Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Knife and Fork Could -Destroy Health volved ini special studies of' the reia tionship be tween Yeur Ontario Hath Insurance Plan (OHIP) is designed te help yeu anywhere in the world. In case ef injury or sudden illness outside Ontario, OHIP wilt pay the cost of standard hospital accommodation. Fer nen-emergency services, il will pay up te 75% ef the cost fer the type of hospital service nermally cevered under your Ontario Plan. Medical tees will be reimbursed te you at 90% of approved services as set eut in the Ontario Medical Association Schedule et Fees. But bear in mind that medical costs in some ceuntries are often higher than in Ontario. Se avoid being faced with a bill considerably higher than the amnount OHIP can repay y(ou, by doing four things: f.'.o (i5s stch as ithose othelicsu called sac' varie ty wlî i Cot)! ai n 111t, sal t, calories anid suigat bilt littie ilie icway of' prupe r nu tleu ts. Dr. Mon. clhvsky peitited ou t tiia t ever- weigl t wMien CUll i tien wi ti thFe o thler riskftac tels ctin- but îtg W cetetary ai tery dis- caise becomnes a prime ta(c ter and (ibla t feri re asetis ye t titi- known *fa t people suftilér tîîatîy miorte 1fa t a I hcati a ta ck s. '[Flie audicence xvas teld tlîat1 iniii14 wvill suffèt' a in h is fotîies, fifties antId sîxties whiîciî sCtistics. ('atadiati men heart atLack 1 in 7 hi utîteir ili 5 in thecir arc startliiig A panel of experts cin hecart disease told a large group attcnding a forum hield at St. Marks Unîited Chiurchi ini Whiitby dhit nutritiotn plays a vi tai roic in aiding or destroyitîgcrie's healith anti more aîîd more evidence is being uincovered to poit te faulty catintg habits as oeeoft the chief ciprits iin the al- inost epideic occuretîce cf' hieart disease. The forumn sponsorcd by the WhiitbY Chapter cf die Ontario Heart Foundation is part cf a pro- gramme cf coitiuiig educa- tioti aimied at mnakig the public aware of' the advances ini the recognition, treatmient and prevention cf heart and biood vessel disorders. Mern- bers of the panel were Mrs. Kathleen Christie, Nutritionai Co-orditîator of the Lipid Research Cuiei at St. Mich- aels Hospital, Dr. Michael Stuparyk, consulting inter- ist at the Ajax-Pickering General Hospital, Dr. T. C. Moriehesky cf Oshawa a cardiologist who lias been in- What happens if you or have an accident i you're travelll«ig? '1i llithr causes cf dcath cumbhîind. With one in ton People iii Canada affectcd iieart disease is our major 11ca 1 1)1eI)oletn. "lie cesite cMnr ceOnetny i <iuite yea r is caicuiated te bc ever <nie bllietidollars. Lo~s( wages ain e Ie t epeuple sullien tîg frein cardiuvascuiar afilinents atuotintls te $705 ttiiineti ol- Jars. Tiiere is itupe huwever as researcli gees on etîdiessiy te tliscever (tie causes ofilis grave prublenît and ai th uughi litart diseasc is un tie iti- crease ai aan aiartiiîg rate lte mtîîciîds cf t reatint have imrproved se vastiy that the deatit rate lias dropped 28%f since 1950. Thousands of Cariadiatîs arc liviiîg whc woulid have died if 1950 dcatlh rates prevailed today. Mure people are being savcd perccîitage wise but the nuni- ber cf victimis is on the ini- creaise. Acrcss the nation researchi prcjects are bcing carrier out and in 197,3 the Heart Fcuridatiens cf Canada raised $4 million. Since they began 18 ycars ago the nationi's provincial I-kart Founidations have clîannelied over $30 million into re- search which lias resulted in et si"ck ilie 1. Know what benefits OHIP provides before you leave home. 2. If you censider that your OHIP coverage may be insufficient, yeu can obtain supplementary coverage f rom private insu rers for eut of prov- ince charges. 3. Always carry yeur OHIP card with yeu. 4. In a financiat emergency, ask the hespital te phone or write OHIP te confirm your coverage. Remember, you will usually have. te make pay- ment on the spot for treatment outside Ontario. But OHIP will reimburse yeu fer insured services if you submit itemnized receipts within 6 months et the date of service. Describe why yeu were outside of Ontarioe- vacation, business, etc.-and provide complete personai information plus details of the medical or hospital service performed. Include name and address of physician, hespital, fee fer each service and dates. And always state your OHIP number. A free booklet calted "The Traveller's Guide te the Ontario Health Insurance Plan" explains everything you need te know. Copies are available at government offices and travel agencies. Or write te: OHIP Travellers Guide Health Reseurce Centre Communications Branch Ontario Min istry of Health Hepburn Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1S2. Min istry of Health Frank Miller, Min ister such Canadian achievements as the pioneering cf pace- makers, open-hieart surgery anîd conary-care units. Funds te fight public enemy nurnler 1 are raised durinçy the annual Heart Month campaign in February and throughout the year by memoriai donations te the Hceart Fund. Activities at Dennis, O'Connor H.S. bWood fats atîd har tisease- and Dr. C. E. Mcliveetî cfý Oshawva. Aithcttgh the therie of, tle fortu was the role o'ut. itn- tiott iii licart atid Wooed vessel disease the patîci inctîters tliscLisscd sotne of'fthe otlier risk factors. Ail were tit- -mmurnts iii labelliîîg cigare ttc smnokitng as bciiîg partictularly hartifui , suggest iiig that cig- arettes pose f'ar tmore cf a heai di thrcat as a cause cf' cardiovascular disease titan as the weli publicized ageit causîing a dramnatic increase in the incidence cf lunig cancer. Eatiîîg habits shouid be directed at avoiditîg an excess of saturated fats and rcstrict- ing the calorie irtake to avoid obesity. Mrs. Christie roted that the recent nation wide survey of Nutrition Canada found that haif our popula- tion is overweight, a condi- tion brought about by our sedentary habits and Our teridency to cal improper PETERBOROUGH - More than 140 schelarships valued at close te $60,000 have been awarded te students attend- ing Trent University this year. Sixty-six were awarded te students entering 'their first year at Trent, the balance te students who have returned ick- bal Iross tiy, le tes ople 5SA ýrna- nior Cam ýrkal alia qid- a t iehl, 'teil Ste- M4c- nier [ast Munday te Denis prcsentiy arc girls' field ho O'Cen-tier Ijunior boys vollcy. ey, Junior boys volleyl bail teain played vcry weil as and Sentior mixed voleyl it placet] 2nd itn the LOSSA In the LOSSA Cr 'AA' charrnpionship losinig Country Mcci hcid receni eut in the final match Witt] Donis O'Connor a thie tlie champion Pickering H-igli showed well and ton pet Scheol. The boys aise qualified fer the COS, finished Ist amongst the 4 meet on Octeber 28. Ber 'A' (under, 800 students) dette Barber was the Jun schools i COSSA and now Girls Race white other teý proceed Lu COSSA 'A' Wed- members, Wiima V-an Be] nesday October 30 at Bow- Fran Doloweerd and Rosi manville. Kane ran strong races. M The DO'C Senior beys al- get boys competing so quaiified for 'the COSSA COSSA will bc Joe Kue 'A' championships by defeat- Steve Coleman, Kelly Muri ing Oshawa Cathelie 3 - i in and Peter MeTeague.S a special playoff. phen Thorne ard Tom'I ln intramurals yeliow Teague represent the Ser: and green houses are waging Boys. a head to lead battle for top spot. Activities in progress Winter Road R eporting Service The Ministry cf Trans- on the condition of al p portation and Communica- vincial highways and secor tiens lias announced that ils ary highways on a 24 - hc Wiîîter Road Reporting Ser- seven-days-a-week basis, di vice for the public went mbt ing the winter mont operation on Monday, Nov- Information on wir embcr 4. road conditions may Thce Road Information obtained around the dlock Centre ai Toronto and the telephoning the Road Inf Ministry's 1 8 district offices mation Centre, Toronto througheut the province will 248-3561.- have up-to-date information Wi*ns Scholarslip for study in upper years. The oniy student from this area who has been awarded a scholarship at Trent is Ralph Nichoias White, R.R. 1 Ashburn, Whitby who re- ceived an In-course Sehol- arship. CHRISTMAS SEALS Several Hundred volunteers throughout Durham Region have been preparing Christmas Seals for mailing for the Durham Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association (formerly Ontario Cou nty) Won't you please send your contribution to help provide the following services: Physical Conditioning Courses for Asth- matic Chi ldren Ref resher Courses in Respiratory Diseases for Nurses Seminars for Medical, Paramedical and Nursing Personnel Pulmonary Function Testing Tuberculin Testing Baby Sitters' Training Courses Health Education Literature Rehabilitation of TB and RD patients Assistance to patients in Sanatoria and at home Films on TB, RD, Smoking and Air Pollution Research Please use your TB-RD Christmas Seals on the back of your mail and packages to show you care, and send your contribution to: Durham Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association c/o Bank of Nova Scotia il Si mcoe Street, North, Oshawa, Ontario 1is A SPECIAL 4THAN< YOU" EXTENDED TO OUR VOLUNTEERS This Us what Ontario is doing to protect you away f rom home. Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier L'm l'le 1paroi suggcsted thtat to minirnize the chatnces cf iîcart atack arînd cardiova-scu- lar disease peuple should centrol iteir wciglîî, reduce their saturatcd fat iritake and cholesteroli nich foods, keep a chîeck on their bieod pres- sure with regular check-ups and give up cigarette smoking and exercise regularly. Over 2,500,000 Canadian men, womnen and clîildren hiave heart and biood vossel disease and each year nearly 80,000 Canadians die from heart discase, more than frein pre- nd- iour Jun- ihs. i te r be by ifor- Sat

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