Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1974, p. 8

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PLAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST_2lst, 1974,_WHITBY FREE PRESS () ('onveYance 10 te imunicipaiity. witltou t eost. of Casemenîs rcquired lor the construction, maintenance or improvemnent of any cxisting or nevly rcquired wate r-courses, ditches, land drainage svtrks atnd sanitary senverage facilities oîî the land. i-) Fioodiigîtittg of the land or of anv buildings or structures thcreott. fI Vails, fences, hiedges. trees. slirubs or other suitabie groutideover to pro- vide adeiluate landscaping of flite land or protection to adjoiuing lands. J) Vaults. centîal storage and collec- tion areas and other facilities and enclosures as may bc required for tîte storage of garbage and o [ber wvaste material. ATTENTION Property Owners of the Town of Whi*tby NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO TH-E ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF'THE TOWN 0F WHITI3Y FOR APPROVAL OF' A BY-LAW TO REGULATE LAND USIE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF'THE îPLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation of thic Towvn of Whiitby intends to appiy to l'lie Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to flic provisions of Section 35 of' The Planning Act for approval of By-Iaw No. 92-74 p)ass-ed on the 901 tiay ofiJuly. 1974. A copy of the By-Iasv is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and efet of the By-law and stating thec lands at'fected thereby is aiso furnisie l iterewith. Any person intercsted may, 'vithin fourteen ( 14) days after thle date of (bis notice, send by registered miail or deliver to thec Clerk of the Town of Whiitby notice of biis objection to approval of tlie said By-Iaw together with a statemient of the grounids of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-lawv but before doing so it may appoint a tinte anîd place when any objection to the By-lawv wilI be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be heîd will be given onîy to persons %W~o have filed an objection and wsho have left sitb or delivered to the Clcrk tindersigned, thc address to wbich Notice of Hearing is to be sent. The last date for Miing objections wili be the 4th day of Septernber, 19j74. Datcd at the Town of Whitby this 2lst day of August, 1974. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T, Cierk, 405 Du ndas S treet(West, Wbhitby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBE R 92-74 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONINO BY-LAW NUMBER 2585 THE COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OF WIIITBY ENACTS AS FOL LOWS: I. Section 2 of' By-Iasv Ntuber 'M85 is hecrebY amiended be addini, the flonigsubseetion: ( 91) mee~ipen'uean% the renioval of buildings or s truc1tuireý, on land andI flic constnructIion or erec tion of otite r btiînis ,or truc I ures tiereon. 2. Bv%-ia\%-N utber 258~5 i, bereby ft rther amienided 1w addtim, there to t'ter Sect(ion 25 tht lowing sectioin: 25 (a) til) Pit an t to Ste ti on 35 (a) ofT"lhe ilannfinîg ý\ tait of te lands rcferred [o i n -aid fi%- Ian 2585 are piaced under des eîopiient con troi and prior fi)th etsne o a bu ikî- iltgpermit anid as .a condtiOti on fdeveîop- men t or rdvlpintof' ati land mi building%. th e property on uer shili enter tn to mit, or 1more agccrenI it- Ut v th fi C'orporatton olf thc T'mion n fiitb ,d ealtng n th tiite prollitbit îot, regu lattuti use and niain te nance ut' an%, or ail of' the facili tics and tuatters isted iereunider. (M Widenin2s, of hit.dtnays ltat abu t on the land tua) is be ing developed or redeve ioped. (B)> Subjeet to The Public Tranisporta- tion and flighway Improvement A\ct. faciiiies [o provide access 10 and from lte land sucb as access rantps and curbiug including the rtumber, location and size of' sucf facilities anîd the direction of' traffie thereon. Pleasant weather, ýgood rains make fait planting attractive As the leaves begin to turn, home gardeners witt bc doing the same, onty their turn wiIt be in the direction of shovel and rake, getting rcady for fait ptanting. This should be the routine from now until thc end of October. Why plant in- the I (K) Plans sbosving lte location of ail buildings and structures 10 be ected on the lantd and [be location of'thc other facilities rcquircd by lte by- law. (IL) Perspective drawings and plans show- ing building elevations and cross sec- tions of indutrial and comttmercial buildings and residen liaI buildings con taiîting 25 or more dweîlitug tînits. 25 (a) f2) Tîte Agreentent refcrred 10 iu subsection ( I1) shal I con tain a req uiretten t lit the tacilities and mat lers referred 1tterein be providcd and otaititained by lte owner of the land aI lus sole risk and expense and 10 flite satisfaction of' the (Corporation otf flite Towni of' Wîitby and tbat in defauît tbereoft',e1 provisions of Section 469 of' The MunicipaltAAt shahl apply. 25 (a> (3) The provisions of subsection ( 1) shail nol applv to any developriien t or redevciopment reîating (to any of' the following structures or buildings: (A)i Single family dweliing bouses; senti- detaciîcd dn'elling bouses; duplex dwe'lling btouses and accessory build- hics relatino llîî'r~in in anv R 1. R2. TcI~ephone: (416) 655.3346 But white the seed is germinating, you'it find the weed seeds germinate faster, and you'Ii have unwanted growh. This is naturai; those weed seeds had been Iaying dormant untfl yoLI disturbed themn. Then they can get air, moisture and heat to germinate. Some- times the homeowners think the seed they purchased is fuit of weed seed. The weeds that grow after you've seeded a tawn were there to start with. They won't tive long. Once your iawn bas started to grow, the grass wiIi crowd out the weeds. If they are the persistent type, don't use weed-kiiiers until after at Ieast the sec- favor, soit temperatures are are more common in the you 've got everything going ond mowing; the young grasses can't take those strong chemnicais. Ail 1, sug- gest you do, is ive with it untit youi've gotten the grasses to grow good and strong, then if need be, use a weed-kiiter. Feeding: Feeding your trees and shrubs in the fait hetps (o fight poor growth, insect pests and disease at one shot. A good iawn feýr- titizer works weii for trees. and shrubs. As youl't be Lising a fertitizer tike Pink Vigoro to put the iawn (o bcd for the winter, it witi benefit the trees and shrubs as weil. 1 tike to give this Iast feeding when the leaves of the trees begin to fait. The best method of ap- T. GAI ALKING FDEN1NG w it h 'DOC' HARTNOLL plication is to make two or three circies of hotes about 18 to 24 inches deep, and about the same distance apart. Then add a haif cup- fut 'of fertilizer per bote. If you have any more tawn and garden questions, write to me at the Garden Information Centre, 165 University Avenue, Toron- to, Ontario, M5H 3B8 en- ctosing a stamped and self- addressed envetope. It witt be my pleasure to answer tbemn. R3, R4 or RS Zone of By-Iaw 2585. (B) Buildings or structures in any MIA, Ml, M2 or M3 Zone of said By,-lasv 2585. 3. TIHIS IIY-LAW SFIALL TAKE EFFECT ON THE DATE OF" PASSING BY COUNCIL SUBJECT TO THE APP- ROyVAL 01: TUE ONIARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. BY-LAW REAI> A FIRST, SECOND AND TI-IRD TIME AND FINA LI.,' PASSE)) THIS 9TH DAY OU JULY, A.D., 1974. B. Sn'itzgr l)epu ty-Oelrk D.G. Newman Mayor EXPLANATO-RY NO0T E PURI>OSL -AND EFFECT 0 BY-LAW NUMBER 92-74 The purpose and effeet of By-law No. 92-74 is to enable the Corporation of the Town of Wbitby to exercise greater control over the form of any devciopmcnt or redevciopmcnt for residential or commercial purposes within the Town of Whitby. Ail material filed concerning this application is on file and open for public inspection in the Planning Department, iocated at the Brookiin Offices, 14 Churcb Street, Brookiin, Ontario. Sccondiy, there's no bet- ter timne to start a Iawn than in the fait - more moisture, warm soil, and cool nights - the three most beneficiat things re- quired to give your seeds a good start to deveiop into the Lawn Beautiful. Lawns: It is most unwise (o go tooking for "bargain- priced seeds; the best seed is what you want for a long- iasting tawn. 1 tike the re- suits produced using a mix- ture of Merion and Ken- tucky Blue. Preparing the Iawn area: If your iawn bas been thin, or looks brown, best thing to do is brush it with your hand and see how much thatch might be in between the blades of the growing grasses. If you haven't been using a grass catcher on yotjr mower, then the eut blades of grass faIt in between the growîing grasses and the thatch buiids up. The build- up prevents moisture and fertitizer from gctting (o the roots of the grasses, and then you have trouble. It bas to be removed to give the grasses a better slart. T'hen when you've grown a good stand of grass and sce the resuîlts from fait sowing, feed the lawn with a low nitrogen content tike Pink Vigoro for winter pro- tection. I woul 'dn*t want you to uise a high-nitrogen fertil- izer (o stimLlate growtb diîring winter, but 1 wouid like you 10 feed the root system, and that's wbat a fertitizer like Pink Vigoro does for newty sown grass seed as wei as for the es- tablished iawn. Weeding: If you are start- ing a new Iawn area, cither rototil the area or dig it by spade, then rake it levet, and apply the seed - and, neighbors, appiy seed heavi- ly - follow the directions; if the seed is of [he type that only one pound is needed to cover 1 ,000 square feet, uise just that amoLint apptied eventy, and you'II have a good Iawn. am faIl? First, you've more time. The weather is in your ideai for active root formation, and nice warm rains fait. So, Iooking at the situation squarely in the cye, for you. Prepare hanging basket by first tining with long- After placing soit, add the plants fibre sphagnum moss to provide a good soit-hold- you'd enjoy seeing brighten up ing base and proper root drainage. Your windows during the winter.

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