Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAV, OCTOBER 16, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS A t a recent Whitby Ghamber of' Commerce dininer- meeting, preceding a tour of LASCO (Lake Ontario Steel C'o.) a coînpany officiai proudljv informed the members that in the îast five years the accident rate at LASSO has been reduced by 75 percen t. AND last year 400 oitt of 500 cmpîoyees got safety awards for working a ycar without accidents. A tip of our hat goes to this companiy..it must be vcry comôrting to know that things have improved to the point where ONL, Y one out of every five employees gets hurt on the job! Wc 've /ust received the minutes of' the C'ounty Town Carniî'aI Gonmittee mneeting held July 10. We don't have room to go into any great detail on this report, but you 'Il no doubt be interested ini krnving thai a dog show wl/I be held in tlic arena July 31 and a pet show August 3..1974! DESPITE the faci that we are flot editorially biased with regards 10 senior, junior or mninor hockey, we can't hlp bu t .fèel'happy ftkw the obî'ious success already being en/oyed by the new Whitby Senior 'A' hockey team. The opening game Thursday night dlrew 1569 paid admission - a ful houise, and the second home game Sunday night (in, the middle of a holiday weekend) drcw over a thousand spccta- tors. A nd there were some who said the team would falI fiat on its lace..but then some have been saying the same thing about the Free Press - for over FOUR YEARS! Don'.torget (or tell!thli lt/ lady) about the Kinette 'Fashion Show, October 22 and 23, 8 p. m. at the Consum- ers' Gas building on Hopkins Street. De Paul Fashions will be fèatured. The price is $1. 5 and proceeds go to C'om- munity work. An Oshawa Youth is going to get free room and board for a month courtesy of a provincial court /udgc for steal- ing two steaks worth $4. 10 ..seems he's had eight other petty theft convictionls, but there s no doubt the province (and us) would have saved money (about $30 a day) by paying the $4.10O to the supermarket and suspcnding sen ten ce. * * * --IÀ y .......e.Se.w@eewO Letters to the Editor: Municipal elections will soon be held and perhaps you will grant me some space iii your newspaper to put forth a few thoughts regarding the present administration in Whitby. Last week's issue in tic Brooklin Bylines section con- tained several complaints 1 have against tie Whitby Ad. ministration and no doubt others have similar dom- plaints to make. If so, why flot start to make themn now and perhaps cause a few changes to be made. Perhaps the following wilI give you some examiples: 1. Have you ever wondered wliy Ajax with a popula. tion of 13,000 has an in- door pool yet Whitby. a much older town with a population of 25,000 is stili waiting for one? 2. Look at tic street mark- ings at the fouir corners and ask yourself when they were painted last. 3. How about the lamp standards? 4. Are tic street liglits on your street ahl operating? These are some items which are plainly visible but are not being looked afîer, how many bigger ones are there? I think it is about time we came out of our doldrums and put in an administration whichi will act and flot react as a result of bad publicity. Anyone can react especially when actions are publicized but the best administrations act first and eliminate pro. blems before they become problems. If only people would real- ize we only get what we vote for! The next time a vote is called, reflect on past perfor- mance and decide whether a newcomer should at least be given a try, especially if past performances have been nega- tive. 1 have no political aspira- tions of any kind but am sure that if 1 had a responsibility to thousands of people 1 would sure as hang do better than what 1 presently sec. Maybe you feel the saine way, if su exercise your vote. It seems a siame thiat 1 have tu call the town in late Septemiber to remind them 1 have a Icîter from the Town promising various work assignments will be carried out dated April 9th. These of course had flot been car- ried out up to the time 1 called and 1 got the distinct impression that had I1flot called the whiole thing would have been forgotten. 1 ask voters in the Rural Areas to think about road THE WHITBV FR EE PRESS <Voioe of the County Town) Homctown piper of Whitby, Brooklil, Myrtle and Ashbufn alW ering Ajax and Pickerin&, Suzving over 26,000 readers PublWaed ovey Wcdnesday by Whitby Fiee Press mnc. Bruno HariIai4, Presdent. Louatdat the Free Pres Duiidîng 121 Brock St. NortI witby. SUBSCRIPTION (8V MAI L>) $1O.O VEAR LV MAL:Box 206, Whtby MAILING PHONE: 668-111 PERMIT NO. TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgss ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jm Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Shelley Crowley GRAPHIC ARTS - Marie Burgess ADVERTISING -MANAG? - Robin Lyon CORRECTI ON In the October 9th issue of the Whitby Free Press we referred to 'the Camilla Williams trial as a 'mistreatment trial'. Mrs., Williams is NOT charged with 4M istreatmcnt' but rather "Failure to provide adequate care and shelter for three animais". Further in -a previous story on this trial we said that some of her dogs died at the MacKay Animal Clinic as a resuit of a fight at the clinie when in fact the fight did NOT occur at the clinic but apparently at the humane society shelter. Only one dog died at the clinie. We apologize for any inconvenience or embarassment these unintentional errors -may have caused the parties involved. The Law and You Q. About twenly years ago my wife and I finisied paying off the mortgage on our house. Aithough we don't have much, we've neyer worried because we knew wc always hiad a place to live. Now some dark clouds have appeared on tie horizon. In tic past few years our tax assessînent hias been re-adjusted upward many times. Althougi we dan easily pay the taxes, we are flot able to pay tiem in a lump sum, and as a result we're usually behind with our taxes. A frîend told us tiat our proper. ty could be sold for thc taxes. Is hie rigit? If we lose our house we'd have nowhiere to go. A. Your friend is'riglil, in that property dan be put up for public audlion by the municipality to pay back taxes. This practice isn't really as harsh as it seemns. First of ail, municipalities rarely put properties up for sale, unless the taxes have been ini arrears for a period of ycars. Even wlien tic propcrty lias been sold for the taxes, the former owner lias up 10 une year to pay tic taxes owing and rcdecmn the propcrty. The dced which a purchaser at a tax auction takes, ducs îlot corne fuîly mbt effect until a ycar after the date of the sale. However, the situation nccd flot procecd that far. Most municipalities pruvide arrangements for payîng taxes in instalîm-ents. Contact the clerk of your munici- pality and l'm sure you'Il be able to work somethinîg out. Q. Every weck my employer deducts 25 cents off my pay for his favorite charîy. Hc's got plaques on tic walls of the store for a perfect record of donations, and cvcry maintenance, snow clearance, lighîting, traffic handling, drainage, weed and grass dut- ting etc. How dusty does your house get because of dusty roads? When was your road last graded? When was your culvert last cleancd out, if at ail? Take a drive along Rossland Road west of Cochîrane and experience a real thrill (and pcrhaps a broken spring), this road was resurfaced this year, any broken places werc just cov- ered over tu rc.emerge at this time just before winter. A complete waste of the tax- payers money, in my opinon. Don't forget its your imoney that is being spent and spent tu achieve temporary solutions when with a little bit of planning, a permanent job could be donc. In my own case rny drain- age problemn can be solved by use of a bulldozer for 1 1/2 days but no, thc town would ratier conîinually backfil my drivcway entrance every lime it floods than reaci a permanent solution. Than king you, D. G. Hunt R.R. No. I Brooklin koy~a/J4,otef GRAZYNA HOTELS LTD. 171 BROOK STREET NORTH 668-5O012 WufIBy, ONTÂRIO Visit Our newly decorated lounge Nightly Entertainment, "àALABAMA"' Direct from Alabama Country Rock MON. THRU' SAT. For three weeks Oct. 14 m-Nov. 2 Dining Lounge open 12 noon to 8pm year lie gets invited to a banquet where he's given a new plaque. It may sou nd perverse, but 1 don't think this is fair. Is lie really entitled to make deductions - even small deductions - like this? A. The employer cannot make deductions like 1t'his without your written consent. If you have flot consented in writing to these deductions, then lie owes you the mon- ey he has deducted so far. He is flot allowed, under the, Employment Standards Act to disimiss you for attempt- ing to assert your riglits in this matter. If lie threatens to do en-rt act your local brandi of tlie Ministry of Labour. Q. People tell me I look about 58 and actually I'm 78 years old. 1 enjoy my part-time work, but I arn afraid that somebody will tell me 1 am t-oo old and make me stop. Is there any law that says a 78 year old woman is too old to work? A. No. Really tliere is no law that says you'd be too old to work. Aithiougli most businesses retire fuli-time employ- ces at sxty-five, this would seem to pose no trouble for you since you work part-time. The Industrial Safety Act which imposes minimum age limits for members of the work force does not lay down any maximum. AI- thougli you're 78, tiere seems little reason for you to lose your job. "-THESE QUESTIONS AND ANS WERS, BASED ON ONTARIO LAW, ARE PUBLISHED TO INFORM AND NOT TO ADYISE. NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO APPLY OR INTERPRET THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND ADYICE 0F A TRAINED EXPERT, WHO KNOWS THE' FACTS, BECAUSE THE FACTS 0F EACH CASE MAY CHANGE THE APPLICATION 0F THE LAW." * * * * WIN A FREE HAIRSTYLE (for men or women> by AWVARD WINNING Hairstylist - Tony Scangct. of Tony's Hairstyling The Whitby Free Press in co-operation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle to the f irst person phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose last three digits of their telephone number matches one of the sequences found hidden throughout this issue. If the last three numbers of your telephone number match one of the Iucky numbers hidden throughout this issue, cali the FREE PRESS at 668-6111 after 2 p.m. Thursday. If you're the FIRST caller youIl win the Free

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