Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1974, p. 5

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Food, Sense lu Canada- NUTRITION PLAJNTMJ( WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1974, PAGE 5 Legendary aphrodis lac found in Bahama Islands and can.be eaten raw frmm the sea or- coôked. .; 1 It can be. 'fashioned into bea ttiful'çrnaz:nents, produces valuabte pearis and is..used as a hbrn. What's,being referrcd ta is the Strombus Gigas,' nore commonly known as quee'n cônch (pronounced 'kop k», a shellfish which' thri ves in the warm, clear water of the Ba- hamas. The spir*al-shelle-d eonch' is a member 'of a sea- food grauping also including Qysters, clam's and mussets. In the Bahamas, conch is an important source of protein for the '180,000 inhabitants, 'with Bah amians consumhing roughly 500 tons of the chewy white meat every year. Conch in somne 'form> is rarely missing from -armenu In the Bahamas, whether at 'an intimate cafe, goukrmet restaurant or dini ng room of a .resort.* 'Very 'littie research has heen done on the conch, but Baha- mians tout it for r eputed aphrodisiac qualities said' ta revive the energy anrd zeal of even the miost blasé amaingst US. Pearls produccd by the canch can bc worth' up ta $6,000 each, which is how much a London jewcier paid for anc not long ago. In addi- tion, the pink sheli of the candi can bc crafted inta exquisite jewçlry. .In chic shops,- tourists can ehoose from delicate cafileas, ri'ngs ýand necklaces made from the fluted shelîs. rfse painstakinigly 'chip away the beige auter encrustatian of the conch ta expose the soft white, piiik and carat inner layers of the sheil. The subtle grada- tions of color insure that no two pieces of conchshell1 jew- elry are ever identical. .The sheli, when cleaned and polishied, also has a more mun- dane use - as an attractive mantde orname" nt or daorstop. Conchshel' blowing was once desc'ribed, by Leicester Hemingway (Ernest's brother and a frequent visitor to the Bahanmas) as "tropical hog call- ing at its best". It is a fading art in thé modern Baham as, but was once uscd by fishermen in the Ottlslands ta triuimphantly report a suiccesýsful day's catch. A Babamian fisherman'clean's his day's catch of conch before offering it for sale on the colourful waterfront in Nassau. The sheliisk is a favourite with visitors and locals alike, and can be fornd throughout the Bahama islands. Christians- and Jews National Conference SOMETHING FISHY IN THE *FRENCH BREAD!? 11Sso touqh cmie up o t riginal partyfood iea bat tieBut picttÎrt a pa:ae' p oasing pla!e of plc-asantry ai your ni,ýxt party: lt.rrnqg gusts trinîDe and then. alier savouring. ta ruturn h:r more. But,-ra tstu ùa'-r arc.. ard tce prepare , you say 9 Not sQ. all Via t" ru- îly nch' î'emacinauc rn Io put rame lite nto arr part' distiand ofers gooci food means rnuch ta a gooc partyi 13y nov. you 'e probabl-, rhïnking. -What more can be invcunteu r iiithr" . .y' of! '- mp!c.o-preparu- party food)- Ta an ý. he qùcî-'e' r first take a look ai the condiions rimiting your ý,1 :ç. u are thrt 'e c.,ualites ques!s vwill appreciate' tlaIa'. r ný1 et 'o rlry(a 'andjsorori tîon aLI. h Earl o! Sand.saih. u-neItactc)rIo -ihom w- we much respect for his namesaku-, ddnt lu-t t stand in hîs vway- Neither sh'ouid wel Brc iîd. ms rrrrred:u-nt for an original tru-at, s tow in-calories, and high in tiavaur and -nutritianat value. One advantage we have over the 'gaod Earl though is that aur b read is enriched writh three essential B Vi tamins as well as iran: and since bread is ane of Canada'S mast poputar toods this enrichment process ensures aur gaad health. Now for an imaginative idea using this most. adaptable com- modlity. Try this one. ts called a Fish Boat! Fish Boat 1 - 24 ounce French : oead' 1 teaspoon salt 20 frozen tish sticks 2 cups milk i1 tablespoan butter 4 hard-cooked eggs coarsety 2 tabltýpoans ati-purpose chopped tiaur U2 cup celery, chapped H-ollow out bread ta form a baat-shaped shell-about 1 2i, nches thick. Quarter trozen fish sticks: heat tollowing package instruc tions, >Mcit butter, add 'tour and saIt. Add mrlk and co.ok untrl thick. Fold in uggs 'and ou-tory. Pile tish in boats. spoon sauce' rIver top. Sîrce 'rossî.ise ta serve;' pass remaining sauce. Apple-Raisin Pudding Scrvecs 4 Trirg rru'.t s ifrm i ho a-'rai-ain bru-ad: cul 1iot the rî ertthivîf L ie 0" 4i" pan '.tri 2 schcs ant anc 'p. op .',Itii cup cann, 't apple-pic" fîtîîng. Rupeat tayers t.'. ' L ik' et 75 F. for 10 minute-5, Turn out and serve with c r ca ni. BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 am BUS SERVICE PROVIDED IVOICE OFÉFAITH -cabie 6 1s&3dSunday each month The Ontario RegIon ('ait- adi a nCou ucil aof' clris tia ils and iews anid iie New~ Jers- ence ai' ('lii izs an îd ews have j nt k aiioulced a unique and 1 ily iunterntatioinal camîtpingpiedtwîIl be un deri- Sa ken ttrin A ugntst I11tIli1(1 i lie lîrst \nnual ,Inter- lions ('amp l'or Youtrîgsters 14 ta 16 years af age NvilI be lield. aI ('amp Wangorma. Owned andi aper:îîed hy [ihe N",I ('A. tuie camnp is laca ted ail lîgwav500. a'poxm atelv 1 7 miles cast ai' Ban- Equal nutubers ai'students train New Jersey. New York, Washington and Ontaria, rep- resenting ail passible ethnîc graups and religions will gather ta discLîss tapics 'of' c(>niron' interest af their own choosing, . in a relaxed informai atmasphere. Good food, swimn'ing, hiking and sports, under the watchfuî eyes ai' the argani- zers, wili guarantee Ailwha attend a rnast enjayable. yet wortlîwile, tinme. Tatal cast f'or the week- long session is S20.00. Tihis iincludes re mm i ransporta- lion iront'ronrto. )qt ulWCuc 419 Brock Street North t Whitby, Ontario Telephone (416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES- WORSHIP SERVICE - il a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES TUESDAV:î Piorneer Girls and6:5pm Christ ian Service Brigade tol 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPH DUNN DRIVE-IN EVENING SERVICE JULY 7th, l4th, 2t1st, 28th and Aug. 4th. Corne as yau are and sit in your car. PLACE .T he A & P parking lot, on Brock St. N., Whitby. TIME..6.52 parn. Gospel Music and -message. Vacancies still exist. 1 t' xour soun or dauigli 1er wotild ike ta attend, or f'or mare m tamnia lýiioni, contact John Siiiiisani at Roin 506 - 221) Yonge Sireet. [Toronto pliite .38-8026. C'amip Wanigonia will also be the scellr le ai H ic l Leadershiip iraining (Camip t'o vo ung aduilts 16 ta -25 veairs a t. age. tirniT'ie.Sday., Atigust 20tlh ta Satti rday, Auigust 3 Ist. Under te di- tec tion o M r. Gardon Black- l'ai c, Onîtario Ilistittite Cor Studies ini Educa îion. and P>rof. BHih [ouîtd, York Uni- vemsity, thte participants %vll be taighîit hw ta tuse their leadership skilts ta best Advan tage. Accomnmodatian for this is iirnited ta 80 participants, total cast is S40.00. Again, vacancies stili exist. The abave leadersip train- ing is representative of niany suich pragranis spanisomed by the Canadian Caunicil af Christians and Jews ini con- junction with the Citi'enship Brandi af, tlecDepartrnent of' te Secretary of State. K£" GOOD GAS MILEAGE TIP NUMBER 2 STOP-AND-START D 'RIVING Frequent stops and stiarts during a trip really eut down on your miles per gallon. Plan even your short shopping trips ta take advantage of through streets ta avoid traffie lights. Pace your driving like the professional drivers ta avoid unnecessary stops. From: Public' Relations Dept., General Motors of Canada Limifed, Oshawa, Ontario, LEGAL, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0F' THE ESTATE 0F ETHEL MAUD H-AMILTON LATE 0F FAIRVIEW LODCE, IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. IN THE REGIONAL MUN- ICIPALITY 0F DURHAM. WlHO DIED ON THE 30TH- DAY 0F MAY, 1974. TAKE NOTICE that ail persons having dlaimis against this Estate are required ta send ta the undernamend their narnes and part iculars af' their lafims oan or belore the 3 1 st day af inN'. 1974, after which date the Estate wiII bc dist ribu ted liaving regard only ta the dlaimns ai' whichi the Execu trix then lias 1natice. Nigel Schilling 121 Brock Street-North WHITBY, Ontario Salicitar for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHIERS- IN THE ESTATE 0F LORNE RAYMOND OSTROM, Ail persans having dlaims against the Estate of LORNE RAYMOND OSTROM, deceased wha died an ar abaut thc 2Sth day of February, 1 973 are requesïed ta send thc particulars ta the undersigned by the 28th day ofAugust, 1974, after which date-the assets wilI be disîributed having regard only ta the claims mcld. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of June, 1974. By METCALFE. BLAINEY & BURNS, 347 Bay Stree t, Toron ta, Ontario, Salicitars for the Adniinistrator. 'I

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