PAGE 14, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1974, WHITBY FREE PREËSS Skating'Rink The tennis courts ît Cen- This indludes a tap in th, tral Park will be ttsed for pdrk to attach a twoîtncý skating rinks during the Wtn b ose for flooding the rin ter rifotlths. and a water fountain incarbý The Whitby Knob Hill Farms have' been playîng .500 hockey of late. In their past flive games, they have two wins, one tic and have lost twice. Oddly enough,, most o their sucrcess bas corne on the'road. 1On 'December 19, the Hil- lers beat'the Weston Dodgers 5-2 at Iroquois Park Arena. Don Nicholson and Tom Mà cLeish each scored twice with Rick'Prien picking up a single. Brad Hall and Gary Farrell replied for the Dodgers. The following evening,« Whitby travclled to Markharn where they tied Uic Waxers Rick Prien, Larry Wagner and Ken Clark tallied for the Hillers.- Rolly Hedges, with two and Roîu Wilson with one got Markharn's goals. Thmn Whitby split a series with the league-leading Sene- ca Flyers, losing at home and winning on the road. On. December 22, Seneca edged' Whitlby 6-5 withGord Barcl ay's hattricl leading the way.. Larry Payne scored twice and Mike Mazurkewicz once for the visitors. Witby got two goals fr om Ric k Prien and singles frorn Keni Clark, Bruce Newton and Tom MacLeish. Theý Ilillers returncd the favour the' following night when they scored, a 6-5 vic-à tory at Smneca. Don Nichol- son and Tom MacLeish each fired a pair. Mike Pritchard and Ken Clark bit one apie:-eý. Larry Payne, John Wilson,, Tomi Butt, Steve Stockrnan. -and Steve Norris scored for the losers. On1 Decemnber 26, Whitl feIl by a 5-3 score to the vis ing Dixie Beehives. Daý Taylor scored tie lhattrick f Dixie and Doug Heslip ai Dan Cormier tallied singi Paul Fenton, Gary Shc ban an d Rick Prien replii fo r Whît b y. The Hillers arc current ini second Place behind Ser ca. On Thursday,. Whit] travels to Wexford. how North B,,'y on Sunday ai plays in Richrriond Hill ne Tuesday. - - --- --- Fo .te e Senior 'A' Hockey WHITBY McDONALDS vs ORI LLIA iroquois Park Arena Thursday, Jan. 2 ' 8e30;p Ibis message sponsored by: 101 CONSUMEîiS og#vE,~Fr'ITB)yeyÃ" SEMSON'S GREETINOS SE A +i BLOOD DONOR by à t. ve or nd ýes. e r- t'y Counicil recently inl- structed Fred Becktte, the Actîing Director of Recrea- tioni, to proccecd to hiave thec water service extended to the tennis courts. ie ch k Y. The costs of extending the watcr service to the courts is $400 and installing the fix- turcs $200 for a total of $600. This would copie out West Lynde Active H- The people of West Lynde ,by can't say they have nothing sts to do in the coming rnonths. indý Dan Pelletier, the area's -X re1creation director, bas lots planned for West Lyndians. For the winter nonths there are prograrnsi netball, ballet, skiing and snowmiobil- ing for the active. Tennis will bc availà ble onice the warmner weather ,retuV~. . - Females intercsted ini play- in& netball, a ncwrecreation- asport similar to .basketball, should contact Joyce Quirn at 668-7403. >Classes in ballet wilI also be offcred if' there is enough interest shown. A demon- stration for ail intcrested parents and girls will be given prior to the start of any classes. For more information, cal 725-6336 immnediatcly. Jack MacMillan is trying to organîze a group of skiers for once-a-weck sessions at Dagniar. If enotigh people are interestcd, a bus will be chartered on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday nighits. Cost willbc $4 per person. This includes transportation and ski ticket. Phone Jack MacMillan at 668-5071I or Cross cotan try skiers arecn't bciiîg I1orotîtten. 'lie îp ograni is open to both young and old. novice or AWINI AFREE HAIRSTYLE (for men or women) by AWARD WINNING Hairstylist* Tony Scangq of Tony's Hairstyling LAST WEEK'S WINNER Phillip Barrett 105 Admirai Road Ajax The Whitby Free Press in co-operation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle to the first person phoning the~ FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose ldst three digits of their telephone number matches one oi the sequences found hidden throughout thii issue. If the last three numbers of 'your telephone number match one of the lucky numbers hidden throughout this issue, call the FREE PRESS at 668-611il af ter,2 p'.m. ýThursday. -"- If you're the PIRSIf caller you'il win the éree Press bairstvlé, ai tbe week!.,, expert. The, group will visit local trails. This is an excellent way to stay fit anid moet new fricnds. Calil 668-9691 for further'details. Ou.tin gs wili also be planned for a snowrnobile club, presently 'being organ- ized. Phone John Bates at 668-822.5 or P. Gummerson at 668-9522 if you would like to join. Dan Pelletier ,is soiciting,! initerest for a tennis club. Aiîyonc interested in Playinig. or helping organize the club should caîl him at 6689'129." of the 1 974 recreation de- pariment budget. In addition, the Sst of moving the existing lights to the perimeter of the tennis courts is $475, to be taken out of the 1975 budget. The total cost of the pro- ject is $ 1 ,100. vailrsit y Cur-ing Durham Côllege's"Varisty" Curli 'ngTeam has a new look' this, year with ony qne play--.- er, Mark Howsam, back fromn last year. This is second- stone I4owsam's third year;:,ý, with the team and Coach:-,- Dick Snowden'is hopeful he can provide the required, sta-,% bility, to this rcl.atively inex- pcrienced rink.,' J-inil Dickcyýý wilI lead, AI Crates..'-wiII viceý'; and Peter Gruncbérg is the'. '-Dùrhain hasý ente'red two bonspiels to ýda -te. At Orillia*,., in 1.the Corby-Wsç'1. ve~ thè lost 2 ýand Won Ili Can 'nington,, Gruneberg won the firstg'arne 10' -ý 3 f r orn ý Carl Graharn of Woodville before losing 6 - 4 to Render- 1ing.Of Cartinington. and '9.-8, à in an extra end, tQ, Parlianient of Cannington. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN THE ESTATE_0F HOWARD THORNTON GORMAN DECEASED Ail persons having dlaims, against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, whodied at, said Town of Whitby, on ,the 25th day of, Novem ber, 1974, are required to file proof of'sarne with the undersigned on or before the -3rd day-of February, 1975. Afier that date the Executor wiIl proceed to distribute the Estate having regard onl.y to the dlaims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at ber 1974. Smiths Falls, this l6th day* of Decem- KI RKLAND & MURPHY Barristers & Solicitors 3 Main Street East, Smnith Falls, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor Heillers Win Twicel i.m« COMPANY LET US HE LP YOU TO STOP SMO KI NG * Countdown on Sm .king Smoker's Withdrawal Clinic at * R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate Stevenson Rd., N. and Rossland Rd., W. Oshawa' Beginning January 6th at 7:30 p.m. (seven evening sessions) Jan. 6, 7, 8th; Jan. 13, 14, 1lSth; Jan. 2Oth & Jan. 27th Sponsored by the Durham Region TB and Respiratory Disease Assoniation If you wish further information please caîl 723-3151 Mail to Durham Region TB-RD Association 757 Grierson St., Oshawa, L1IG 5J8 Countdown on Smoking Name ...................................................... Address................................................... Telephone.................... Postal Code ............ Registration Fee Enclosed $5.00O Students and Senior Citizens.Free I arn a Senior Citizen CI I arn a Studlent Another Christmas SeaI Service I MITCHELL' BROTH ERS Building Supplies Ltd., Brooklin 655u-4991- SPECIAL Cushion Flooring No WAX VINYL $5.25 $4..75 yard EASY CARE EASY'INSTALLAT ION. r- Il 111-1- --- . , -1-11 ý . ý MT lý:zý:-,- ', ý --, -7-- - -1 .- b