Fes t'ial Club Loreley will be crowning their prince on January 4. The crowning of the prince at, 9:11 on that. even- ing will kick off the club's second anniual 'Festival of Fools'.. Althoughi the 'Festival of Fools' or 'Durham Karnival' CGrnitn spelling) is only two H. 116 DU Ippy New Yeoir I GREAT WA.LL RESTAU RANT Free Delivery JNDAS ST. WEST 668.702, years old, the celebration is one of the oldest in history ,It began as a Romian festi- val before Chiristianity was introduced. The word 'carnival' is coin- posed of two Latin words: 4'carnis', meaning neat and 'vale', meaning farewell. Literaîlly translated il ap- plies only to the day called in French 'Mardi Gras' or shrove Tuesday. It is the last day that Romans were allowed 10 eat meat before the strict fasting regulations of the Lent season, prior t0 Easter, started. Actually the Mardi Gras season comprises. the period of lime between Christmas and Lent, between mid- winter and spring when there was little farmwork 10 be done and little business.in the urban communities. It was a good lime for going out, feasting and cele- brating. Thus, Mardi Gras or Carnival became the season when people 'took life more lightly. People were allowed t0 mock the authorities and other high-placed persons, even the court of the ruling sovereign. One of the more modern customs is to parody the military by wearing out- rageous military -medallions. ,Each year a mnock prince and- princess are elected to ostensibly rule the country during Mardi Gras. They are assisted-b>' the Council of Eleven1 Jesters, being the ironic-' counterpart of the minister's of the country. Hubert Adebur, chairman of the carnival committee re-, fused to disclose the name of this:year's princeý but hinted that he was a dîstinguished local businessman who is in- volved with man>' clubs in the. area. ;The princess is also a local person. 1Adebar described the carn- ival, as the club's "gift 10 the region" and added that il was a chance for the residents of the region t0 "gel together for a good tirne." He said that the members of Club Loreley, which is usuaill' îhought to be srictly Granada Restaurant Tavern A horn of plenty- filled with wishes for the, best Chock fult of our sicere thonks, 100. for Germnans, ;Would like more involvenent on the part of other ethnic groups and- ser- vice clubs. The cluib is trying to pro- mnote the carnival like Kitchener does is Oktober- fest Thé festival begins on Saturda>', January 4 with the crowning of the prince. Everyone is invited 10 join in thie' fun comimencing at 8 p.m. at Club Lorele>' on Deani Avenue in Oshawa. CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP TOWN 0F WHITBV Christmas Trees wilI January 6, 1975. be picked up, the week of R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng. Diiector of Public Works. ________________o I ~~OWU8 ~ Don Ailman- CKLB News A&fternoon Report One of the main ingredients that separates CKLB fronti other radio stations is our coverage of news and sports events happening in the Durham Region. We don't speind a lot of tliime eporting news and sports yoti can hear oni the other radio stations. CKLB devot'es the majority of lime telling you about wha<'s going on -in the Oshîiwa, Whitby. Ajax, Pickering area because nmost -of the other radio stations don't. We feel you want to, know about what affects you first, and tha's thie wiav we report it. First. If you care to wear the very best on those ail important occasions, wear a cloud soft, peignoir in ultra femninine sheer pastels Touched with lace or luxurlous triacetate. gown lively printed for the young at heart. ALWAYS THE LARGEST SELECTION AT IMAGE SHIANMA PIKEIN*183-58 1350 OSHAWVA r ~ fl, r I !i. ~S of Fools WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1974, PAGE 15 Jane.4 OF FICIAI PLAN DURHIAM REGION PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Concerns regarding future development within the Region of Durham may be expressed by respond- ing to a PUBLIC OPINION'SURV£Y available at Itie Iocil Municipal Office or Durham's Planning and *Development Department, 105 Consumner Drive, Whitby. 668-7731. '5~~ J TOWN 0F WHITBY APPoINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Citizens who may be interested in serving on the foltowing Boards or Committeos are invited to submit their names along yvith a brief backcgroun>d resume' to thte undersigned' for consideration by the Cocuncil on or before Januury 6th, 1975: Cemnetory Board - 6 appoiritments 1 year term Comntittee of Adjustment - 1 appointrnent 3 year term Oowntown Action Commîttee - 6 appointments 1 year term Fence Viewers - 6 appointments 1 year term Game Preserve Committee - 8 appointments 1 year term Library Board - 1 appolntment 3 year term In the event that the Regional Municêpality of Durham asks for recommendations from the Councîl. interested citizens are alsoý invited to subnvt their names for appointment to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Two appointmnents are to be made. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK 405 Dundas Street West. Whitby, Ontario. mwctwýýý ý.v wwýý