Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1974, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PflESS, WEDNESDAY, JUILY 31, 1974, PAGE 5 BIRD 'S EYE VIEW -J/M OU/A il Is That A Rock?90 1think the oid saying of "Ignorance is Bliss" is especiaily suitable for atiybody taking a boat throughi unknown waters. Even with chîarts i fiîîd rîyself iooking for rocks sticking Up just beiow the surface. Having beeti under the surface many tirnes i SCUBA gear i know only tee well what size aud kind of rock formations can be feund, consequent- iy when I'm on the surface with a boat linm constantiy thinking of all i've seen whiie scuba dîviug. Anyway this whole business started net tee long ago when 1 read two or tlîree coiumns about how marveleous it is te tour the TRENT CANAL. Rimnsteýad and JOAN SUTTON, both of the Toronto Suni pain ted pretty pictures of thie TRENT aud Rimstead wrote many colunîns l'rom aboard a rented houseboat on the TRENT. i began te wonder if maybe the idea wvas worth exploring. 0f course our FREE PRESS editor wouid neyer go for renting a houseboat but net te be outdone by the SUN, 1 decided to buy a boat. By adding fictitious business clients and expenditures te my Free Press expense account 1 should recover my money by about 1995, uniess the editor gets wise. 1 don't have te worry about him reading my column because he is flot arnong my four readers. Se this colurnn is writtcn from aboard the boat at lock 42 in Fenelon Falls at gre at expense te the Free Press, which wiii go te any lengths te outdo those big neigh- bouring daily papers. You always hear about how many nice people you meet on boats and while that's quite true, to date 1 have met a mixed bag. The nice people cerne in aIl ages but the smart alecks and snobs seern confined te theunder 35's. Ail the stories told about the locks and what a great place they are te stay at evemiglit are absoluteiy truc. The washrooms are always clean, the immediate area surround- ing the iock gates are lit by strectiights and the grounds are beautifully kept. The locks are generally quite at night and it is a real pleasure te get up iu the morning and have a large, warm, clean, roomy washroom te use, compiete with hot water. The iock personnel have, te date, all been neat and petite and, hes, on the Trent Canal (JUST DOWN FROM GAMEBRIDGE). The lineups have not been bad through the week but i undcrstand duriug the weekcnds congestion can bc bad - especially at the BIG CHUTE marine raiiway whcre a type of convcrted railway fiat car with braces actually lifts your boat eut cf the water aud hauls it up a hilI tte tpper canai. At lock 4*2 at Severn Bridge 1 met two différent famnilies from Whitby. Que boat was headed downstrearn te COLJCHICHING and the other group was hecaded upstre- arn. My destination is Whitby atnd 1 ieft GEORG IAN BAY carlier this week. At this peint i have 1 5 locks te geoLand amoîîg themn is the LIFF-LO('K at Peterborotogh wvich, i understand, is the iargest hydraoilic lift-lock ini the worid. 1 don't expect it will have much difficui ty liftinrg ny littie 2½,ý- ton,- steel bull boat but 1 do expect thie CLîptain will be struck by the nervos ineliies. Becatîse nîy oid br(ge is steel and cint reallv be dain- aged 1 verry abouit steerng xvrong or breLrking lo )se and caviing ini the side aULtS35,000. cabin croiser. 1-very limie i enier a leck 1 \verrv Libeot cauisin seinie daruage boit se far l've beer lck. Morman Missionaries Corne To Durham' Regioný Eider (iayton Thornojk. A lnew set of Nissienlaries of' Ille Canlada Toron te Miss- i01 l O'Ihle ChnrICh eOf*JesuIs Christ ef Latter-day Saints have bcen cailed to labour iin thc Durham Region. Eider Chris Romincy of Las Cuises, New Mexico, and Eider Clayton Thornock of Gooding, Idaho, have replac- ed Eider Richard Englii and Eider Craig Faucette, who have been re-assigned to other are as. The Eiders are presenting a famiiy oriented idea in the area cailed The Family Home Eve ning. This programi or- iînated in the Church nearly a decade ago and has already achieved worid-wide success. The programi is based on family togetherness, and is presided over by the parents in the home. The Eiders hiope that by sharing the programi, it wil give fainilies of all denomin- ations an opportunity to use their uwn ideas te strengtlhen the bonds already shared ini the home in a weekiy meeting. "We know that families may find the sanie success we have had2 whether they be close or divided, if they wili strive to use the programi effectively, and, or religiously in their homes." Tile Missbonaries are' giv- ing 30 minute demonstra- tiens, and are caiiing on in- dividual homes in the area. "We promise that it wiii only take 30 minutes, and it 'ili b)e fu.', The Mormon Chiurch hlas one of the largest Missionary prograns' iii the worid. The Caniadia Toron to Mission is, one of 140 Missionis world- wide, operated by the Clînrch. There are approximateiy 18,000 Mi9sionaries serving two years in thiese Missions at their own tine and expense They are caiied by the Pro- phet of the Church to labour in assîgned areas, with fre- quent transfers to new cities every four to six months. ln this two year stay, the Miss- lonaries have the opportunity to rneet new people, sec new places, and spread the mess- age of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. The Churchi Mission sys- tein is highly organized, with a Presidient, two speciaily chosen Missionary Assistants, and Zones, Districts, and Areas, ail headed by Miss- ionaries chosen by the President. Missionaries are chosen at the age of 19 fromn applica- tions sent te Church head- quarters in Sait Lake City, Utah. They are then sent to their respective areas of lab- our. They are expected te accounit for their time, and live worthy of being messen- gers of the Lord Jesus Christ in ail capacities. After thêèir missionary 'ser- vice, they wiii return to their homes and resume where they left off, in education or work. Former Whitby Councillor Art Desjardin iooked righit at home dealing the cards ana razKuîg in met miiuey ai the Whitby Arts Saloon Night, Friday ai the Station. - Free Press Photo B rooklln Horticul tu rai Socie ty The Fourth animal Coun ty Town Fiower Show xviii be hield on Sunday, Augusi 4th at the Whitby Ceuincil Chîam- bers on Dundas Street West ini Whitby. Phe showv spen- sered by thec Brookiin Hert- c iC t n raiiSocie ty l'or thle Fourîh vear is open te ahl resi(ien ts o(Dturhain Region. There are 4 classes con- sisi ing of*Lt wide varie tyeof' tlowers an d arrangements. For more detaji sec yor (?oun ty Town ('arnival B3ook- let of' Events. Any amateur grower is alm1ost sure te f'ind a ciass or classes hie or she cari enter. Prize Ribbons will be awarded as welilias speciail awards for Best Spec- mnien, Best Decorative and Best Gi-ad to be seiected. Entries wiil be received between 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Suîîday and public viewing wili be welcorne be- tween 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. The specimen class entries must have been grown by the exhibitor. but materials for arrangements need not bc grown by entrant, but shouid bc garden grewn. Potted plants nmust have been iin enîrant's possession and care for atieast 3 nîenths. Thte lower is one efthte high iigh ts of' the Sunday af- terneen acltivit ies oetfthe Cen n ty Town ('ai nival. Plan ýte attendd this animual event. The two boys takiîîg a brief rest'on thie picnic table, are Patrick SuIaston, 8, left, and David SuIston, 6, of 935 Centre St. N. The reason why îhey're smiling is because WVhitby (ouincilior Joy Fheîîîpsen. thiceunicil rep- resenitative tetheficWirby Arts Staitîi, hiped eUtI 11hiandl ing eue ef thic vheels et' fort une Friday nigh t Lit thic WhiltlyiArts Sailoten Nighit. unbekîîownst te their parents they wrote away te an Amn- enican TV station for a Mus- cular Dystrophy Carnival kit, received it, and tiien wîth a littie lhelp frorn nîom and The hiand in the bettom icft cerner waiting te grab the money beienged te assistan t- recrei r ion directer Frecd Be cke t te. IFrece Press Pliote dad, proceeded with their carnival* Thursday afternoon. In only one, hour tlîey man- aged te raise S23.84 whichi wilI be credited te MD Ountario Brandi.' NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE 0F THE WHITBY AREA who have been misinformed Hieard's Taxi IS STILL IN BUSINESS. 150 Perry Street, Whitby, Ontario 668-*3732

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