Il PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974,WHITBY FREE PRESS - ABOUT ANOTHER 'CONF-IDENTIAL' ITEM... Onie of thc mani' 'coifïdenitial' items thai viIl soon coîne before Ihitby Counceil (if fi/îasn't aîready) is an item from the planning departrnenm' concerning aproposed condominium housing pro/ecc for (lic Pine & Mary Street area. T/ifs proposed /iousing developmcnt wouîd supply 64 C'ondomniniumi homes to house approxinrately 2.24 people at an average of 3. persons per uni.t. What 's unique about this proposed developmient, 15 ftic fan tastic design (courtes v of a local architect). The pro/eci' wvould be constructed on a 3.8 acre part-el of land nortih of Mfary Street East, wîth 73. 18% landscçeapinig. The actual development would be tri-level units ecdi îvir/i terraces, hience t/he naine 'Terrace Court Housing, i'it/î upper level ivaîkwiays, and parking fô,r 60 tentnz cars and 221 visitor cars. A Il t/mis ivould probabli, sel! iit/he neig/îbourhood of $40.,000 pet- unit..a verv reasonable price. BUT lhitbys planning director Keiîh Bit-ch apparent/y, iî'ould ratier sec a 12 acre park in t/ils locaion ... w/uc/ is a îîice though t. AND a fà ir/y safe planning mare..evc,ýy- bodi, likes babies, dogs and parks. B UT t/he 12 acre park Air. Bit-ch proposes, iv/ich ivould enguilf this pro/ect, would cosit/mhe town iabout $1,500.000 Dear Sir; As ai~e price of sugar nears $8.00 for 10 lbs. it miay be a blessing in disguise. Our addiction to sugar is costing us more than dollars..its costing us our health. World famous researcher Dr. John Yudkin M.D. Phd., Professor of Physiology at Queen Elizabeth College, London University for 10 years fol- lowed by 17 years as Profes- sor of Nutrition and Dietetics states that "If only a fraction of what is already known about the effects of sugar were revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive, that ma1terial would be promptly banned". .Dr. Robt Atkins says "we are victims of carbohydrate poisoning..the most killing disease of the 2Oth century ".- We conisumie more sugar in two weeks (2 lbs. per person per week) than we did ini a whole year two centuries ago. The resuit; ovcrweight, and cardiovascular diseases which accounts for t.he majority of deaths from ail causes, plus a whole spectruni of degenera- tive diseases. Dr. Carlton Fredericks, noted nutritionist says "2517 of total sugar consumption in the U.S. is in soft drinks." To drive home the point Dr. Fredericks stated that there is more steil used in the manufacture of soft drink bottles caps than in ail the automobile bodies produced in a year. in U.S. Our own bodieà are breaking down un- der the killing onslauglit of our Cola - cake - catsup - cookies and candy- bar culture. Dr. Yudkin calîs it BRILLIANT 100% PATENTEE) GIANT-SOREEN SOLID- POWER SENTRY CHROMACOLOR STATE VOLTAGE PICTURE CHASSIS REGULATOR The RIBERA - F4550 Mediterranean et yled credenza. Console features full reverse breakfront base wlth casters. Dark flnshed Oak color (F45500E) or Pecan color!(F4550P. Solid-State.Suer Gold Vdeo Guard Tuning System with S ynchrornatic 70-Position U HF Channel Selector. - Chromatic One- button Tunlngl. AFC. Two 50 Round PRE-CHRISIMAS SALE -2,m The quality goes in bolore the nome goes on* OPEN 9 - 9 everyday SAT. TI L 6 NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 1218Simcoe N. Oshawa 579-2411 at TODA'Y'S prices /ust to buy t/me land îlot to mention turning it itito a park. We fiuîd it vcry doubtful t/at the 10w/i could dig up i1/2 million today, anîd you vani rest assurcd t/at Mi/enz the town 15 srcadýy to inove on t/mis park, if ever, t/me eost to buy t/mis choice land will have escalated drastical/y. So t/is landiw/ucm is presen tly zotîed M2 (ligh t indus- trial), Mr. Bircli proposes to zone "openî space"..we ivouldn 't wan t to ca/I this inove 'a copout'but, if we were on t/he plannminîg deparinlent anîd had a c/iunk of' lanîd we didn 'i kîoiv w/at Io do with - we'd zone it 'open space' Lest ail> raîncoat wearet-s, hencir sîcepers, or bush butnnies I'ear ive are ryýing le) put doivn t/îe obvious virtues of park 1fr (suc/i as a good spot for in"ggitgs, rapes, etc.) nîav we go on record as saying ive t/un k gen11,eral» speaking parks cani be very beneficial fo)rnany t-casons aside fromt t/me obrious aest/îetic value. Also, let's look at viable alternatives. Tie Gardenî Stret Senior Public se/ihool oit Gardeti Street North of*Mary,, lias a large c/iuîk of landc, about 1 9.2 acres to he exact, of' w/uic/ about oune or twc) acres wl/I hatîdle the presentt jliilîiv and ai),fifututre growîit/let-est is butsh. Now îi'iy îlot save t/le $'/iiby taxpayers some dollars, possibli, one millioni or miore, b ' gettiîîg togetmer wvith t/le Board'of Educatioti auîd putting Mr. Bit-c/i ' twelve acre the "Quiet Killer" that can cause hecart disease, diabetes, ukcers and other fatal diseases. Canadian research ,bio- chemiîst Dr. Abram Hoffer, who is also a psychiatrie, is convinced that immnoderate use of refined (white) sugar and flour is doing more da- mage to human health than alcohiol and smoking com- bined. Dr. Sabry, head of Nutrition Canada in samrples of food habits of 25,000 Canadîans stated that "ONE TIRD of our medical costs go t0 repair the damnages of malnutrition". We ail know how much the dentist gets. At $325 for evèry marn, wornan and child in Ontario our medical bills wîll add up t o a n es tiim a ted $3,000,000,000 tîs year and an estimated $10 billion in a decade. With 50 percent of the population overweight. Canadians are overfed un denoutr i shed. Yours for better hleal th, Dean J. Kelly Port Perry, Ont ario and Dear Mike; Wiî/u regard to t/me recem futror ini Town mî ncil over thme leaking of co,îfi<Iential ma tiers Io t/ue Whitby Et-e Pr-ess: Coutild secrns to be making a fuss about îîoîhing. T/me proposed Rossland Road shopping mail was "leaked" 10 over 100 mcmn- bers of t/te publie on Wed- mesday, Oc-lober 16, ini a rneetimg bcriveeu t/me mem- bers of t/me West LYnde Gomnunity Associatrionm and Council. bitmer thuose nin- bers of Counicil and t/me Pr-ess w/îo were presen t were nor fieening 10 Mayor Newi- man iii his reply to a ques- tion frorn Mrs. Margaret Boyce, or 1/ucre art-ro nia//s proposed for t/is at-ca! Ce)ticeet-s over w/at is anud is 11<)t 'confideti liaI " nmetelY point ouitht/e danger of ccnm- ducting public businîess ini c'amera. Careful considet-a- (ion is neeessat-y of everv item deemied cotîfidenu ial if public dis trust andc apatihy at-e to be allayed. Monî hîs of silenîce followed by a 'f à it acconîpli " at-cuse anger and ait au lomatic reactîoiî of opposition to niajor deci- sions. k//mi Counicil lias heemm c)peni ng miore of il s business 10, public scru liiiv of late, a po/icy wiihI endorse. Eew ini W/ihy wou/d like 10 sec t/he style cof people power/ reformer po/izics pracuised in t/me last term of Toronto Cii> Coutîcil corne to W/itby. An above board Gouticil wiî/ do miue/Ito prevent tis. Sincerel>', B. J. E voy Whilby, Ontario Once agaim t/me Canada Safety Counici/ lias iniîiated i Safe Driving Week, in a eopuinuing campaign f0 sape lives. We in t/me Governnîcnt of Ontîario wism 10 support t/me worthy efforts of t/uc Council ln ever>' way possible. In t/is Province, like a/I Ganadians we at-e driving greater dis tances evet-y ycar... four dimes as manv miles as t/me average of 20 years ago. T/met-e at-e tht-ce limes as manuv crivet-s on t/me roads, anmd't/me ve/icle populationi lias /mnipcd proportiohiate/y. Th/me-, t/me task of alerting t/me drivimîg puîblic Io t/me scriousuess cof omît- lartiî- park on the sehool properýv. Thme school board will stili have seven acres there to play with and will, of course, also have the use of the park insiead of thte bushes they have liow. Tis-ç change would oîly inove t/me park east of the pro- posed east linîit of' the park instead of west of it, but as we poînited out wvouîd pro ha b/v save us a milon dollars. IF the board of educatioiî fècîs t/at the public sehool NEEDS 19 acres (whic/i it t-cal/v van't afford to do any- thing ivith) another alternative wouîd be to set up a park along Pringle Greek east of'Garden. 77ie zoniiîg aloîîg Pringle &ý'eek ivon't allow develop- mnît, so nieedless-to-sav ,t/le lanîd could pro bah/v he bouýght prett ' vheap/v. Timie and space wo/l t aI/o w us to offèrt-ot/mer obvious alternlatives, but we îlîink ivei'le made it clear how the developer cani hui/d lus condominiuîn(aîîd the home buyers cati have chîcaper housi,îg), hîow Mr. Bit-ch vani have his 12 acre park, anîd t/ele axpavers cati save somte money.v...for a c/hange. It woud seeni, t/mat AMr. Birch lias good ideas on paper, but imstead of closiiîg his eýyes and /abbiîîg pins ini a Whitby nuap, ie shîou/d have somne cnsidetationî Jôr the almighty dollar anid hîow lic proposes Io spenih..after ail, it's not lus mîonev lie's speîîding -- 's t/me taxpayers'! Grand Jury Report' A recent Grand Jury Re- port for the General Sessions of the Peace for the Judizial District of Durham recorn- mended that several "pro- blem " prisoners in the Whitby Jail be' psychiatric units. The report also suggested that correctiîonal officers receive further training in how to cope with inmiates requîring psychiatric care. This suggestion resulted from a statemient by Superintend- cnt Frank GuI that the number of "problem" in- mates is increasing. In addition, the Grand Jury recommended that, because recreational facilities ini the jail are inadequate for the numiber of inmates there, they should be expanded. The Grand Jury, which commenced sitting Noveniber 13, said it was impressed with the efficiency of the jail's personnel, the security and the cleanliness of the building and the manner in which Superintendent GuIlanswered the inmiates' complaints. The report also suggested that improvernents be made at the Durham Region Court Flouse. According to the report. holding celîs, containing adjacent toilet and lueker faciliies should be mnoved to ing taflce acciden t pt-oblerns- lx one t/at is escaîating iii importance wit/î ever>' pass- ing season. I s/ould like 10 take t/is oppc.rtuîity b l oin t/me Caîadian Saf ety C(ouncil ini persoîîaîly urgitig a/I users of t/me /ig/iways t0 fol/ow t/he an area not accessible to the public. The report also said that parking facilities bce 'expanded night security personnel be provided (and receive priority to number 18 police station being vacated) and fire door improved. The Grand Jury also recommended that an- other courtroom, being built now, be completed soon. The report urged Regional Council to review and ap- prove the emergency services plan in the very near future. The public areas and hallways of the court hiouse are dlean and well maintained says the report. Th e Grand Jury also, found that many recommen- dations put forth 1by a Sept- ember 23 report on the Dur- ham Region Centre have been acted on. The mos, recent report recommended i-lore privacy in the dormiti-xy areas be ensured the residents, the facilities in the cottages be upgraded and some areas of the centre be redecorated. The Grand Jury agreed with the previous report's recomnimenrda tions to further develop the craft room and .convert the lounge areas to dinfing areas. riles ofTi the road -and saf è dti'ing pt-aetices. iot on/y dmîting Safe Driving Weck, but c'very imue vou use your car ..for vour oivn safet>' 'sý sake! IVilîianu G. Davis, Premier 0f'Omtarfo. i ______ ___ ___ ______________________________________________________________________ Erijoy the brilliance of Chromacolor in a stately Mediterranean fine-furniture console ail rnf new 1975 2 "oi-tt QHOMQOiI AGNES DISNEY'S Fashionable Haif Sizes Young Ideas in Specialized 108 Brock S. 668-4375 Open 9-9 everyday Sait. fil 6 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooktin, Myrtie and Ashbur also serving Ajax anid Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Publishied every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno tfariîaid, President Located at: the Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North Whitliy, Ontario SU BSCRIPTI ON (BY MAIL) $1 0.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206, Whitby MAILING P HON E: 668-6111 PERMIT NO. TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jirn Quail CLASSIIIED ADS - Shelley Crowley GRAPHIC ARTS - Marje Burgess ADVERTISING MANAGER - Robin Lyon 1