, I was able to hear enough to comment on &l course of action that we should individualiy, and collect ively follow. You wiil recail that, as a result of Mr. Hoffmnan's appeý of his 1974 assessment, a great deal of excitement wa geierated. The response of the community was such tha it prompted the Assessment Office to take advantage ofa amendment to the Assessment Act, and review the asses ment on the homes in West Lynde. This review, and th reduced assessments for 1975, seemed to correct th situation. This, however, is not the case as was demonstr'atei clearly at the December i 7th meeting. Ini the firs.t plac considering the assessmént within the subdivision, therei no more consistency for 1975 than there was for 197ý For exarnpie, there is a spread of one hundred dollarso four houses exactiy ike mine ail on my street. Secondly, is also very apparent that assessments in the rest of Whitl compared to those in West Lynde are stili considerai iower. -As an example, Mr. Hoffman pointed out that house of comparable value to his, but situated in an old( area of Whitby, is assessed for approximately $3,300, difference of some $3,700. Therefore, that inequities in assessment both inside ar outside our community exist is a fact that cannot be di puted. But what to do about it remains the questio Well I, for one, am gongto file an appeal. I amn the going to try and find a comparable house in Whitby a: basis for my .appeal. I am going to let Mr. Hoffman knm that procedure, the W.L.C.A- will have the basis for community-based appeal. A second course of action in dealing with assessmec -that I would like to see pursued is for the Association erequest our local M.PYP. to intercede with the Minister Revenue on our behaîf. We are a sizeable community, 8( homes, and approximately 1,600 voters, and we should least be heard. What might resuit from our appeals, and our approach to the Minister of Revenue, is pure conjecture at this point. We should remember, however, that one appeal by one maan in 1974 resulted in a review of assessment, and reduction of assessment in West Lynde. 800 appeals could resuit in a review of assessment in Whitby and further reductions for West Lynde. The second issue discussed at the meeting was property ý' taxes and it is the more difficuit of the two to deal with. '~As Mr. Hoffmnan pointed out, a minor increase in the miii O rate for 1975 will eliminate whatever benefit we derived le fromn our assessment decrease. In order to overcome te Le loss in revenue that will resuit from our decreased assess- le met the town will have to raise the miii rate in 1975 if al of they did in 1975 wask, to maintain their 1974 rate ôf se expenditure. Wi th the town already in the early stages of re preparing their 1975 budget, immediate action must be le tkenand pressure brought to bear on Town Council.. t- As 1 see it, the West Lynde Community Association -l should first see if common ground on this issue can be 'a found with other ratepayer/community associations in ,at Whitby. If so, a united front can be developed. If not, an then we in the Association must be prepared to go it alone. s At any rate, the aim should be nothing iess than a signifi- he cant reduction in spending for 1975. We should impress upon Counicil that new spending is cd not necessary, and that items such as the new municipal ýce building should be deferred until the town can really afford is it.' We should insist upon a freeze in employment by the 4. town. We should aiso be prepared to forego any new ser- on vices in our own area, and live with what we already have, i t even though it may be 'Minimal by our standards.' In short, by the town budget should reflect the realities that we are lIy faced with, and, that is, that we cannot spend beyond our [a means, and neither should they. lr At the same time as we give Town Council this message, ,a we should also see to it that the same message goes to the nd Regional Councl, and the two schooi boards as well. They li- nust learn', to live within their means, and stop sticking it ).>toth property owner as if we were collectîvely the pot of en gold at the end of the rainbow. sa We snouia also get the Mayor to commit himself to our ow cause. Alt.hough Mr. Newman is not likely to remain as r a Mayor for ail of 1975, he wilI be able to influence counicil while lie is there. Since he will undoubtedly. seek our crnt support in his quest for another public office in 1975, he to should be prepared to support West Lynde's 1,600 voters of in this issue. Those are my thoughts, and with 1974. 1975 will be an exciting year, work for a better year for ail of us.' ffhem, I close out and let's hope, and WHITBY FREE PRESS', TUESDAY., DECEMBER 31. 1974, PAGE 3 COURJHOUSE SQUARES PUNCH LUNE 0F THE WEEK I- L JANUARY SPECIAL 15% off ail upholstery and Rug cleaning Can be done in your home or at our piant Nur, ORTH 174 MARY STREEI OSHAWA, 728 Mon. - Frn. 8 - 5:30 Satur( Gary Magwood Steps Down Mosport Park Ltd., recent- iy confirmed the appoint- ment of Montreal's John Powell as the chief instructor for Mosport's Racing .School. The 30 year-old Powell, a former Canadian auto racing star, replaces Gary Magwood, who resigned from the school in order to participate in pro- fessional racing on a fuli-time basis. Powell, an auto sport jour- naiist and one-time racing instructor for a Montreal based schooi, will officiaily take over his new duties Jan- uary 1, 1975.1 Powell is the son of a for- mer Canadian sedan chgm- pion, Ted Powell. Born in England, John captured sever- ai auto racing championships before retiring from active racing in 1973. He was one of the leading drivers in the Player's Challenge Series before turning to journaiism. "We wish Gary (Magwood) every success in his new en- deavour while at the samne time we are extremeiy pieased to come up with such a competent replacement in John,"" said Harvey Hudes, president and general mana- ger of Mosport Park. The schooi is held throughout the summer months on the 2.459 mile Mosport circuit located at Orono, Ontarîo. It is the only track in Canada which annualiy hosts a world chamnpionstlip Grand Prix au- to race., Several hundred novices have graduated fromn the school, which also staged 'a winter. program in West, Palm Beach ,fIa. However, Hudes announced ' that -the winter programn would be, cancelled » due to, the econornic situa-' tion in the United States..1 Toronto's L ord Simncoe Hotel traditional hospitality in the heart of downtown From the moment our doorman says welcome, you will enjoy' the Lord Simncoe's convivia1ity and warmth . .. in the Sentry Box Lounge, with its colourful atmosphere. .. at the .Crossroads, a self service restaurant where peoplemeet. for conversation, snacks or a full course meal . .. the Beau Nash, an intimate gathering place for lunch, or for "after five" refreshments . .. the famnous Captain's Table*, with, its nautical setting, and a'menu brimming wtb new taste-adventures, It's ail at the Lord Simcoe, close. to. everything in the heart of downtown. You'll enjoy Toronto more and have more Ieft to spend on other things. Fre opriihtpakig :00 pm. to 8:30 a.m r re ovpôr igipr kingM 6 yoirtrve en t ' '0oI;aCt $ ~C 1~% Kn g breetr West, t 0ronto. ý-,-eehne1218 9 1 Oprated by Beikoley Internet ionat Hnt.Im*A.M rVictoria and Grey Trust Company and its Subsidiary Companies Highlights Company Funds Guaranteed Funds Estates, Trusts and Agencies M ortgages Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Debentures Trust Deposits Gross Revenue Net, Operating Income Net f neome Net Operating Income per Common Share Net Income per Share Of Our year 1974 $50,634,804 1,022,164,063 134,850,648 925,999,061 843,578,523 178,585,540 92,324,657 6,226,191 6,517,898 2.15 2.25 1973 $ 41,404,831 850,004,342 114,966,497 768,745,397 685,944,844 164,059,498 73,070,702 6,484,125 6,902,247 2.24 2.39 VICTORIA 4and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Alliston - Belleville - Brampton -Can- nington s Cobourg - Collingwood Exeter - Goderich - Guelph - Hanover - Kingston - Lindsays- Listowel * Mea-~ ford - Newmarket , North".Bay*'o Orangeville - Oriltia - Owen Sounci Peterborough- Port Credit - Renfrew -Richmond Hill - St. Catharines (Agency) St. Maryss Stratforçi Tillsonburg -.Toronto eW hitby. Lambton Office's: Chathail sLernn' ton 'Sarnia,*,WaIIacebu rg. Lorne D.Reid- MiMi'ST w ' 8-4881 rday9 .12 noon mi