PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRIESS Third Annual Mi*dget Tourney A rea basebal buias bave a big weekend to look forward to wiîh souie top rioîcb baseballMien tlie Whut by Miimpm Basebali Assoc. and the Oshawa Legion Basebail Assvc. join f'orces t'or thei tlbird anumal iniidgeî tou rnanien t wlî i will bning together soi-e of* Outario's top uîidget Clubs. Getting underway Sat. miornhîg at 9:30, tlîère is an almiosi non-stop programme wih a total of 23 gaines, ihe Clîami- pioîîship Final slated for Kinsnîeîîn Stadiuni a t 7:30 p.i. on Suuday. 16 clubs are entered wîiîh the first round geltiîng under- way on Sat. at 9:30 ai four différent parks, Kinsunien Sta- dium, Peel aud E.A. Fairnian in Whitby and ('edar Park ini Ajax. Second, third and fourtlî rounds will be played iii the sanie fouîr parks Lt 12:15 p.rn., 3:00 p.uî. and 5:45 on Sat. Ou Suiiday with tdie field reduced. actâi will resumne at Kinsmnetianîd Fainîîiîf, witlî gazines ait 9:30 a.rn. and 1 2:1 5 to declare winîîers for tlie sein i-finaI rouîid at 4:00 p.m. The lîectic schedulc will wiîîd up ilitlî te Chanpiouship Finail ai K insuieri Suiîday eveujino. A cor-niîtee under .iîn Lu Itou ofOshawa nîîd Gordonî HaunLi of Whiitbv bLîs beeiî at work siîîce Marchi set iing up the tourney and now oril îîeed tie co-opei a ioui oflte weathermaîî for another sLiccess. Firs fieldin l1I()72, the Lffair lias quickly gained recognit ion as ()ne o)f*t[lie îîîost efficienitly operated iii tlie province aitd aniiind icaî ion of*i is populanrity is ifiLt this yeir idie coîiîîit tee received twice as imany Lpplicatioins is could behe aLndled. Ilu'72, wiiiîers were Scarbor-ough Village aînd list year 1 i iuîltotî MaLibouey triurnplied. takiug lhomne iue jackets awLîrded to ecdi of, flic layers tf 111e winiiuig club. 111 the paist two years coilipetit ion liais beeui keeîî wiltii sounie ou lsîardiîîg gaines Laudmite of tlîe leit ires u)t-Irevion)ts loiuarnenis fiais been the lack cf* auî se ionis disputes or- protests vhicli ofteîinia r these even is. Sa turday. mily TOURNANMENT SC! EDI)F 13 931) .mu. KîtîstieuiSti:iuiîn sbs avs. iLii i InhiPzirk lPeel lPark 13ellcvi1llcv's. Sc.allboro Bîrcioui Wbîîib Ily v L oney ('rec k ('edar Paîrk ie ron Park vs. Oakville Big Macs Win Two The McDonald's Restaurant Big Macs were in Belleville last weekend for the annual Golden Bat Tournamnent and although they didn'i corne home the viciors they dashed the hopes of two other cuntendors in îbrilling gaines. Friday nighîtbey beat Trenton 6 - 5 winning the contest with a flourish in the final înnîng withi a Suicide squeeze play. The tr iumphl lad soi-ne other storvbook ovetones. because the winning pitcher was Blair Gibsun nmakîng bis firsi stant ever as a pitcher iii ibis kind oft coulpe it ion an d fie respt nded wvithi a (grea t effort bholdinig Treniton t o eigb t bits with sorne relief lbelp f[roinl)ave MýcWb hici. The tournanien t reclires six %vins lOr itie cbanipit usbilp and pi tcb ing is a prol >lc in h ecauISe ni osiit IbS JUnSit i' i have thi uianv froui fine hirers. 'ie e-itraive wuîld he uovme rwork reiar Ipiiet-s bu t iis uuvolves jkî! y'o uun'a rins and possi hl-y vreck in g ritti1iin aFCt Becauîse i le ne have becu uialnv iniies a ofCS illis laPCi iii receri t veie O.B.A. is'îakiiîg asu ong ~siand raîs overxvorking vot îig Iitchier-s bv culotcing mriles g)v thiiile nuruber tf- ininjigs I)itclicd ini a dav. For ibis reas0oniibe Big Mlacs d ilpped ïi the reserves anud G ibson camie tirougbl in iili style. I liti in- tfor the Big Macs were DLog Sblearer- and (arn NI urkar wî tb a pair ecdi, wb lie Ian G il lis. lBlai r Gibson and Ford Definncy added singles and Dave Mc- Whirter provided the buni which pushîed across the winning ru n. The Big Macs met Scarboro Village in their seconîd ganie on Sat. Morniug and the Villagers, rated as one of the lournam-eul favorites, didn't endear theinselves to Whiîby supporters wheu, they, arrived- at the park with such commeuls as "have we gotta play Whilby, what a bore." After Big Mac left-hander Camn Murkar had put 14 out of' the first 1 5 batters he faced. away on strikeouts they were strangely gilent. Brett Hoffrman supplied the big.blow of the'game, a horne rtfn lu he bottom cf the first inning to put thie Whitby ctub on ihe road to a 3 - 0 win. Other hitters were 'Ford * Definriey, Tirn Twining, Doug Shearer and Cain Murkar wîh singles. In lte third gaine for the Big Macs îhey were on the short end of a whitewash when Brampton trounced them I10 - 0 in a gaine where the Whiîby club neyer got sîarted. They died at the plate with Ian Gillis wiîh a pair and Brett Hoffinan and Tim Twiîîing with singles the oîîly hilters. They came up with some costly mniscues lu the f'ield to give sou thpaw Dave McWhirter shaky s'upport. O)lzRS SLîîurdLîy.Jiuly 13'l 12:15 p.iu. SaturdLiy, iuly 13 3:00 ~i.tii. 5:45 p.mi. 1l'l0orold vs. KiîîgswLîy Peel PLark l<iigsville vs. i aîîîilltoit 'Fini 1 loi-loi] E. A. FLîinîaîî ilLiilloni Malioiiey vs. Listowel ('edar PLark Kinigstonî vs. Agiucourt THIRD ROUND Kîsien Sîýad iurn E.A. FLirmnî Peel PLark ('edLîr PLark FOURITH ROUND Kinsineri Stadiuiîi Peel Park E.A. [Lîiriiiai ('edLîr Park Big Macs Player of the Week Jody Turner Jody's play at second base us a nignlight of rnany of the Big Mac's gamnes. Seldom does he corne up with an error and he robs many hitters of sure hits when he knocks down balis that seem to be going through the infield. During his playing years Jody has been either at shortstop or at sec- ond and possesses what basebail people described as a "natural basebail instinct" for hîs position. He is one of the club's best base runners, flot be- cause of his speed afoot but for his abslity to get the jump on the pitcher anid his knowledge of when to run. He played a key rote in the success of the 1970 Knights of Columbus tyke club when they won the Ontario crown. Jody, who throws' and bats right doo3s not usually hit for distance, but can corne through with singles and game winning bunts. A student at Henry St. High, Jody lives at 502 Dunlop W. and cornes frorn a basebail farnily. His brother John is a pitcher with the Ajax Drew Thu nderbi rds. f -s -~ ~: <4 Also an Exquisite Canadian Line.' 121, BROCK ST. N. WHITBY. M. -Tm 9-6 F atriy 96 SutndLîy, July 14-- 9:30 am 12: 13. pIli>. 668-7341 FIFTHROUND Kihnien SîLîdiuîîî SITIROUNDl. Kiîsiii nStidiui F. A. Fairiiaii 4:0 p.îî. SiEM I-F-INAL ROUND, KiîîsîîîcîîSiîiui F.A. [airilil 7:31) p.tîî (I IAMPI(iNSI-111y Knsî'uen Stadiuuni Whitby Men's Hockey League Plave ns. Coaiclies. Ref-erees anid Sponisors are uir"ei t lv reîu i red ltilebri-Lit ioiî(il, the iîe'w Wîibv nics loc. key Leigîe'*. Thie Wiitby Meii's iloc- key League" is a iiew Leaguie beiîîg lhrnicd to provide thîe workiiig mîen of Whitby, I18 yezirs offLige Land over, ain opportutiity of participatîîîg in, radtier tiati being a spec- tLtor of- Caîîada's Nurnber 1 sport. .Aîîv îîîan. residîing wsithiîî itie rotvllcf' Wlîîlby. wbî)is iii tenes ted Ii i re isi eltii t w iltii îlîis Leagu Le as Li Pilayer. C'oachi, Ret'erce or Sponisor, picase con tact thîe LeagLie*s Regisimari. NMr. Ed Bain,. 915 Harding Street, 668-41.37'or the Assistant Regisirar, Mr. Bob Diori. 20 Banîîernîaîî Court, 668-8067 or write Box 46î2, Wflitby. DONT HESITATE, DO IT ALUMINUJM, Fl BREGLASS FISHING BOATS' FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS' U15W BOATS Marine I v.12 ".ti l nîrles lo]0 54 17 *... is a meaningful four-letter Word. If you 'care' for the sick andhungry of the world, send your dollars to . . CA-RE Canada, Dept. 4, 63 Sparhs St., Ottawa KIP'i5A6 Custom Repairs PURSES --$'2.00 off Regular Prices fioml $9.00 to $20.00 Sandal sale Clearan.ed on Cbildrens eolotircd Beacli Sandals 200%,,o ff 0%off aIl our Nuirses Shiocs Ladies Coloured Beach Saniidals.- 20%1 off Mvens Summeér SandalIs Reg. S 16.95 Sale Pric e - 20% ôf Ladies and Menls Foami insoles 35% ôiff Ladies and Mens reg. shoes upto 20% off. FINE QUAL-ITY ITALIAN IMPORTED SHOES SEE AND BE SEEN! Afilho I iflleost e(>flni iuon rea.sons fo)r rejection at v'eIitie inspection s$ta- tiolis t lirouigitout the colin- .try arc itenms affecting visi- bility. In some areas as higli as a 50 percent rejcc- tion rate occurs on itemns *Suclt as lights and wlnd- shield wiper and washer systems. Experts say that head-. liglit aimîng, should Le checked scveral' times a year. Wiper'blades- should be replaeed every six months. TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR WHITBV NEWSPAPER CAL L 668 -6111