Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY.AUGUST28th. 1974.WHITBY FREE PRESS ATTENTI ON Property Owners of the Town of Whi*tby NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL B3OARD BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN O!-' WHITlBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY-LAW TO REC;ULATE-LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 0F THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Couincil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby initends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of' Section 35 of 'The Planning Act l'or approval of By-Iaw No. 92-74 passed on the 9th day of' iuly, 1974. A copy of the By-lawv is furnishied herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effcct of.the .By-Iaw atnd stating the lands affected thereby is also furnishied h~eih Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) day.s after the date of this notice, send by regîstered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds'of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-Iaw will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may *be held wilI be given onîy to persons who have filed'an objection and who have Ieft with or deîivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which Notice of Hearing is to be sent. The Iast date for filing objections wiIl be the 4th day of September, 1974. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 2 tst day of August, 1974. Wm. H. Walace, A.M.C.T., Cîerk, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER 92-74 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 2585 THE COUNCIL 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 2 of By-law Number 2585 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: - (91) "Redeveîopment" or structures on erection of other means the removal of buildings land and the construction or buildings or structures thereon. 2. By-law Numnber 2585 îs hereby l'urthcr amended b: adding thereto aftcr Section 25 the following sc tion:- 25 (a) (1) Pursuan t to Section 35 (a) of' The Pl>anning Act ail of the lands rct'erred to ini said By- lass 2585 arc placedi under dlevelopmnent con trol and prior tu the issuanice ut a bu ild- ing permit and as a condition of' dcvelop- nmen t o-r rcdcvlopmcent oft any' land or buildings, ,tite- prope rty owsner shaîl enter into one or more agrecnments witlt the Corporation ot' thic'Towsn of Whitby dealing wi tl the prohiîbi tion, regu la tion. tise and maintenance of' any or ail of the lacilities and miatters listed hereunder. (A) WideninLgs of higlîwiýavs tîtat abu t on the landi that k bcing deveîoped or redeve Ioped. (B) Subjeet to T'le IPublie Transporta- tion and flighsvay Improvement Act, facilities to provide aceess to and from the land such as access ranips and curbing including the number, location and size of' such facilities and the direction of traflie thereon. (C) Off-street vehicular parking and load- ing areas and access driveways incîud- ing the surfacing of such areas and d rivew ays. (D) Waîkways and ail other means of' pedestrian access. (E) Remnoval of snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas and watk- way s. (F) Grading or change in elevation or contour of the land and the disposaI of" stormn. surfacc and svaste svater from the land and from any buildings or structures thereon. (G) ('onveyance to the înunicipality, %%tlhott cost, of easements rcquired l'or the construction, maintenance or îimprovement of any cx isting or newly requnired watcr-cou rscs, dîtehes, landi drainage svorks and sanitary sesveragc !'acilî tics on ftic land. (1-l) Floodligliting of' the land or of any buildings or structures thereon. (1) Walls, fences, liedges. trees. shrubs or other suitable groundeover to pro- vidie adlequate landscaping of the land or protection to adjoining lands. <J) Vaults, central storage and collec- tion areas and other facilities and enclosures as may bc requircd- for the storage of garbage and other waste material. KALNINS ON.. Clndy&Marîlyn,- Aftcr twenty long years, thc great mnarathon swirns a- cross Lake Ontario are back in force. l also inote that onlly ladies (or should 1 say just younig girls) are entering the miarathon swimns. Further, they are at a tender age - muchi too younig for such a feat. Neverthecless, these young swimmrrers have proven their physical endurance and above aIl - their deterinîination to tackle the choppy waters at almost any price. The miedia gave full support, reporting every possible detailthroughout these marathon hauls. 1 bet there was no question left unasked and unanswered. The interviews were mile-long and often boring. For two days almost non- stop the CFRB radio blared out the swim results. At times the whole thing sounded ike a comic opera. It appears that 1 might become the first newspaperman to voice disapproval of such> long-distance swimns on Lake Ontario. And, 1'11 tell you why.- For anyone to swim such a distance is sheer murder. There is no doubt in.my mînd that one must exert himself (or herself) physical- ly to the highest point in human endurance. Then, the mental strain on top of that. When they finish the course the contestants have to be carried away on stretchers. They are about to collapse in the ai-ms of cheering fans. How can one admire such strain, exhaustion and fatigue? 'How, can one cheer when a person is about to faîl apart? Worse, ail this is done in the name of good sportsmanship. 1 suspect that marathon swims are carried out for only one reason - money and glory. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with gaining money for your own personal achievements, but at what price? 1 feel that such taxing swims can leave permanent damage both physically and mentally regardless of age and physical stamina. It could take as long as twenty years to feel the consequences. A number of medical doctors have told me of the pos- sible dangers involved. They also agree that abnormat strain, mental or physical, is harmful to any human being Then. why are we trying to kilI ourselves? The question miay neyer be answered as long as people are willing to risk their lives for mioney and publicity. Since Marilyn Bell made lier big splasli twenty years ago. the marathon swimi idea lias gained a new miomentum-. Thanks to Cîindy and Anigie. But, I feel rather sorry for tilese young gaIs _who -weat fîhrough sime agotiing monrits trying ïd 'reacif THAT 'h-ýlore opposite CNE groutids. Whien Cindy Nichiols came out of the waters, one reporter asked lîer: "*Wooild you do this again?* 'Fli answer was NO which is, perhaps. indicative of the s%%iitfimers own feelings about those killer marathîon swinis on, Lake Ontario. K-,DITIOR 'S' ,\eTI-'. IPie' <'ulin i va. s 'rîtilyti 1 , 'I h./oW'Nhel6)re the tragic' end oJAingtla Kondrak s lake swvim. (K) Plans shosving the location of ail buildings and structures to be erected on the land and the location of the other f'acilities reqtîired by the by- Iaw. (L) Perspective drasvings and plans showv- ing building elevations and cross sec- tions of industrial and commercial buildings and residen tial buildings containing 25 or more dsselling units. 25 (a) (2) The Agreemnent rct'erred to iii subsection (1) shaîl contain a requiremient that the facilities and mnatters referrcd Io therein bc provided and niaintainied by the osvner of the land ait 'is sole risk and expense and to the satisfaction of the Corporation of the T1own of Whitby and tlîat in default thereof, the provisions of Section 469 of The Municipal Act shaîl apply. 25 (a) (3) The provisions of subsection (t) shaîl not apply to any developnicnt or rcd'evelopment relating to any of the foîlosving structures or buildings: (A) Single family dwelîing houses; semi- detached dwelling houses; duplex *dwelling houses and accssory build- inuei relatlnL, thereto in çînv- R- R2. dàmftmwý- MASSAGË onI v wy.<p*f. NUl9a.fLSO1C1..EJWHY R3, R4 or R5 Zone of By-lasv 2585. (B) Buildings or structures in any M lA, MI, M2 or M3 Zone ot' said By-law 2585. 3. THIS BY-LAW SUIALL TAKE El*I"EC'(1' ON THIE DATE OF PASSING BY COUNCIL SUBJECT 'l'O T APP- ROVAL OF 'l'tEE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. BY-LAW RFAl) A FlRST, SECOND AND 'FIIIRI) TIMF. AND l'INALLY PASSED'flIlS 9111 DAY Ol" JU)LY. A.D., 1974. B. Switzcr D.G. Newtman Deptity-Clerk E X 1> LA N A TO0-R Y M ayor N 0 T E PURPOSEý- AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW NUMBER 92-74 'he purpose and cffect of' By-Iaw No. 92-74 is to enable thec Corporation of the Town of Whitby to exercise greater control over the fobrin of any developnient or redevelopment for residential or commercial purposes within the Town of Whitby. AIl material filed conccrning this application is on fMe and open for. public inspection in the Planning Department, located at the Brooklin Offices, 14 Church Street, Brooklini, Ontario. Telephone: (416) 655-3346 1 CHRIS CATERINO AND ' FODSERVICE VITH CATERING PACILITIES, 415 MocKENZIE AJAX' OX 113 Phone 942-7891 or 839-874 Weddipgs,-,Stags, Off ice or, House Parties, Banquets, Converition s, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types 104 harwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajax, Ontario 942-661 1 TO)NY'S HAI RSTYLING Blair Park Plaza Whiltby, Phone 668-5441 Closed Mon. Tues, - Fri'~ - 8 to 9 Saruraay - 8 to 5 ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIMiS, USED BOATS Witby Marýine Hwy. 12 at Myrtle Station 655.4117

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