PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1974, WHITDY FREE PRESS It sccms un/'ortuna te t/w t a receizt Oshawa Times editor- il referred to t/te site of ýt/e present Dur/zamn regional /îeadiquarters (t/te old COtit building on Ross/and Road and Brock Street) as being "in a love/y cow pasture." It s quite surprisig how sorne 0ýhawanians fèe/ t/wl, Whitby 's lust "a /îick town lu the sticks." There are even some w/to feel thait Brookl, Whitby, etc. wiil sorneday lose tizeir identity and become part of Oshawa. T/tey fôgrget that W/îtby's population is aiready it ex - cess of 26,000 anzd wil/i no doubi double lu about five years. We a/su foresee a ma/or shopping centIre for Whitby, Il "Iovely cow pasture... 90 probab/y around Ross/and Road, that wlI elirninate t/he need for Whitby resideîzts to go to Oshawa or Scarborough. Whîtby has becorne and wlI becorne more su, t/te /ub of Dur/ham Region, and wl/i become tru/y Durham Region v /teadquarters. EVEN the province has the foresight to sec this. Why e/se wou/d rhcy be considering Whitby as t/te place t0 put up the regionai rcgistry office which wl/i probab/y aiso house t/te regional assessment office, and district court chambers and offices. We cati foresce Whitby's growth rate exceeding Oshawa's flot ist in population, but in industrial devclopment. And Il Whitby won't be a one industry bown, where everybody suffers if that indusiry encounters prob/ems. AND what a lot of 'outsiders' don't realize is that 'Whitby-itcs' have a tremendous amoun t of patriotic spirit.. that 's why wc geltte immeasurable local involvement we do. SA good para//el might be Aglncourt where Toront1o (Scarborough) has grown ail around il-...but Agincourt is STILL there. SIMILARL Y, just ask our Brooklin residents and they'il tcil you-..there '/1 AL WA YS be a Brookmn - lust like there 'l A L WA YS be a Whitby! 1 dtriei American decadence?. FO) years t/te Russians /îarped about the decadence of America and Kruschev wvas even heard to treaten, "JVc wl/I bury you! ' Since tose days of buzzing hotdines ini an inflated co/d iwar Russia has been doing someivhat of an about-face. It may be ycars or neyer, before Russia adopts a/i tic customs and habits, good and bad, of the Western wiorid but, many of t/te customs considered decadent 1w Russia ten ycars ago are noiv being acccpted - even if oit/y grudg- ingiy. Russian cosmonan ts are teaming up witt A merican --eeswrt Dear Sir. Dear Sir: 1 arn writing to express the sincere appreciation of the WM.BA. for the great assis- tance and cooperation vou have extended to the associa- tion and its boys throughout the 1974 season. With a programme that involves nearly 600 boys of the commnun ity we feel a very vital contribution is being made to our community life by providing healthy and worthwhile activity during the summer season. We feel that you have shared in this programme, playing an important role by promoting our activîties with gamne resuits and announicemnents of even ts throughout the year. Your interest and your cooperation has been most appreciated. Yours truly, Neil C. Murkar Public Relations Director, W.M.B.A. NEWS OF EARTH. ENVIR0O4MENT. ENERGY ALTt-RNA1V:S7ô PESMOPLEG .. 51LOGICAL MErMDO F PÇ-5- comTRoL = eFFRCkiEAPER, MORE EFFICIENT, L ý POLLU7ING&... EXAMPL-G PR;?FPA1ôORc, PAR46tITF_5AiMt> PATO-NÉ; =PE5TWk' I iJcrs MNP VWED5 i3 FC-ELNG ONiOR lr41AP-riNe IRE51ÀNVAE7-1T5 F LW I M eeCT-...- AT'Tl'ACTANr,,-=LURE tN5r£C- GNET1C CONTIOL= REL-EAGE 0F r-EXLIALL'/ tliFILE im5JECrG lf<AT WILL iN TURN MAM WJrrHI NORMAL 0NES. THEOOD WORD [rom the 3ibIe Blessed is he that con- sidereth the poor; the Lord will deliver hlm in time of 1 would like te cengrat- ulate your correspondent of last week who opposes havîng Brooklin grew te 20,000 or 100,000 population, %vhich apparently it is quite likely te do if present schemes are net stopped. As pointed eut in the let- ter frorn Mr. Bill Burgess, "If we are going te preserve our communities as deibe places te live, we must hait the flow of cities ente agri- cultural land. The time is now and the place is Whit- by" Otherwise, we'll end up with just another Brampton - Bramalea type fiasco, contri- buting mightily' te the Les Angelization cf Toronto. The population cf Ontario is expected te increase by at least flive million people by the end cf this century, a mere 26 years away. If pre- sent trends continue, 80 pcr cent cf these people will be urban dwellers, and most will be concentrated in the Tor- ente and Golden Herseshe areas. The enly practical way te avoid having Brooklin and Barrie and aIl the tewns and villages and ceuntryside be- tween them and Toronto, swallowed Up into one great megalopolis, is for us te create entirely new cities in southern Ontario - beyond commuting range from Tor- ente. There's nothing se werld shaking about the idea. lt's being donc succcssfully today in the U.S. and Europe. In fact, starting entirely new cities was a pretty cerrirnen Canadian practîce during tIhe l9th century, as our fore- fathers spanned the con tin- ent. Have today's Canadians becomne tee timid? Let's hope that Mr. Bur- gess himself might consider running for Whîtby council, and ethers like him, te help offset the apparent prepend- erance cf pro-development councillors now in office. Yours truly, Clark Muirhead R.R. No. I Ashburn The LORD wilI preserve him, and keep hlm olive; and he shali be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not de- liver hlm unto the wiIl of bis enemies. trouble. rsaîm 41:1 ,2 astronauts for a join1t space venture, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola are bot/t making giant strides to flood Russia with their drinks and reporters from the Western wor/d are be- îtg ai/owed inside Russia to report on happenings within that country. T/te Iron Curtain /ias been opened to a//ow a horde of touris t witvade the lanîd of t/te Kremnlin and such airlites as Air Canada now /ave regu/ar/y scheduled fig/tts t0 Moscow. W/tue touriets aren't aiiowed t0 roam around free aud take pictures of wvit ever cornes t0 mmndtey are a//owed tu observe t/te art, t/te customts and the people Family Film Festival Families, botîr young and old alike! A great opportun- ity will 500fl bc yours te en- joy an cvcning tegether in an atrnesphiere of fun, laugliter, exciternent, -and relaxation, as The Church cf Jesus Christ of1 Latter-day Saints, "Mer- ruons", prescrnt a "Family Film Festival". This "Film Festival" will be a great epportunity for the entire famîly te enjoy an cvening tegether without worrying about what your children or you vill sec on the screen. It will be a night cf fun for aIl. The Festival will star t Oct- ober 10, at 7:00 p.m in Bowmanville at the Memnorial P,,rk Hall and willI continue the following evening, Oct- eber 1l, in Newcastle at 7:00 p.m. in the Ccmînunity Hall. The Festival will presenit such films as "Love at Home" by the Osmonds, "Bear Ceuntry", by Walt Disney, "Johnniy Linge", by B.Y.U., "The Little Rascals", and many more. The price is right because therc's ne charge. Se don't feel left eut if you have ne family or they wen't go. Ceme anyway and enjey a great time on us. Treat yourself and your family te laughiter, fun and excitement at the "Faily Film Festival". Get RIch Quick A few people know how to get rich quick - they're able to de- termine whcn a piece of junk turns into an antique. that make Russia t/te glant s/te is today. T/te latest American invasion mbt Russia is a bowling ailey, com p/èe wit American made auitomatic pin-setters, bail was/ting machine and even a lukebox. To add t/te frosting i'o t/te cake t/te company w/tic/t is supplying t/te goods are aIso picking up t/te expenses to have Mike Doug- las tape a show from t/te new bowling centre in Moscow's Gorky Park Now if on/y Russia cou/d supply us wit/t some badly needed o01/.... Want to earn extra Money & win prizes ? CARRIERS NEEDED To deliver Whitby's newspaper once a week every Wednesdaly 668-6111 NOTICE Regional Municipality of Durham THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1974, DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY. NORMAL OPERATIONS WILL CONTINUE ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1974. R. F. RICHARDSON, P. ENG., COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS. HE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voioe of the Couinty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburni also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers Published every Wednesday by Whitby Fiee Press Ine. Bruno Harilaid. Presicdent. LuctèJat heFree Press Building 121 Brock St. Nortl, Wbitby. SUBSCRIPTION (BV MAIL> $10.00 YEARLY MAIL: Box 206.. Whitby MAILING 1 PHONE: 668-6111l PERMIT NO. TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 24 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jim QU81l CLASSIFIED ADS - Shelley Crowley GRAPHIC ARTS- Marie Burgess ADVERTISING- Robin Lyon --r-.- n--I- Il i #% à il