Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1974, p. 9

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BIRD'S EYE ~ -JI QI/A IL How 1 Learned to Live with Failure If you werc payiuîg attentioni last week yuu'll rernember thal 1 prumnised îu reveal mure of the intiniate details uf how tu live wiîh failure - uamely a garden shed thai cornes unassenîblcd. If you didn't read titis culumnn lasI wcck then bring a note fromi your muîher explaining your absenice. Okay, lîerc's huw îhings staund up lu Ihis point. lu a nmoment of insanity you bouglt a do-it-yuursclf garden shîed. Il lias now been tingraciously duiped in your drive- way by hhe delivery min and yoîî have jusl - as I did - open- cd te boxes and discovcred tu your borror thaitlihere are literally huuîndreds uf parts to allemrpl Iu mate. Last week we read and reviewcd the instructions - jîlst for a laugh yoîî understauid - and this week wc bad better gel sîairîcd withî tie asscmibly. lic instriuction book salIys 10 surt aînd sep:îrate aIl the Iparts and b;urdw.ire. For lb is y-ou bud bel 1er t-ind a vacant t futiîbal icld anid take alomuîg your engineer neiglîbour b blelp - As vou souri lbrougîhthtîe parts bc warncd thatamy sinîilirily of' ihe encloscd parts lu the illustration iinlte direcctions is si rictîv cuincideruial. For nie the tirst probleni \as trying tb ideniify te Brooklin 1Bylines It's nuL otten tbat 1Ilhear tbe resulîs outhile variotis aci ivi- lies that 1 write about in the columin. Bul ibis weckend I EU N hie ard frum a delîited Mr. Chris Greaves, fruiniSi. Thcm- TO as's Chiirch, wiîh the resulîs ut' the auclion tbat look place there on Salurday. He hais very good reason tb bec delîghîted PETERBOROUGH as do ail the others who helped in l'te event, as the ON cumbîned auction, baked guuds table and the huotdug stand. resuited in the raising of a miagn'ificent $2,300!! Mr. SATURDAY Greaves asked me tu cunvey his thauks Lu al Ihose who gave much uf their lime in arranging and organizing the NOVEM BER 9th. event, the good ladies of the A.C.W. (nul îthe U.C.W. as I1 AT saîd tast week) whu did the baking, Io Iliose who broadcast the information that the sale was taking place, and last butP.M certainly nutlieast, tu ail thuse peuple thal îurned up and made their bids. Thruugh these combined efforts Ihal lovely building, the 'White Churcb' will. nuw have ils St. Peters Auditorium much needed new rouf. Reid Street l'm becoming very rnich awarc tibatl ere in the North Peterborough Ward we bave many varied social groups. But I haven't had tbe pleasure of wriîing about this une befure. I now draw your attention to the Bruoklin Square Dance Club. TCES$5.AALBEA For those of you whuo tend lu tliink Ibial square dancing is ai THOMAS ORGAN STUDIO. THOMAS HOUSE 0F MUSIC îhing of' the past, Ibat waîs beld in ai barn after the barvesi 177 CHARLOTTE STREET. 1820 DUNDAS ST. EAST had-been gaîhered in, may I point ouI tu yuu as il wais Io PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO. WVHITBY ONTARIO mie, Ihat tiho' ihat miay have been tbe caîse flow squaire dancing is an internationaîl form uof recrealion. Su nîucb so, BUS AVAILABLE FROM WHITBY that even if youutook yourself off îu Japan you couud still parlicipate, as they would be using the saine calîs. in wiîî take limie iu answer suivie quiest ion wvhcn îbey eall aI Englisbi. Square danciûig is simple..if you cari walk youu urhm uvelm uigIi etfwwes h cati square daînce l'n told..il is cbecap and it is a lieaîîby resulîs o' thie surýey wviI1 give the Group an idea otxvlaît and enjoyable foriiout exercîse. Also il is t'or the young otepplwudlkIoaeprti.lnsreht and tbe uld, and it is for couples and il is social. If al Ibis youu tu epuplei.ldiktoaeprti.l'sueta lais you curious and feeling Ibat yuu would like lu try il, Oiwlhepîe. thien you are in Iuck. The Club are holding a Beginners A couple uf queries. As you probably know there xvas Nighî uon Wednesday, Novemiber 6th aI the Oddfellows anoîlier accident il the junclion of No. 7 and No. 12 Iaîst Hall, Bagot Street from 8:15 p.mi. lu 10:30 p.mi. The cosi week. Forîunaîely nu une xvas killed. BI3ulas the caller said is only S2.00 per couple .It that price you cao t affurd lu bow long du we haîve lu wait f'or traffie signaIs Io go up. miss. there..unil tbere is a fatal collision? Tliere was a simnilar 1 sec that the Recreation Departîrnenl are holding a Fun question the other week regarding some form of pedestrian after Four programme at the Ashburn Cumnmunity Centre, crussing for No. 1 2. It seemns Ibal sune people are con- for children between 5 and 12 years. The boys programme cerned about il l'mnulo sure. Perhaps our Counicillurs caoi starîs Monday, November 4îh, and the girls on Wednesday, gîve u sume advice..if su 1 louk forward lu talking with November 6th. BoIh programmes run froni 4 îu 5 p.nî. îhem. The second query is about the Brooklin waler luwer. offer a variety of games and crafts, and cost $ 1 .00 for sx Il seemis il has just recently been given a brand îîew coal of weeks. Su go along, juin in and have fun., paint. As the rigging has been taken dlown il wuuld appear A new group that is full of energy and ideas isGroup 74 thal the job has been finished. Unfortunately the painters Neyer heard of 'cm, 1 can hear some of you saying. At thc have forgotten something..can we have our name back? cust of repeating myself to my regular readers, l'Il point Yes..thy have forgotten tu, put Brooklin back up on out Ihat if yuu watched the last Bruoklin Spring Fair high. Perhaps thcy thought wc wouldn't notice. At any Parade, then yuu watched the results of the first venture rate il would bc appreciated if the name was returned as that the group undertook. They enjoyed themselves su soon as possible. much that time, that îhey decided tu stay as an active Put a ring around November 9th.hat's lte date of group working in the communîty, and have recruited some te U.C.W. (I'm igitt this lime!) Snowflake Bazzaar, at the new members with similar community spirit. Their aim is United Churcit Hall in Brooklin. l'Il give you aIl the details lu provide in the Community, those activities that the <1next week. Don't forgel lu caîl 655-3750 and give me your peuple would like to sce available. Obviuusly there are news and views. And aIl yuu youngsters, take cane while many groups already working on lte same lines in the yuu are cnjuying yourselves un Halow'een. North Ward, but there is ruum for anuther une and for the ideas that they have. But it is nu good themn having ideas LIZ thal lite public wun't or can'î support, su they are asking for your help. What is miss ing for yuu in the area? What P.S. With reference lu lthe Hallowe'en dance aI the Legion activity would you like lu see organized and wbich you last Saîurday, 'a Garbage bag and a Witch îook lte hunurs.... would support? Unlike other surveys they are nul asking now a witch 1 can visualize guing lu a dance. But a Garbage to wrte thern or cali them. Te s nytatyu bg..?Wa e sotte a rr ld corner gussets as 1 asscmibled fl1c fluor rails. Now 1 wouldni't knuw a corner gusset if a truck dumiped a luad of thern on miy lawn but like a fouI I îhuught 1 could identify thern fromn the picture. No such luck su I found four corner things and hoped for the, best. The instructions suggest identifying pa,,rIs by the little stickers on each part which bear a numiber you cati correspond tu the parts list but t1w men aI the faclury very helpfully managed Lu scratch must of the sîickers off as they slid parts on top of each other getting (hem in 11e boxes. Ohi well, don't fret about identifying tle parts, just cunsider il mure of a challenge and let's plow on ahead. Afîer successfully assembling the fluor rails and corner gussets don'tletcIil go Lu your heacl becauise there are tough times ahead. Disregard sîep îthree which is anchoring the building because aItia point yuui have niolhing lu anichor anyway and even when it's completed you rnay nul want lu anchor it because Ihat would just ruake il îougher tu gei out Lu the curb fur garbage collection. The nexî challenge is Ithe basic framiework and hiere you must bear in mmid that straightness counîts. And don't be fooled when the instructions tell you bo "Sec detailled drawng".Soi-ne of the delail bears a sîrange resemrblance to closeup pictures utf a train wreck. By about step six you sliould have the franiewurk up and youi are now figuring out why aIl the wall panels are up and youosîill have Ilîrce wall paniels left. Doni'l concern yourselt, the answer is probably Iloite simrple. Either you have just buiili tbe first shed wiîlî only three sides or sorte dunîîiny aI Ithe factory losI couinl as lie xvas cbutcking your parts mbili te boxes. Sîep seven bias a dandy piece of advice. Tbey warnib tat thie use ut a stlp ladder will mnake asscnîibly casier. By Ibis uin'ie, the worst of' dîmwits lias figîîred oui bie cither bias lu ge t a stcp ladder tfrrithe rouf' asscmbîy or bire Wil t Chain- berlain tu tînlisb the job. Once againIi caomion :îgainst tolwîethe instructions 100 closely because il is obvious îbecy were wri lien by a îbrec year old wbilc un vacation or wri lien by au n enuployed cuniedîaii and i t 's nul liard lu figure ou i wby lbels ucupu Now ail liirougbi catli step uoftheliensi rodcions you bave BY POPULAR DEMAND BOB RALSTON THE KEYBOARD STAR 0F THE LAWRENCE WVELK SHOW 174 Nlarv Street North Mon. -Iri. 8 - 6 Saturclay 9 - 1 2 noon Town of Whitby TENDER FOR ADVERTISING CONTRACI 74-32 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2 p.m. Wedniesday, Novenmber 6, 1974 for advertising on the ZAMBONI ice resurfacing machine Iocated at the Iroquois Park Arena. Whitby, Ontario. Specifications and tender documents are available at 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario, 668-5803. Highest or any tender iot necessarily accepted. R. A. Claringbold Deputy Treasurer Town of Whitby Someth ig Ext ra 0 The Lord Simncoc lias soinieîing E241j UJ4a extra for you. ll's a 2 nigbt 2 ht special for twu a a cost f oly 2 'big S69.90. Il iîîcludes deluxe S pecial Table cumpîcte with a Swelcumning refresit- at Toronto' nment, coninental breakfast ecdhminiig. A sighlsecing tour of Toronto's Lo rd many exciting attractions S j is uplional. You get somctlîing cisc that's special at the Lord Simcoe -- it's friendly hospitality Ho~L~you will enjoy throughout your stay with us. Sce youir travel agent or contact us at 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telep1hone. 362-1848. Operated by Berkeley International Hotels Ltd. r.~'*'r~, WHITBY F REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1974, PAGE 9 noticed that parts don't fit, there are screw holes missing, 100 rnany parts for sonie sections and flot enough for. othçr areas. Nul Lu wurry - why should your shed look like al the'others. Individuality is the key 10 surviving in today's socicly and if your shed turns out like mine il will certainly bc different. By the lime you have reached step 15 which is the last installation of parts yuu will have lhad to mnake at least une trip tu the hospital tu gel new skin grafted tu the palms of your hiands after wearing out the original skin by screwing in 3000 screws by hand. l-luwever, if you hiave followed miy lips, disregarded the instructions and exercised caution wilh the guzzling of booze and the taking of tranquilizers during the entire operation yuu will nuw be t1e proud owner of a complete- ly assernbled garden shed. You'll bc close Lu insanity but you'll be proud. One last thing - the Works deparlmen.t has hiad their Faîl junk garbage collection su yuu'll just have Lu live with your failure until the Spring special garbage collection. If you can't wait until then try selling il as Pop Art. FALL CLEANUNO TIME Get your chesterfield & rugs done in your home or our plant. Business is booming so book NQW. NuWay Ru

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