Ihe Law and You Q. My husband and I have neyer liad whiat you would catI a happy marriage. But we staycd tugetlier for the sake of our- childrcn. Nuw our childrenl have grown uip and left hoine - anid things at hione arre just ais bad as evcr. Because uf' our religious beliefs I do flot want a divorce - 1 only wvant to live out the resî t' fny Iit'e peacefutly and away froin iy husband. I've thuouglht that a legal separation ighit bc flic besi answer. XVould it be practi- cal in mny case') A. Not as long as vit cont iltie Iu live in Ontario. A judicial1 separat ion is a tlecree tlîat frecs the parties tronm tlic ublîgalion lu cohiabit , but ducs not dissolve file nmrriage itslsdf. itn other words it leave s yuu free lu live apa rt f ruin your h usband , bu t nul tu remnarry. It is unly available iii cases of' desertion. ex trernie crtcl îv. or tîncondonied adul terv. It i nul availahie in On tario. The courts of' th is pro(vÎice have repeatedly ruled thial they have nu juris-dict ion lu gran t or deec al jidicial se para 1101. Q. Everybody thruws rubbish on uur la\vin andI people encourage thecir (tous lu relieve theniselves un our- property. [s thiere anty tling- xve can du to discourage th is'? A. Yes. Certainly. Others bave nio rîghît wvhatsoevcr 10 use your property as a garbage dumip. Trhe Pet ty Tres xîss Act of Ontario provides for a fine o)f nut less than S 10 and not mure than S I1OO for peuple like yuur iniconsiderate neighibours. Make sure dm1t your neighbours know that vou do flot want thcenî on your pruperly. [f tlhey stili persist cal flie police and press charges tînder tlie Act. As f'ar as keeping, dugs off your pruperty, yu rnighit consider a fence. If voit want to press the issue you could senid an\, dogls yuuI find on vour property t0 the local pouind. Reniember. do not lose \'ou r coul. Il' you assatîlt a trespasser or shoot a strav dog on vour pruperty vou cuuld be i) t*or a lot of truuble. Q. One igh it Iast week 1 came liome trioni a movie 1<) tind thiat an- R.C.M.P. Narcotics Squad \vas tearing ni\ place apari . Thie janitor hiad let t11cr)) in b Ille aparîmii t af ter tlic ofWlcers hiad shiownt tiri bades. TfI)ev didn 't have aniv warrants. tin thieir search the pulice fuund two Joints anid tîhe\'ve chiarged Ile withl possession) of marîjuaila. What shiould 1 do? A. Unfortuniately. dhe chargée oh' possession \vill pro- bably stick. Althotighi the evidenice ('the juin ts) wvere seied illegally the\ cani ieverthielcss bc tised îin a co)urt as evidence. You do, liowevçr. hiave a civil action aoaiinst the police officers in trespass. The )anitor who let the off icers mbt your apartîmef t mia also be liable luo you in) trespass. QI .1 amn 22 xears old and unmiiarrîed. l've been living in a hiotel tor two weeks because I can't f-ind an apartrneni - Last n ighît I saw a beautiful place and the rent was jusi rigl)t. But the landlord said lie wuuldn't rent tu a single wL)rnai). Whiat can 1 do? A. Under the Ontariu lurnan Rigits Co)de a landiord cai)î)t discrim iiate in rent iI)g bouisin? ,accommîýodat- tions withi regard tL) sex or marital status uiîless thiere are facilities which hie or hiis famnily rnust share wvith tenants or uliess every tenant in the building is of the sanie sex. If y(>u feel yot ihave been dîscrimninated against, get in ou ch wîth your local branch of the Ontario Humnan Rights Cummission (a division uf the Min- istry of Labour). Thcey will try t0 miediate, anid iliey can lay a cliearge against the lai)dîurd if this faits. "THESE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, BASED ON ONTARIO LAW, ARE PUB LISHED TO INFORM AND NOT TO ADVISE. NO ONE SFIOULD TRY TO APPLY OR INTERPRET THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND ADViCEri 0F A TRAINEDn EXPERT WHO KNOWS THE PUZAZI P DINE IN m TAKE OUT FRE DIEUJERY 50 c OFF ALL PIZZAS MON. --THURS. 3 Delivery Cars No Longer 1 Hour Waiting Olpen 4 P.M. - 1 A.M. Fri &,Sut 4 P.M. -3 A.M. 668-695 IF BUSY CAL.. ..668-9909 10 YO S WH iT»By1 your week ahead ev DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Ieriod: Noveniber 24 ta Noveinber 30 ARIES Mar. 21. Apr. 19 TAURUS' Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21. June 20 MOONCIIILD June 21 - JulY 22 LEO JuIy 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 32 LIBIIA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCOBPIO Oct. 23.- Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 1'ake care! Many niemibers under your sign are prone to glving things away, this particular week. Thcuc's a difference between charity and the atternpt to "buyý" romnance. Advance withi fixed bayonets! It scems as thoughi, you, Taurus, face an ultimatum. Dont give ground, if you do . .. you'Il concede far bcyond your *initentionl. The twin %volves, jealousy and anger, arc hidden in the far dark corners of your thoughits. TIry to get alorig ith your associates and the opposite sex. You rnighit feel s'ecure in the knowledge that: Negative events, th is Nveek, %vill have littie eficct on youî' future. Aetually, you're heading toward the brighit liglit - at the tunnels end. Everybody knows that tire saine thing can't happen toaail menibers of your sign. But, it's a safe bet, you'l1 bc surpriscd hy a promise that wil bc hekept! Xo're ini the mnood for fun and ganîes, especially with the opposite sex. And, your ability to persuade is at a peak. This %veek should be i nte rest ing. 'rhinkirîg about breaking ofl' a non-productive friendShiip? Anyway, you mighît not be aware of il, but, the feelinig is mutual - you'll sec! Wý'îitot conscious design, 3'ou'll spcnd miost of this Nveek living in the past, mcntally. Your chart show,ýs a rather pleasant series of events, nothing too emiotional. \'our hand is on the lever, ail you need to do is - pull - and, you'Illhit the jackpot! An insig- nificant projeet will blossomi into a big thing. Strange, very strange, events are forecast for this cosmiie cycle. Look for opposition to corne froni a friendly source. and, understanding to flow frorn your competition. 'lhere's a tendency, on your part, to enjoy mys- terious and comiplicated nienibers of the oppo- site sex. You'll mneet or, at Ieast take the first step toward meeting such a persan. IlS rio secret, you always enjoy good news thiat cones fronm afar. Anywvay, in one forrn or an- other, you'Il l ear about favor-able thnstromi -f ar oil'. - PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Anolysis, send the doy, mnonth, year ond ploce of birth, plus $1,00 ior postage and handiinc ta Or. Anerew W. Damis, P, 0, Box 12766, Si. Peersburg, Florido 33730. Coming soon TO WHITB Y the Dale Carnegie Course Soins of the many ways the Daie Carnegie Course helps mon and women " Develop Greater Poie and Slf * Be a Better Conversationalist. Confidence. 10 Remember Namnes. " Communicate More Effectively. 10 Controi Tension and Anxiety. " Be At Esse in Any Situation. lu Acquire a Better Underatanding " Discover andf Develop Thear Po- of Human Relations. tential Abilitiet. lu Be At Your Best with Any Group. For Further Information Write or Phone This Newspoper, Phono 668-6111 SPONSORED IN WHITBY BY WHITBY FREE PRESS PRO VI NCIAL JUNIOR 'A' HOCKEY WHITBY KNOB HILL FARMS NORTH YORK Sun. Nov. 24 7:30 pme IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Aduits SI-75 Studeîîts withl I.D. SO ('hildren .50 LOOSE RUGS U PHOLSTERY OSAVrÀý %5l WALL TO WALL FROADL9CGM PLANT Iocated at 133 TAUNTON RD. W. EST 1956 725-9961 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, INDVEMBER 2D, 1974, PAGE 13 Pauids plea fo r humi/ity.... -, ~ -at'lx dî Il there be theref are any consolation in Christ, if any comf art af lave, if any fellawship of the Spirit, if on>' bowels and mercies, Fuif iii ye my jo>', thà t >'e be likeminded, having the sarne love, being of, one accord, of one mind. Let nathing be dane through strife or vain- g/or>', but in lawliness of mind let each esteemn other better thon themselves. Look not every mon on his own things, but every mon a/sa an the things of others. -Philip pions 2:1 -4 AWIlNIl F REE HAIRSTYLE (for men or women> by AWARD WINNING Hairstylist -Tony Scangck of Tony's Hairstyling LAST WEEK'S WINNER Sorry folks, no winner last week, Check the Iucky numbers. They cou Id be yours! The Whitby Free Press in co-operation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle to the first person phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday- whose last three digits of their telephone number matches one of the sequences found hidden throughout thi.; issue. If the Iast three numbers of your telephone number match one of the Iucky numbers hidden throughout this issue, cail the FREE PRESS at 668-6111 after 2 p.m. Thursday. If you're the FIRSI caller you'il win the reep- Nightly Entertainment BANDOLERO Country & Western MON. THRU' SAT. For two, weeks Dininig Lotinge openI 2 nooni to 8prn lm m 1106,BYRON S 1